Monday, March 22, 2010

Sore Losers - Health Care Reform Passed - Shut Up and Get Over It!

Ok, so today is a new day, and the right wing is out and about running their mouths like they usually do when they lose. They have got to be the sorest losers in the world...geez. A wonderful Texas House member screamed out during the debates "Baby Killers" only to have to apologize today for his screaming tirade. You see, President Obama has already taken care of that if this idiot would have bothered to READ, but I think he did know. That is how these morons confuse the hell out of the public. However, Obama had already issued an executive order guaranteeing that the bill would not change limits on funding for abortions (CNN). So his outbursts was basically to skew the real information. I quess he was mad that he would not be getting any kickbacks from the insurance company lobbiest.
The next thing.......10 states are going to sue over the bill. Baaaahahahahahahah! I'm like, go ahead morons, waste your hard earned money! And get this, all 10 states are lead by a Republican Governor (imagine that). Why are they sueing? The bill is unconstitutional. What I told you? The republicans love to use the constitution. It will make the news and probably go all the way to the Supreme Court. Their argument is that it is unconstitutional to require people to purchase health care. Provisions have been made for the poor and disadvantage, and for families who make $88, 000 or less. I'm like, wait a minute.....if they are sueing over that, maybe we should look at all those taxes pulled out of peoples checks. Is it unconstitutional to pay FICA and Medicare Taxes? Is it unconstituional when the state makes you pay insurance on your vehicle or state taxes? I don't think it will really happen......again they are running their mouths with no basis to sue, but if they do, it will be a big waste of money. Good grief, they are such sore losers.

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