Sunday, November 4, 2012

AAAAAA CHEW! Sniffle, Sniffle :(

Hello Blog World,
       I feel like dog poop. Yep, the Susan is sick. Not bad sick, just allergy season sick. Here in South LA it is time to harvest sugar cane, and those of you who know how that is done, knows they must burn the dead leaves off of the stalks. Therefore, everyone is sick from the constant smoke lingering around. Not to mention we have tons of  "bugs" around. The other day in After School Care, I had one of my 4 year old throw up. She was clearly sick poor baby. I called the mom and she actually asked me if she was sick enough for her to come get her....LOL. So parents are sending their kids to school sick, which makes teachers sick, but somehow I manage to buzz past all the sickies at school. After 20 years, I think I have built up an immunity to just about every virus known. It is the environmental allergy stuff that kicks me in the butt. So I pretty much have stayed in bed all weekend. I did go out Friday night, but not much to talk about there. I should be doing homework, but I feel soo poopy.

       On a happy note, I got to see Mighty Marine, Fashion Diva, and my "friend" in mid October. I flew into Richmond, VA, they picked me up and we enjoyed a wonderful weekend in Jamestown and Williamsburg. I could have spent another week there, but my objective was to see my son and daughter in law. I have a ton of pics to post, but I'll save that for another day. Flying wasn't all too bad. I think as I age, stuff like that don't bother me so much...HA.

        I can't believe it is already November. Wow, where has time gone. Almost time for Christmas. I need that Thanksgiving break bad and so does Thrifty Girl. We are stressed out to the max - both of us. Oh, well, let me take another nap. AAAAAA Chew!

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