Monday, September 6, 2010

I Need a Day Off to Rest from my Day Off

I cannot believe how fast this weekend has passed. I did rest on Saturday, but Sunday was non stop and so was today. I did get to see my babies twice. We played about 3 to 4 hours in the pool on Friday and today. They are so cute. The oldest thinks he is 15 and wanted to "rough house" with the older kids in the pool, but my sweet baby was deathly afraid of the water. He would get in on the top step, play a little and hop out, run around the pool hitting the older kids with a "noodle." At one point, the oldest was playing with the youngest with the noodle. He would pretend that he was drowning and the youngest had to "save" him with the "noodle." Well, I was waiting for it to happen and it did......the oldest pulled on the "noodle" too hard  and the youngest fell in head first into the deepest part of the pool. He had on his floaties, so he was floating and screaming (ie; not drowning) and once i calmed him down, i just coaxed him over to the side of the pool and clapped and made a big deal out of what a "big boy" he was. He climbed up that ladder and walked to the steps proud as a peacock, but he still wouldn't get in. I felt so bad for him.....I finally got in with him. I played and played with him and by the end of the day, he was floating, and holding only one of my hands. Much progress......we started out with his arms wrapped around my neck in a choke hold and his feet around my we had made mucho progress! I just love those kids! Other than that, I spent the weekend worrying bout my youngest child. New "hot" boyfriend seems to be a "jerk wad" big time. She is always upset and biting my head off. I am sitting here waiting on them to get home to give them both a piece of my mind....and as the time gets later, the madder I get.....we have school tomorrow and I am tired. I shouldn't have to tell my 22 year old that it is time to come home. However, I have a feeling they are trying to come in late to avoid me, but the joke is on them......I'm waiting on matter what time it is. Saga continued tomorrow........................

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Slowly Overcoming Exhaustion

My first day of our 3 day weekend was spent pretty much sleeping. I woke up around 8, stayed up for a couple of hours, then went back and laid down and slept to 4 PM. Everyone is in the "Shrimp and Petroleum Festival" mood, but I am not. Everything at that festival is a fortune, so I think I will stay home and save my money. My aunt and "buddy" is coming in to town tomorrow to go to the annual Art Show at the festival. My aunt won a 2nd place, 3rd place, and an honorable mention. I am so happy she won. I also hope she sells them all! I really have nothing much planned. I plan on catching up on some paperwork for school so that I can have a less stressful week. I am hoping to get some housework done, but other than that......I'm just resting. After this weekend, we will not have any days off until Thanksgiving. I know that I will need to take some days off before then. It is too crazy at school to think I could make it all the way to Thanksgiving without an extra day off. No way. I will probably need a couple of R&R days. O well, I guess I will post more later.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend!!!!

Ok, so like, I am up so late because I am so excited about our upcoming 3 day holiday? NOT! The Shrimp and Petroleum Festival started today, so my youngest and the new "hot" boyfriend left to indulge in the festivities. They were not gone an hour and low and behold she text me to tell me she is at the casino with some other guy getting drunk. I'm like, What the Hell?! You would think that her and the new "hot" boyfriend would have at least a 1 week honeymoon phase....gosh!!!! Well, then mom couldn't go to she waits up. Between the old "hot" boyfriend and the new "hot" phone was blowing up all nite. Still have no idea exactly what happen in that hour, but whatever it was, it must of pissed her off cause he isn't here and she has been on the phone with the old "hot" boyfriend. Now mind you.......we both have school tomorrow. No, we are not students, we are the teachers!!!! I'm bringing

So to celebrate the opening of the Shrimp and Petroleum Festival, we had another oil rig blow up off the coast of Louisiana. I wonder if that was planned? Seems very coincedental to me. So for the next 4 days, we will have people from all over driving in to Morgan City, LA to enjoy the oldest festival in LA. It is a economy booster for sure......and since we have not had the desruption of a hurricane, we will enjoy all those people visiting spending their money in St. Mary Parish. I probably won't go. The only reason I would go would be if the kids wanted to go, but my oldest daughter said that we probably won't see her this weekend, so I guess I wll just stay home.It is terribly expensive and I will need to save my money. O well, I think I might try to go to bed, AGAIN!