Friday, April 4, 2014

The Test

Yep, it is that time of the year again. Testing. Since I do not have a class, I have been assigned to a school that need extra help. Where did I get assigned? Only the toughest middle school in all of Jefferson Parish. Yep. Of course. Half of the teachers have quit, so that means that they have subs in the classroom that are  not certified. I am certified...lucky me! Which means, I will need to practice my Tai Kwan Do moves over the

Well, since my last post, life has been up and down. My youngest daughter has gotten engaged to her childhood sweetheart. Actually, he was her very first boyfriend. After high school, they both went their separate ways...he married and had two children. Katie had two miscarriages with her long time boyfriend and several other bad relationships. Katie always did the right thing, and I couldn't understand why God was testing her. But, it is becoming clear. Bother her and the new fiancee needed to be tested. Just like the kids in school. God wanted to make sure that they both appreciated each other......and lord do they. I have never seen her this happy. And he is equally happy. I am so excited.....finally.....a wedding. Lots of planning, but it will be beautiful. I'm excited.

God has been testing me also. Testing my patience, work ethic, ability to make decisions. I am the worlds worst decision maker. I over analyze every stinking thing because I don't want to make a mistake. I hate making big decisions. Ugh! One decision I made is to apply for a new job. I like Jefferson, but the upper administration is dysfunctional. Nobody can make a decision, and the money sucks big time; therefore, I have applied in two near by parishes. I will try. If it is in God's plan, I will get one of those jobs. If not, the door will slam. I have no clue what will happen, but I'm ready if I do get it. Either job will require a move. So this is big time decisions. Ok, well....enough already. Blah.

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