Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring Break 2010

I have needed this week so bad. Spring Break for teachers in St. Mary Parish is late this year due to that misserable testing week. We were all exhausted and on each others nerves in the Hearing Impaired Classroom. It was way past time for a break. When we return on Monday, we have LA Week at school. Guess who is in charge of that? Yep, of course me and my Cued Speech Transliterors. It will be another busy week, but we only have 3 1/2 weeks left before school ends. I don't know if I'm going to be teaching summer school yet. I sent in the application last Thursday, so I'm sure we will be finding out towards the middle of the month in May. I will not be heartbroken if I don't teach summer school. I am only doing it for my students. I really have nothing too much going on other than school and work. Same ole same-o.....clean house, cook, eat, sleep. When I'm off of school, my schedule gets turned upside down. I am not a morning person, so I sleep late, then stay up late. Before you know it, my days and nights are completely turned around. I'm like a energy level increases with sundown...haha. So, I forced myself to stay up all dayyesterday. I finally went to sleep about 9 last night, but I slept until 11. So that didn't work out to well....haha. I'm going to Lake Charles with Katie tonight. She has a friend who is playing music at some bar out there, so I'm the driver. I told her that I would go and try out the new casino out there, then pick them up. It is a 3 hour ride there and back, so I'm not looking forward to that, but I'm glad she asked me to go. I would be up anyway worrying about her driving that far in an old car. I had bloodwork done for my surgery last week. A little high in the sugar and cholestral levels, but considering my weight, I'm pretty healthy, which is surprising because of my weight. I can wait to have my surgery. I want this weight off. Hopefully, by this time next year, I will be sporting a skinnier verson of me :) Katie has decided to diet with me. I told her that I would pay her entrance fee and first month fee to the Aspen Clinic. She decided to do it so we need to get her signed up soon. I hope she can lose the weight so that she does not go through what I'm going through at 48. O well, I need to get ready for our trip to Lake Charles. So long for now.

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