Monday, July 22, 2013

Weird Feeling

After 20 years of teaching at Berwick Elementary, I turned in my keys today, and pick up just a hand full of mementos. I wasn't upset at all because I know God is in control. I found out that the teacher that is probably going to take my place has a Hispanic background.....the one area I was struggling with (my two little deaf Hispanic children). God takes care of everything. I feel really good about my decision today. Now if I could find out where I will be at, then I would feel really good. I guess I will  call tomorrow. They are in no hurry in Jefferson Parish I'll tell ya!

Friday, July 19, 2013

           Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, 
             penetrates walls to arrive at its destination, full of hope.
                                                                                          - Maya Angelou 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer going by too fast..................

Well, I got my babies even before school ended. They have been with me almost 8 weeks. We have had a blast this summer. Traveling, playing, staying up all night, sleeping all day, laughing, giggling, and just loving each other. These boys are just so damn awesome! With them here, I don't think about anything but them....and what we will do for fun next. HA! Reality hit today. I helped Thrifty Girl move into her new classroom at the new school she will be teaching at in the new parish she will be moving too. School is just 3 weeks away from starting. I still have the boys another a week and a half, but I feel the urgency in the air. This is teacher talk for..."I need to start getting my classroom ready, planning, putting up bulletin boards, etc." I don't have to worry bout all that this year, but um......I don't even know what schools I will be at yet...LOL. I'm eerily calm. It has been a good summer. I needed this. I can't even remember the last time I really had this much fun. The boys take my mind off of my worries, hurts, drama in my life. I really don't want them to leave, but I know they must. I guess I will replace it with "new job" worries. This will occupy my mind and keep me busy so that I don't think. Thinking is my worse enemy. It is a thorn in my side. I wish I could just turn off thinking. Then turn it back on when I need to think....wouldn't that be"oh so cool." I read a really neat quote on FB today...actually posted by one of my former students. Of course, it made me think......

               You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

This is my inspiration for now. I'm sailing into uncharted territories, but I have too. The only thing is that when I usually sail into uncharted territories, my ship I am worried. Worried I've made the wrong decisions. I would have never tried this when the kids were young....too risky, but I feel that being single and alone, I would hurt no one but me if the decision is I have nothing to lose...right? Except maybe pride, but what the hell is that when you are miserable anyway. Oh well, I was going to post some pics of our road trip this summer, but I cant figure out how to do it. I hate technology. Ugh!!!!