Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day 2010

Ahhhhhhhh, one more holiday over with. Even though I am sounding like a "Bah Humbug" kinda person, I do have a lot to be thankful for. All four of my children, my daughter in law, son in law, and my 2 granchildren are healthy. My youngest daughter is pregnant and up to this point (3 months) her only complaint is exhaustion. My aunt and buddy are doing better health wise, and I am looking forward to spending the whole day with them this coming weekend. I have a job, home, and vehicle. I have food to eat and I am healthy. In the grand scheme of things, I am in pretty good shape. It has taken me 48 years, but I think that I am finally beginning to realize that I cannot "fix" the world....I just have to let it fix itself. As I am writing all of this, I am thinking that this is going to continue to be my focus....the grand scheme of things. For the last 6 days, I have been playing with my babies. They were so good for Grammy. We miss only one day of going to the park. They love to ride their bike down the road to the park, but on the return ride home, I am usually carrying a bike. Ha! We did some shopping for Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations. It took me 3 days to pull out all of the old Christmas stuff and get it up with a 3 and 4 year old. They were so excited, and I have to admit....I was excited too. It has been at least 5 years since I pulled out the "village." The last time I put it all up, my youngest son was home and he helped. My babies loved all this "new" Christmas stuff. I decided to attempt Walmart to pick up a train to go in our village, but Walmart was completely out. My babies were so disappointed, but I will continue to look for one and put it up before they come back to surprise them. I enjoyed them so much. My little man cried and cried when my daughter came to get them. He wasn't ready to leave Grammy, but my big man was ready to go I think. My house is so empty without them here. I didn't cook anything today. I cooked for the last 3 days, and I told the kids that if they wanted something, it was in the fridge. Last night at 12, I put on my salsa and let it cook all night. After my babies left, I sat in my rocker and popped open a beer and waited on the Saints game, which by the way.....we won! Yes, the New Orleans Saints beat the Dallas Cowboys IN Dallas.....HA! I'm saying that, but I have to say, it was a very close game. No game this Sunday, but I decided to watch the Falcons / Packers game. I have a feeling the Falcons will be a "force" to deal with this year. I'm hoping they lose! Well, nice Thanksgiving this year! I guess I'm ready to tackle Christmas now! Hmph.

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