Sunday, February 9, 2014

Life, as I Know It, is Changing

Well, everyone who knows me, knows I do not handle change well. Never have. I like to get where I am going, do what I am suppose to be doing, and let all the rest of the world move on with all of the drama. I love simplicity. Quiet time. Oh, I do like to go out and have a good time....that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the important stuff, like where you live, your job, the people in your life. I don't like that to change, but as I am getting older, I am handling change much better. I guess it is because, I really only have myself at this point to worry about....sort of. I still worry about my children, but it is different now. I really have no say about what they do with their life, so I have learn how to accept whatever path they choose. Oh, I still tell them if they are making a mistake. That I will never stop doing. This past week, my oldest - Princess, has moved back into my house with my two precious grandsons. I am excited they are finally back home. She needed to be back where family can help her with the kids. God provided a wonderful job, with benefits, and I provided the rent free living arrangements.  However, this is the kinda change that drives me crazy. I have to say that I am handling it all pretty well. There is a reason for this I know. God has a plan. It hasn't been revealed to me just yet, but I know it is coming so I am keeping my ears and eyes open. I'm pretty sure it will involve me moving. Where? No clue. God knows that the Princess and I are like oil and water, so I am hoping he reveals his plan soon before we kill each other. LOL. Well, I have a million and one things to do today, but I felt like writing. Until next time..............Que, Sera, Sera!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Great Communicator?

ALL my life, one of my best assets has been my communication skills. Seriously, people seek me out. Call me on the phone. Always want to talk. Principals call me to calm irate parents, handle kids that are freaking out, etc. Well, at 51 years of age...I have run into my nemesis. There have not been many people in my life that I have not been able to communicate with, but this particular person is completely impossible. First off, everything I say he is annoyed with. I can tell in the tone of his voice. It doesn't matter what I say, he gets annoyed. He so abruptly told me a couple of days ago that he wants "entertaining conversation, no mind tricks or jedi mind games." I was like WTF is he talking about. I wouldn't know how to play a mind game if someone gave me step by step directions. Within minutes of us talking on the phone, he is pissed, I am clueless as to what I said to piss him off, and he is abruptly hanging up. Can't text either. He takes every stinkin thing outta context. Doesn't matter what I say, how nice I try to say it, he is pissed. At first I was like, pffffft. Be gone with your drama self. I'm not a mean person, so when he would talk to me, I would talk back....even if I knew I was fixing to be insulted AGAIN. When we started talking, our convo's were light and entertaining...would talk for like hours. Then we met. And it has been downhill since. I thought that he just wasn't interested, so he was trying to piss me off so I will stop talking to him, which just may be the case. But I have given him every out known to me anyway. Is God trying to teach me a new communication technique that I may need later on....LOL. I can't imagine why I have not smack him and kicked his ass clean outta my life. It has got me most aggravated and humored at the same time. Hmph!