Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer Vacation 2013 comes to an end today :(

I have to say that this summer has been the best summer I have had in many, many years. Mostly because I had my two little boys with me for 10 whole weeks, but also because I was able to enjoy down time for the first time in as many years. I didn't have to get a classroom ready. Didn't do any inservices. Didn't work on school work. Didn't go to graduate school. All I did was focus on my babies.....and my goodness did it feel good not to even think about school.....of ANY kind. However, all good things must come to an end, and today was my last day of vacation. Tomorrow, I begin a new journey. One that I have been wanting and working towards for about 13 years + years. It is scary, exciting, and nerve racking all balled up into one big emotion that I can't even identify. LOL For the first time in 8 years, all I have is one job....no kids to take care of, no after school care job, no lessson plans to do, no graduate school.....I'm probably going to go stark raving nuts from all the down time!

On a good note....my new job. I am now an Educational Diagnostician for the Jefferson Parish Public School System. Jefferson Parish pretty much surrounds all of the city limits of New Orleans, LA. The city itself is within Orleans Parish, of course. Jefferson is what we call a split parish. Split meaning that the Mississippi River splits it into 2....the East Bank and the West Bank. At this point, I have been assigned to 4 schools....down from 5. I have 2 schools that I will mainly be in charge of all Special Education services. One is on the West Bank of Jefferson and the other is on the East Bank of Jefferson.  Then I will have secondary responsibilities at 3 other schools on the East Bank. I was hoping to be all on one side, but I don't think this will happen. The West Bank of Jefferson has "tougher" schools, so I guess we all have to share those responsibilities. I will also have to help out as needed with our private and charter schools. I am so fricken pumped about this job! I probably will not sleep a wink tonight. However, I will be commuting at first, which means a minimum of 160+ miles of riding in a vehicle. I will try it for a couple of months just to see how it goes. Then I just may get an apartment in NOLA. I love NOLA and I have always wanted to live there. Now I may get the chance. We will see. I will take it easy this first year. I will focus all on my job, since everything is new. Next year, I may look into teaching a couple of classes at the University level since I now am qualified to do so. However, I will want an adjunct position....just to make a few extra bucks. So much change, and I am not a person that enjoys change. 

Ok, I need to go to sleep....Goodbye summer vacation 2013...and Hello 2013-2014 school year!