Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hurricane Isaac - Final Post

Ok, back in Berwick, and in my own bed, sipping my own coffee, listening to the left over rain showers from Hurricane Isaac. No damange, just a lot of leaves and branches all over the porch, and of course, a saturated ground, but it was saturated before this. Tropical Storm Isaac has now moved north of us, and thus far, we have school tomorrow. Thrify girl said that the radio said that Franklin and Centerville (her school) does not have electricity due to power outages, but I told her to keep an eye out on the website. I would only believe what is on the website at this point. Ok, now that all this crap is over.....I'ma take a nap! ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hurricane Isaac Post #6

Ok, so everything is fine here in least at our house. See pics below:

Ok, so we had to laugh....this was the only damage at my aunt and uncles house. 1 measley stalk of bamboo. But I quit laughing when I saw these pics, which is not even 1 mile from here.....see below :(.

This is Cato - right in front of Wal-Mart in Thibodaux.

This is Norms Daiquiri Shop in Thibodaux - On Canal Blvd - in between McDonalds and Raising Canes.

Gaming Geek did call and said everything is fine at home in Berwick. I'll be heading back there soon. We just got will resume tomorrow....yay! We lost 3 of our emergency days, but better than having to make up days. Blog again from home (in Berwick) lata!
Peace Out!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tropical Storm Isaac Post #5

Ok, so like I think Isaac like south LA. He keeps sticking around. It took the eye 8 hours to leave Thibodaux, but still is just in Donaldsonville! I did hear that Berwick has electricity again. We are never without electricity long. Haven't heard from Gaming Geek lately, guess he is sleeping. Watching the radar, Berwick spent most of the afternoon in the core of the eye; however, it was the weak side....thank goodness. Most of the bad weather has been north and west of Berwick and Thibodaux. You may be wondering what Susan has been up to. Well, we have been channel flipping on the TV....looking at the different stations, and watching the RNC convention in Tampa. We can't leave it on there too or all of us get pissed off. Those people a seriously whacked! Oh, and we also heard from their famous "big mouth"....the Rush Limbaugh. He said that the President should send all the money down here to build them levies and then the democrats should come down to protect them sending the money and get washed away by a hurricane. That man it a total whackadoo. I have also been working on my NSU work. I just took a test.....100%! Yeee Haw!!! On to Chapter 3. OOOOO....hold that thought. My Uncle just came told me that Rachel Madow is fixing to interview Newt Gingrich....gotta take a break to watch that! She will chew him up and spit him out! Yippppeeeeeee!

Hurricane Isaac Post #4

We are currently in the eye of Hurricane Isaac. We still have the other half to go. It is moving at a snails pace, which is more of a problem than the wind. My NOLA looks in good shape.Seems like the federal government finally built the right levies to protect NOLA. Gaming Geek went by my place a little while ago and he said everything is looking fine. No damage ..... Yay!!! . They have cancelled schools in St. Mary for Thursday also, so maybe we will go back to school Friday. Amazingly, we still have power here in Thibodaux. It flickered on and off last night, but the generator kicked in. I did get a few hours sleep, but we all good. Here is a few pics.....I just stuck my head out the door and took pictures of what it looks like in the eye of Isaac.

Everything is very calm in the eye of Hurricane Isaac.

The most coverted item....the generator...LOL!

Just some leaves down....LOL. I'll take that!!!
Ok, will blog again later!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hurricane Isaac Post #3

Well, it seems like this is going to take forever for this storm to come on shore, but the winds are already causing damange. It doesn't seem like a strong storm but it is moving slow.....that is going to be the problem.

In Berwick. A friend of mine sent this to me a second ago.
I can't tell what is going on here in Thibodaux. The windows are all boarded up!

Hurricane Isaac Post # 2

Ok peeps, I'm ready...............

Computer covered and cubby ready! Classrooms ....check!

House I'm staying in is boarded up (thanks Uncle Dan and Randy) and van in protected area.....check!

Clouds are starting to roll in. Light wind.
Ewe.....they all agree now!

                                                                   Pretty impresive image!

Well, the lights are already blinking.....electricity already?
Let me hurry up and post......I will continue updates as I can!

Tropical Storm/Hurricane Issac Post #1

Ok, got the kids all situated.....Thifty Girl is headed to Lafayette with Card Shark. Gaming Geek is staying here.....but at a friends house. I need to get what I want to take and go. I'm headed to Thibodaux with my aunt and uncle. Their house is sturdy + they have a generator big enough to run the whole house.....I'm good. I'll blog again when I can!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Where is Berwick, LA?

Berwick, LA

Everything below Berwick is pretty much marsh, which is actually pretty cool. Marsh and barrier islands can take the full brunt of  the storm surge instead of our houses.

Some pics around Berwick:

Town of Berwick Lighthouse

Probably our most known landmark...the Southwest Reef Lighthouse sits on the bank of the Atchafalya River.

Berwick Elementary - one of the schools I work at. This is what we call the "old building". My classrooms are in this building. It was built in 1927 and has held up through many hurricanes with little to no damage. At one time, this building housed grades 1-12. You can't see it, but it say "Berwick High School" at the top. Now, it houses Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Hearing Impaired (my classrooms) down stairs, and 5th grade and the library upstairs. All other grades are in the newer building in the back. I always think....."if walls could talk, the stories they could tell." LOL!

 The sea wall....this is one of the many gates that will close as the hurricane approaches. Hopefully this will protect us from the powerful storm surge. After the Katrina mess, they have been checked thoroughly to make sure they are up to code.

A beautiful picture of the light house, the new US 90 bridge (Lionel Grazaffi Bridge) and the old US 90 bridge in the background (Huey P. Long bridge).

The bell in front of town hall.

Bayou Teche

Ho, hum..............I hate hurricanes.

Is this the calm before the storm?

Well, looks like we have Hurricane Issac to contend with. Yep, most of the computer models have it coming right at us. Delightful.

I live right on the coast ("as the crow flies" - about 7 miles from the Gulf of Mexico) in a small town called Berwick, LA.
 The above map is the most recent run of the computer guidance models, but to be honest they have be all over the place. Issac has been had to forecast.  I have been through many hurricanes before, and it always amazes me that there is an eary "calm before the storm." You can go outside at night, and the wind is calm, and there is dead silence. No crickets chirping, dog barking, coyotes howling.......just complete silence. It is like everything has left the area. Weird. I'm not ready to pack up and leave just yet. First of all, they have not cancelled school. Governor Jindal has called a state of emergency for LA, but he is only calling for voluntary evacuations at this time. The National Hurricane Center is predicting Biloxi, MS (subject to change), which would put us on the "good side" of the storm. Like Katrina, we would get some rain and wind, but nothing to the magnitude that Biloxi, Gulfport, and NOLA got. If the National Hurricane Center keep moving it more west, then the worse it will be for us. It would also not be good for NOLA because like Katrina, the storm would push all of the storm surge into Lake Ponchatrain. Hopefully the Army Corp of Engineers have built better levies. Governor Jindal has also put the LA National Guard on stand by....ready to be deployed wherever they are needed. Our police chief, who is a good friend of mine, and the mayor of Berwick has already planned a meeting to plan for a possible direct hit from Issac. And what is Susan doing to prepare? Nothing. Every time a hurricane heads this way, I pack up and head out. Not only does it cost a small fortune, but it is physically and mentally exhausting. You are in traffic for hours upon hours....moving 2 miles an hour. It is horrible. We have decided to take our chances this go round. I plan to go to my aunts. If my aunt and uncle decide to leave, then I am going to my friend house in Country Club across the street. So "put up your dukes" Issac! I'm ready for ya!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Funny that I discussed retirement in my last post....guess what I got in the mail today?! I got in my teacher retirement account statement!!!!! I cannot believe this, but at the end of this school year, I could retire!!!! I did some "figuring." My plans have always been to retire when I was at 59; however, the more I look at this, it may be smart to retire now!!!! The reason I wanted to retire at 59 was simple....DROP and they figure your retirement based on your 3 highest paid years, which usually works out to be your last 3 years. DROP stands for Deferred Retirement Options Plan; basically, you retire, but keep working. They take your retirement check and invest it into the stock market. Most teachers walk away with a hefty check at the end of those 3 years.  However, the difference between retiring  at the end of this year and the end of year 25 (which is when I would go into DROP) is 1000 a month. Yes that does sound like a lot, but it really isn't. If I retired at the end of this year, then go to work in another state (southern Mississippi is looking really good right now), or go to work for a private school system, I could draw my retirement check from the State of LA and draw a full paycheck from my job! What would that do? Well, I could create my own DROP account. Who says I have to wait on the State of LA? I could live off of my paycheck, and sock away my retirement check, or I could also invest it if I wanted. When I am ready to retire, I would have a nice size saving more than triple what I would get from DROP. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, lots to think about!

Friday, August 24, 2012

I'm so, I'm exhausted.

Ok, so this week has been one of those weeks where retirement is looking pretty good. Paper work, absent interpreters, school drama, 2 open houses, make for a long week. Would you believe I actually fell out of my chair at school today? Yep, I was working with my little student, and I couldn't remember what time I was suppose to send him to lunch, so I scooted my chair (it has wheels) backwards towards my desk, and I guess one of the wheels got caught on an extension cord because the chair slipped right out from under me, and I ended up flat on my butt. My little student busted out laughing, and one of my interpreters and our audiologist came running to see if I was ok, I just sat there laughing and said, "Gosh, it is time for this week and day to end."

I am so tired of the rain. Since we have been in school, I do not think we have had one normal recess. It is pouring right now. We also have another tropical storm to watch. As of right now, they are predicting it to go into the panhandle of Florida. I don't want to wish anything like this on anybody, but I really don't want it here either. Everyone is dying for rain, and we are drowning here.

Nothing exciting planned for this weekend. I need to go into school and work on paperwork. I do not have time during the week to get it all done. If I go in, I can get it all done with little to no interruptions, and next week will be a little easier. Next weekend is a 3 day weekend. I need some play time. I will plan nothing, but fun for next weekend.

Fixing to go to sleep. I know. It is a Friday night Susan. However, I'm exhausted. I would be no fun tonight. To top it off, I also have the "sniffles." I took some meds and I'm going to sleep right after I dring a nice warm cup of coffee with my favorite vanilla-caramel creamer in it. Ahhhhhhhhh, my life does "rock" sometime!

Nite blog world!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Paperwork Overload

Ok, took the weekend off to spend with my friend who left to return home after being laid off from his job. God only knows when I will be able to see him again, so I justified not going into school at all this weekend...HA! Well, didn't get in until midnight Sunday night, so the alarm clock was not what I wanted to hear bright and early Monday morning. Somehow, I drug myself out of bed and to school. I had so much to do that I feel like I didn't even make a dent in all that I had to do. When I got home Monday afternoon, I went straight to bed, slept all night, but was still tired when I got up this morning. I had an interpreter out again today, so I put the sub with my student, and I was with the PreK peeps again. Exhausting is all I can say. After school, I had After School Care until 5:30. Open House for parents began at 6PM, so I left After School Care and went straight to my room. I had to stay in my room until 7:30. I only had one parent show up, so most of the time I worked on NSU stuff. Oh will be hell to finish these 3 classes for this Specialist Degree. Not because it is hard, but because I am so tired of  "bettering myself" for the measly little raise I get in return. My intentions were not for the raise, but for another position, which politics took care of that, so I'm like.....what was the point of all this work. I finally crawled in the front door at 7:45. Now, I cannot go to sleep. I think I'm too tired to go to sleep. Is that possible? The rest of this week looks the same. I have Open House at BJHS Thursday night, and tons of paperwork, and NSU work. I wonder if there is a way to rewind the clock back to summer?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Random Happenings

OMG I miss my boys!!! Haven't talk to them all week....I need to call them, but I have been so exhausted that I don't even want to fix me anything to eat when I get home. Precious Princess sent me a pic of them on the first day that both of them went to school.
First Day of School for both of my little men!
I wanted to cry when I got this pic :( Then Happy Handsome Helper came home from school the other day and told his mom, "Mom, my teacher is crazy!" Mom says, "Why is she crazy?" Happy Handsome Helper says, "Because she keeps telling me what to do! That's crazy!" LOL! The joys of 1st Grade...HA! The teacher sent home a sheet where she had them practice writing his name. My daughter just had to send that to Grammy. He wrote his name upside down, and backwards!
Upside down, and backwards! The SPED teacher in me says dyslexia.
Even though the SPED teacher in me is screaming dyslexia, I do realize that young children often do write their name backwards, but upside down AND backwards? Maybe he is gifted! HA! A lot of times, this fixes itself as they age.

Thrifty Girl had an interesting day. Two of her students got Saturday detention, and she had a fight in her classroom. YEE HAW! We have been in school only 6 days. However, she is doing great thus far.Staying in touch with her parents, and laying the law down. She only has one rough class, so at least that is not bad.

I have an interpreter who will be absent tomorrow, so I'm putting the sub with my student and I will be with my PreK boys. I need to get extra sleep tonite and eat my "Wheaties" in the morning!' Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!

I got a chance to visit with my friend last night. He was laid off from his job yesterday. I am sad. We knew it was coming, but I was hoping it would be extended. At this point, he is looking for a job, but if he cannot find one rather quickly, he has plans to open a convenience store. He will be moving back to his home state of North Carolina in the next few days. He is excited to be able to spend time with his boys. He has missed them so much, and I know they must be excited Daddy is headed home. I am trying very hard to stay strong and smile, but we have gotten to know each other quite well, and I hate he is moving over 1,000 miles away. Although he says we will stay in touch, I know time, distance, and life will happen, and before you know it, he will be just a memory. It has happened so many times in my life that I know the signs like the "back of my hand." HA. O' well, this is another case where all I can say is "Que Sera, Sera."

Nite blog world!

Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm in Pain

Well, our little guys showed up.....4 out of 5 bounced into school this morning. By 9AM, 3 out of the 4 adults were totally whipped. Yep, one little bitty 4 year old had us totally whipped. Without getting into details, one of my interpreters has a bruised knee, another has severe shoulder pain, and I have a bruised knee, and pain in my hip and back. I think we are all getting too old for this. My supervisor is coming in tomorrow to hopefully see about getting us some help. There is no way we can handle those 5 boys with 2 people. Tomorrow, the boys do not come. It is girls day, and thank goodness I do not have any girls. We need tomorrow to recuperate from today; however, they are precious. Give us a couple of months and they will all be different children. And people think teachers have it easy.......pffffffft!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

True to "form"

It doesn't take me anytime to get back into a school routine. I wake up, dress, walk out the door (at 7:15 on duty days 7:45 on non duty days), follow my routine at BES, do the same at BJHS, tend to After School Care, go home, crawl in my bed to relax, get up, eat a little sumfin, clean up, bathe, then go to bed. BAM! Weekends are open to anything.......except I really like to sleep late, and I managed to do that this week too! However, I did spend both Saturday and Sunday at school during the day. There is just so much that needed to be done. I did what I could, but I just get to the rest during the week.

I did get a chance to meet up with a friend Saturday night. It was nice to just "chill" and enjoy a night out. Didn't come in til 1AM though....HA!

Called my babies on Saturday. Happy Handsome Helper started school Friday. He was so excited. Cheesy Super Hero said...."I love you too Grammy!" I said, "I love you too my little man!" He said, "Love you lots and lots!" Then Grammy said, "Love you lots and lots!" Then he threw the phone down, and ran off to play. I just love them kids!

On another strange note, I finally heard from my long lost friend. He said he is leaving LA sometime this month, but he is not sure when. I use to say I was gonna miss the jerk, but not anymore cuz I never see him. As usual, he talked only when he had nothing else to do. At least, I know he is still alive. HA!

O well, I have had enough relaxation time. I need to wash some clothes and get ready for the week.

Peace out Peeps!

Friday, August 10, 2012

3 days down, 179 to go!

HA! No, I'm really not counting down the days until next summer. Our first 3 days went well. The kids were excited to be back at school, so that is great. On Monday, my 5 Pre-K and K boys begin. I'm wearing my tennis shoes for sure! Both Thrifty Girl and I have school work to do this weekend, but we don't plan on doing this every weekend. There is just so much that needs to be done that it is impossible to get it all done during the school day. Other than that (and sleeping late of course), I'm trying to decide what I will do for the weekend. Text me and give me some ideas peeps!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Beginning of the School Year Jitters?

What is the deal? For the last 19 years, I have always had the beginning of the school year jitters (nervous, can't sleep, thinking through all the things I need to do, etc....just like the kids). I don't have the jitters this year!? What in the world is wrong with me? I'm like.....lalalalalala......another school year.....lalalala. I asked Thrifty Girl if she was stressed...."No." Ok, so I don't have the beginning of the school year jitters, Thrifty Girl does not have the beginning of the school year jitters, and you would think that we both would be shaking in our shoes from the inservice we got on Monday (more on that in a sec), but neither of us are worried...lalalalalala...strange! Now, if I get loads of sleep tonite......I must be sick or something. I never sleep the night before school starts. I don't know, this is a strange start....spooky.

Now, back to that inservice. St. Mary is super great about bringing in motivational speakers at the beginning of the year to get all 900+ of us teachers all pumped up and excited about school. However, this year, we were greeted with a lawyer. Yep, your reading right.....a LAWYER. All these new rules and regulations passed this past June by our wonderful republican lead legislature seems to warrant a lawyer to explain the legal issue to teachers. Oh, I am very thankful that St. Mary brought in the lawyer. I like to hear things from the "houses mouth." His presentation reminded us of some things we already knew, but he also talked the new up and coming things, such as tenure, the new teacher evaluation, sick leave, etc. Afterwards, our very own Human Resource director spoke to us, and tried to clarify other issues. He reminded us "seasoned teachers" that education is like a full circle, it keeps making a complete 360 with new politicians. However, I am going to make a predication right here and now. Yep, I'm putting it in black and white, because I know this will come to pass.

For years, politicians have been elected on the backs of "education reform." However, in the last few years, it seems teachers in general have been made the scapegoats for all that is lacking in education. Oh don't get me wrong....their are bad teachers out there; however, the majority of us live, breathe, eat, and sleep our teaching profession. Bad schools, bad teachers, bad administrators, etc. all are to blame for poor education. The answers has been put in place by the Jindal administration.....use public funds to give students vouchers to attend private schools that will not be held to the same standards public school students are being held, take away the teachers tenure....that way we can go back to the good ole days when principals could fire a good, competent teacher only to hire his mistress, or do a "favor" for a friend, etc. Take away extended sick teachers can only have a baby every 6 years (you are granted 30 days extended sick leave every 6 years). May I remind everyone that the majority of teachers are women. You can hire a teacher on a monthly basis if you job security there. They are already playing around with our retirement accounts, I'm sure they will want to change that too somehow. The list goes on. Here is my predication: Teachers are going to begin leaving the field of education like a herd of cattle in a stampede. Yep. College education programs are going to dry up because no one would dare go into a field where you are berated and blamed for all of society ills. It will happen. Being a teacher is hard enough these days without our legislature beating us up, taking away our protection, and stripping us of benefits we need to take care of our own families. So get ready people, there really will be bad teaches in the classroom because all of the good teachers will walk away. Not because we want to, but because cannot work under those conditions. It's sad. In 20 years, I watched the teaching profession tumble like a boulder down a mountain. It is crazy. Mark my a few years, they will be hiring  warm bodies.........people with little to no education to teach because they will not be able to find anyone stupid enough to want to be part of "education reform." Unbelievable........just unbelievable.

On the home front, took today off to bring my Aunt to Ochsner's in NOLA. Doc said she is doing great, and she will see her in 3 months! Yay! I know she is 81, but she has to start feeling better. She has to live many more years.

I miss my boys :( I think I'ma call them. I also miss my friend. I haven't heard from him in several weeks. I don't know what is going on, but obviously he doesn't want to talk to me about it. I'll just keep praying for him, and hopefully he will realize his potential and change his life. He is suppose to leave LA sometime this month. I just pray everything is alright.

Ok, blog world.....Peace Out!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Back to Work I Go!

Ok, back to work tomorrow. Meeting my peeps for breakfast at Shoneys to get all "pumped up" for a new school year.

I'm glad I took a break this summer, but it wasn't what I wanted it to be. Hopefully, I will plan better next year.

I registered for 2 classes at NSU yesterday. Looks like I will put myself through hell again, but I'm almost done.

Looks like we will not have to worry bout those Tropical Storms out in the Atlantic/Carribean. I hope it stays that way all season.

Don't know how often I will be able to update, so to those of you who have followed my summer, hope you enjoyed my daily post. I know that my next 2 days will be crazy busy. Not only do I have stuff to do for myself, I will be helping Thrifty Girl ....she is still very sick. What a way to start the school year eh? With a full time job, a part time job, and 6 hours of graduate school, I will be doing good if I get 4 hours a sleep a night. I will try to update every weekend at the least.

Peace Out Blog World!

Two Choices?

Two Choices
What would you do? make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice?
At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question:
'When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection.

Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?' The audience was stilled by the query.

The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, who was mentally and physically disabled comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child.' Then he told the following story:

Shay and I had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, 'Do you think they'll let me play?' I knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but as a father I also understood that if my son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps.

I approached one of the boys on the field and asked (not expecting much) if Shay could play. The boy looked around for guidance and said, 'We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning..'

Shay struggled over to the team's bench and, with a broad smile, put on a team shirt.. I watched with a small tear in my eye and warmth in my heart. The boys saw my joy at my son being accepted.

In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three.

In the top of the ninth inning, Shay put on a glove and played in the right field. Even though no hits came his way, he was obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and on the field, grinning from ear to ear as I waved to him from the stands.

In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shay's team scored again.

Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential winning run was on base and Shay was scheduled to be next at bat.

At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?

Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible because Shay didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, much less connect with the ball.

However, as Shay stepped up to the plate, the pitcher, recognizing that the other team was putting winning aside for this moment in Shay's life, moved in a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shay could at least make contact.
The first pitch came and Shay swung clumsily and missed.
The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly towards Shay.

As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.

The game would now be over.

The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman.

Shay would have been out and that would have been the end of the game..

Instead, the pitcher threw the ball right over the first baseman's head, out of reach of all team mates.

Everyone from the stands and both teams started yelling, 'Shay, run to first! Run to first!'

Never in his life had Shay ever run that far, but he made it to first base.

He scampered down the baseline, wide-eyed and startled.

Everyone yelled, 'Run to second, run to second!'

Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran towards second, gleaming and struggling to make it to the base.

By the time Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder had the ball . The smallest guy on their team who now had his first chance to be the hero for his team.

He could have thrown the ball to the second-baseman for the tag, but he understood the pitcher's intentions so he, too, intentionally threw the ball high and far over the third-baseman's head.

Shay ran toward third base deliriously as the runners ahead of him circled the bases toward home.

All were screaming, 'Shay, Shay, Shay, all the Way Shay'

Shay reached third base because the opposing shortstop ran to help him by turning him in the direction of third base, and shouted, 'Run to third!

Shay, run to third!'

As Shay rounded third, the boys from both teams, and the spectators, were on their feet screaming, 'Shay, run home! Run home!'

Shay ran to home, stepped on the plate, and was cheered as the hero who hit the grand slam and won the game for his team

'That day', said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, 'the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of true love and humanity into this world'.

Shay didn't make it to another summer. He died that winter, having never forgotten being the hero and making me so happy, and coming home and seeing his Mother tearfully embrace her little hero of the day!


A wise man once said every society is judged by how it treats it's least fortunate amongst them.

May your day, be a Shay Day.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sniff, Sniff :(

No boys to snuggle with tonight :( I will get to see them tomorrow before they go home. Precious Princess always gets a hotel room when she comes down, so they are sleeping with mommy tonight... Happy Handsome Helper wanted me to stay at the hotel with them, but I had gone swimming with them, and I didn't bring a change a clothes. Good thing...cuz those alligator tears would have made me stay. I told them that I was going home so I can cook them breakfast in the morning...their favorite - eggs and bacon. That pacified them somewhat..HA.

So I came home, went straight to the bathroom to take a bathe and guess what........................?
Thrifty Girl and Teddy are in my bed!!! Thrifty girl is having allergy sniffles, so I still have someone in my bed. I keep telling hard head to use my Flucticozone, but she won't. She can't stand it draining in her throat and she taste it. So she rather be sick? Nut.  I started with the sniffles this morning, and I sprayed two times and poof all gone.

OK, haven't been too interested, but it looks like we have a "Tropical Storm soon to be Hurricane Ernesto" to start watching. I don't feel like it ....grrrrrrrr. If I lived in a house, I would NOT leave! I hate leaving for a hurricane! Hours on the cost a fortune, and most of the time, we didn't need to leave. I'm contemplating where I could hide out if it heads this way. Ugh!

Well blog world....stay tuned. Nite.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Okay, I admit.....I missed my peeps!

Okay, long story short...One of my Transliterators wanted us to get together as a group to sort of pump us all up for another school year. So I group texted all of them and only 3 answered, one suggested a breakfast, then everything just died. Well one decided tonite to "incite a text war"...literally....over 100 group text messages. At one point, I went to fix the boys ice cream....came back....and I had 55 text messages waiting for me! They are some crazy __itches...hehe. Just this conversation tonite has pumped me up. And to think I wanted another I would neva have this much fun anywhere else. Now I'm ready for the school year to begin. I feel like the "Little Engine that Could"....."I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..."

Well, the boys last nite here with the Grammy. I'm sad. I wish they didn't live so far away. I hate it. I will miss them :(  They are already saying they don't wanna go. I need a break, but I would take them back next week....HA!

Oh well, I'm pooped..... I think I'm going to sleep....early ....for once. HA Nite blog world.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Winding down Summer Vacation

Well, it is almost over....summer vacation. All St. Mary Parish teachers report to work on Monday. Students come on Wednesday. I guess I'm ready. Precious Princess called and said she won't be here until Saturday. The boys are glad..HA. My house is going to be so eerily quiet when they leave; although, I don't find them loud.

Didn't do much today. Slept late. Went to school to get some school supplies for the boys. Took them to the park under the bridge, then to Pharr Park. It was so hot, but they played a little. They were ready to leave when I said, "let's go boys." No complaining. They are some air condition babies, but so is Grammy. We came home, I fixed supper and a special dessert....cupcakes...HA!

Ok blog world....Im out!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

So, So Day.

Got up around 9. The boys were still sleeping, so while they were still sleeping, I decided to run some errands. I told Gaming Geek to keep his ears open.When you out and about, and your a teacher, you run into old students, parents, etc. A quick errand turns into a 2 hour errand...ugh. If I ever move, I will make sure I do not live in the same town that I work ...HA! When I got back, the boys were just waking up. Thrifty Girl and card Shark was leaving to go work at school. I told them I would see them later. I cooked the boys breakfast, relaxed, then packed snacks/drinks, got them in the van, and headed to Thrifty Girls School. We got a good bit done, but she still has so much to do. We left school at about 4:30, and the boys wanted McDonalds, so I took them to the one in MC with the game systems and Play Place. We stayed about an hour, then we came on home. When I got home Card Shark told the  boys to go swimming with his little brother, so I got them dressed and over we went. They swam about 2 hours, now they are eating supper. I'm pooped.

Precious Princess is coming to get them on Friday. I don't know if she is planning on staying all weekend, but I'm ready for a few days to myself. I'm going to miss them little ones, but Grammy is exhausted. LOL

Ok world, I'm out! Nite!