Saturday, September 22, 2012

Update 9/22/12

     Since my last post, my life has been one whirlwind experience after another. Let's see.....mostly what has happen is school related. I literally had been spending weekends at school trying to catch up on the massive loads of paperwork that accompany every beginning of the year Special Education Teacher. I was also, going back to my classroom after I closed up After School Care at 5:30 and stayed until 8:00 to 9:00. Somehow, I managed to get it all done and caught up as of Friday, September 21, 2012. I have your usual weekly stuff to do, but the SPED paperwork is somewhat caught up. I do have quite a bit more coming soon, but I can rest up before tackling the new stuff. We also have some paperwork  to fill out for our new teacher evaluation program. Thanks goodness for my friend (which is now BES new Vice Principal). She sat with me Friday afternoon to get my SLT's (Student Learning Targets) done. I have been so busy with SPED paperwork, that when she sent out an email offering to help us, I sent back...."Um, what is an SLT?" See how much I care or want to hear about this new teacher evaluation program. She is the best though.....she sent me my first draft Friday afternoon, so all I need to do is proof it, change what needs to be changed, and I am done. On a good note, believe it or not, one of our Educational Diagnostician's just up and retired. I was like.....Yipppeeeee!!!!!!! The school board accepted her resignation/retirement, then the advertisment went out the next day, and Susan had her resume' and application at the Office of Special Education promptly on Monday morning. I have my interview Wednesday, September 26, 2012 @ 2PM. I'm not nervous....whatever will be, will be. I know I'm qualified; however, politics a very strong in St. Mary, so you never really know where you stand. So we will see.

      On the homefront, my son (Gaming Geek) has moved out. Him and I are not on good terms at this point. I hope that changes, but he said some pretty hateful things to me, plus broke a window, threw garbage all over my yard, and left quite mad. I really haven't spoken to him since. Thrifty Girl's new trailer was delivered 2 weeks ago. It has been one thing after the other with her. She got a head ache and ended up in the hospital with viral menengitis. They had a hard time doing a lumbar probe of her spine to check for that, and ended up puncturing her spinal column, which is scary, but it was causing a severe headache....worse than she already had. They had to take blood from her arm and insert it into her spinal column. This is called a spinal patch. 30 minutes after the spinal patch, she was feeling better; however it took them 6 days in the hospital to clear it up. Crazy. However, she should be moving into her new place by next weekend. The school board reinstated our fall break in October. We will still need to make up the hurricane days, but it will be in the second semester; therefore, I think I'm going to visit with Mighty Marine and Fashion Diva. Yes, the Susan is going to fly. No choice. I always said it would be my kids that will make me fly. I'm waiting to make the flight reservations after I see if I get this job or not. That will determine what days I will actually go, but I am going no matter what. I also got to meet my new grandbaby.....yes, she is really not my blood grandbaby, but this is Card Shark's new baby girl; therefore, I know she will be a part of our lives, so she just of soon be my grandbaby too. She is precious. A lil chunky monkey.

Ok, as usual the Susan is trying to find everything to do but her homework; therefore, peace out blog buddies.

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