Friday, January 11, 2013


Ok, so all you peeps who read my blog know I have been aggravated that they closed schools for 2 days for bad weather ....right? On Wednesday, we did not get any rain, but we had the day off. Thursday was pretty nasty, so ok.....I'll give them that. So back to school today. We had only a 20% chance of rain for today. Well guess what? That entire 20% fell in Berwick. Of course! Since I am also in charge of our After School Care Program, I am at school until 5:30 P.M. It has rained all day long. Although our pumps are powerful and drain out the water very quickly, the pumps couldn't keep up. The canal you see in the picture below is 4th Street. The water is half way up the parking lot. I am standing in the door of our After School Care room. That is the Berwick Public Library across the street. Parents are having a rough time picking up their kids. So, now we have to make up the 2 days we missed. They have decided to add 15 minutes to the end of the day beginning January 22 through April 12. Ho Hum....I know you guys are probably thinking ....that isn't bad! Those 15 minutes feel like 15 hours...I kid you not. Oh well, what can we do? It could be worse. Looked at the predicted weather for the weekend and next week.....more rain coming. And 2/3 of the US is under drought conditions? I wish I could send them some of our rain! Unbelievable!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Now, I'm aggravated.

Ok, so we closed schools due to a severe weather alert. I have sat in my house all day......and not one drop of rain yet. Now, they cancelled schools again.....for a severe weather alert. That is 2 days we will have to make up....for what!? This is crazy!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

There is a first time for everything.

Well, strangest thing. Our Superintendent closed all St. Mary Parish Public Schools tomorrow due to a severe weather alert. This is a first. Although this Superintendent doesn't wait to the last minute, he usually doesn't jump the gun either. I'm wondering if they have information we don't. We've had Superintendents leave school open during a tropical storm, so  I'm just wondering what this is all about. I looked at the weather forecast and I just don't understand......lots of rain yes, but we always have rain. They are talking about severe weather on Thursday....60 to 70 miles winds, but still.......Oh well, we have a day off I guess.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013

Well, here we go......another new year. It will take me until at least June to write 2013. I will forget, and put 2012 until then..HA. The holidays were really good. On Friday, the 21st of December, the Princess and my to two little grandsons left Lake Charles on the "Polar Express" (Amtrac) destined for New Orleans. Of course, the train was late! They arrived 2 hours late, and literally ruined them ever wanting to ride a train again..HA. They were so excited to see Grammy waiting at the train depot for them. I had already gone to the Doubletree in downtown New Orleans, checked in, and gotten everything ready for our 3 days in NOLA. We grabbed a bite to eat, and brought some back to the room, but for the most part we were all tired. I walked across the street to Harrahs after everyone was asleep. Played for a short time, but was too tired to do any good, so I walked back across the street and went to bed. By far, the Doubletree has the best location of any hotel I've stayed at in NOLA. It is right smack in the middle of everything. After we woke up, ate a little breakfast, the Princess and the boys walked down the NO Children's Museum. They had so much fun. Grammy went back to Harrahs and played a little more Baccarat. By the time they got back, they were so exhausted that the Princess thought they wouldn't make it through Celebration in the Oaks at City Park, so we decided to go to Laferenierre Park in Kenner, which has a drive through light show. We did not make it out of the city before both were sound asleep in the backseat, so we turned around and went back to the hotel. On Sunday we walked to Cafe' Dumone, walked through St. Louis Cathedral where Happy Handsome Helper  ask Princess if the holy water scares away the vampires....HA. We walked around Jackson Square, then walked down Royal and found the Marie Laveau Vampire Museum.....that was a waste of time and dumb. Scared my boys half to death for not much...LOL. Then we started walking back......the boys had their first walk down Boubon the day time HA. We made it back to Canal and down to the Doubletree. They waited while Grammy went to get the van, then we took off for La Madeline's for lupper. We ate lupper, then headed for City Park. Thanks goodness we went early. Not only did we get the best parking spot, the boys got to play in their favorite park. They had a blast at the park, touring the Christmas lights, and spending time riding the carousel and all the rides in Storyland. It was everything I had hoped for. They were so tired, but they had a blast. Kristian wants to make going to Celebration in the Oaks a yearly tradition. I say yay!!! On Monday, Dec. 24, we woke up, checked out, and headed for Toy R Us and Whole Foods, then came home to Grammy's for a small party and wait on Santa. They got to open up plenty of presents from family, and they played and had a blast while Grammy cooked our food. Then off to bed they went only to bounce us out of bed the next morning to electric scooters and the Wii! Santa sure was good! Grammy cooked all day and they played and played with all their new stuff. They went and spent two nights at Thifty Girls and also played with Gaming Geek. On the 27th Grammy picked them up and headed for a few days in Biloxi. Grammy had a blast playing at the IP, and they ran Mommy and Grammy broke playing in the arcade! Princess took them to the beach to fly his new helicoper and play with their remote control cars but the wind was too strong and it was too cold. That night we went eat, after we ate, Princess and the boys went back to the arcade, while Grammy went back tot he room to hide all Happy Handsome Helpers B-Day presents. We sang him "Happy Bday" as he hunted around the room for all his hidden presents. After Biloxi, Princess and boys spent to days at Paw Paws and Maw Maws where they got to open up more Christmas presents and had another birthday party for the Happy Handsome Helper. They came back to Grammy's on New Year's Eve. The weeks activities were much so, the boys ask their mom to go home....LOL.....that was a first! We were all in bed by 11 PM.....we all totally skipped staying up for midnight....HA. They stayed until today, and I brought them home. I got big kisses, and sweet good byes, then I headed home. I have another week off......thank god, cuz I need it. So here we are......all ready for 2013. I always say to myself that I hope this year is better than the last. As my blog title says, Que Sera, Sera.....the future is not ours to see, what will be will be. I wonder what 2013 will bring to me and my family. I am hoping all those things that mean so much to, spending time together, making memories, peace, joy, happiness, and hope.....yea, that is what I want for the new year.