Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Done! The Wait is on...............

I just posted my last assignment to my online portfolio. I am officially done with all assignments, which means I'm all ready to see my account say......"Susan has satisfied all of the requirements for graduation." I'm just scared they will say.......Na....you forgot to do this, or take that.....ugh! I'm impatient, but I'm staying calm........the wait is on.   -_-

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Break 2013

I cannot believe Spring Break is over. It started last Saturday, which is also the day we had the Crawfish boil at Thifty Girl's....in honor of her 25th birthday. Yep, my youngest is 25. Geez. The next day, I headed up to the Princess's place and surprised my babies. They were so excited to see me...I love them kids. Then on Wednesday, I came home and got to work on my Thesis. I kept lolly-gagging around over here at my house, so I went to my aunts. For some reason I work better there. I finished that miserable thing Friday, printed and mailed it Saturday morning. Finally over with that. All I have left is a reflection paper due this coming Friday.....thank God. Ya know what that means? I AM GRADUATING WITH MY 4TH DEGREE! And it WILL be my last. After it was mailed on Saturday, my aunt, my buddy, and headed out for a couple of days in Jackson, Mississippi. We spent the night at the Hilton. At first glance, it looked like a really good hotel, but I wouldn't recommended it. Hilton is a good brand, but not that one. There was an art show at the Mississippi Museum of Art we wanted to see. It was a really good show about French artist. They had the show laid out so that you could see the earliest French artist and the progression of artistic style up to the Impressionist, which is my fav. I got to see a Renior, Van Gogh, and of course 2 Monet's. It was an excellent show. On our way back today, we drove back through bad weather. I hate driving in that kinda weather. Once back at my aunts, I went get supper, I ate, and then headed home. Spring Break 2013 gone in a flash....just like that. The only good part is that  we only have 22 days left of school. Then I'm taking the summer OFF again. Two summers in a row! Yippee!!! This one is even better since I will not be looking at going back to college in the fall. I am done! Ready to just have some fun.....yep. So although Spring Break is over, I know I have to go back so that I can make it until summer.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


OMG blog world.......Tomorrow is the deadline for my thesis, and guess who is sitting here staring at the computer screen! Yep, you guessed it.....ME! I am off all week for Spring Break, and all I have done is goof off.........darn-it, I wanna go play some more - do something fun! All I have to do is edits, and then I'm done. I don't want too!!!! *Susan stomps foot! Ugh!!!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Home....At Last!

Why is it that holidays are so exhausting that I'm happy to go back to work and rest? Does that make sense? Well, I picked up my boys from their PaPa's at 11 am on Friday, and it has been a "world wind" weekend. When we got there on Friday, we went to their apartment to start moving (what I thought) would be one load of heavy stuff. I shoulda known better. The princess still had a ton of stuff to move + she had not even started cleaning. I really wanted to cry, but I held it together. We started loading the bed, sofa, and large ottoman's into her truck. Then, we started filling up the back of my van (which had all the seats folded down. Now, let me pause for a second just to say....THE GIRL HAD AN UPSTAIRS APARTMENT! Really, I'm getting to old for this. Her and I lifted, pull, and carried all that *bleep* down those stairs and loaded them in a truck. Men all around and not one offered to help. My poor little boys hauled smalled stuff to my van too. We left with the heavy load of stuff, went to their new place, unloaded it, then went eat at a very good restaurant. I say good....it wasn't fabulous, but for up there, it was good. Then we went to Walmart to pick up a few things, then headed by to the new place and passed out. It was 11 pm before we crawled into bed. Princess had us up at 8am. I thought the girl had lost her mind, but the boys and I got up :(. We head over to the old place, loaded up again, and headed back to the new place. Went back to the old place, loaded up one more time, cleaned, and headed back to the new place with the last load. We ate at Popeyes, and then headed back to Walmart for groceries and other stuff. It was 9 pm before we unloaded all of the groceries. The boys and I stayed home while Princess headed back to the old place to put in a blind, then stopped off at work to pick up the Easter Bunny. By the time she got back, I had all the groceries picked up, boys fed, and we ended the night with a glass of champagne at 11:30. Princess bounced us out of bed at 8 am because the Easter Bunny came. Seriously, the boys said "okay" and snuggled back with the Grammy, but Princess wouldn't leave us alone til we got up. We had a good day, cooking, playing with the boys, and slowly picking up around the house. It rained, so our planned Easter Egg hunt had to be inside. The enjoyed my giant basket of goodies, and totally ignored the 6 brand new outfits, and shoes. Next year, I think I will get them under wear and socks....turds! I tackled their room. It was spotless and organized when I left. Dying to know how long it will last. Poor darlings crawled in the bed at 7 pm by themselves and went to sleep. Princess bounced us out of bed at 6:30 for school. Even after all that sleep, they still didn't want to get up. HA! That is Grammy's boys! I dropped them off at school at 7:20, dropped Princess off at work at 7:30, and I headed for home. Stopped by Thrify Girl's and she loaded up my van with her dirty clothes. I came in, put a load of her clothes on to wash, and I fell in the bed, and slept for 6 hours straight. Like the boys, I could have slept longer, but I got things to do. I'm so exhausted I need a day off to rest...HA. It was good though. Love her new place. Neighborhood much better. Bigger place with a yard for the boys to play. They cut the grass for her. Washer and Dryer. It was worth it to get her and the boys outta the "ghetto." Not really the "ghetto", but not a good place for kids. Oh well, another Easter down.....back to the grind tomorrow.