Monday, June 14, 2010

Timely Message

Ok, so my last post got all of my frustrations about this oil disaster in the Gulf out of my system. I decided to put the rest of my frustration into cleaning house. KT and her friend came home to help, and then turned the TV on to watch America’s Home Video while resting. I laughed myself into a stomach ache. It was hysterically funny. It was good to laugh and feel stress leave my body. KT and her friend left to visit with some other friends. I’m not a big TV watcher, but I just left the TV on and America’s Home Video concluded. After AHV, Joel Osteen came on. His message seemed very timely. It was very simple. He said that on a daily basis, we get frustrated with simple everyday interruptions…..can’t find our keys, misplace your checkbook, credit card, someone shows up unexpected to visit, and all you want is a nap… know those frustrations. He said that we shouldn’t get frustrated with these things because they just may be a “divine interruption”……God may be protecting us from being hurt, or he may be placing us in a situation where we are there to help someone else. We may not understand why God is not answering a prayer; again, he says he may have something planned for us that is much better. So I think I need to put this in perspective here----oil disaster > could God have something extraordinary planned for the Gulf Coast. Will this oil disaster turn into a positive situation? I’m trying very hard to stay positive. Although Katrina was horrible, it did save our state from the economic woes of the recession the rest of the nation has felt. All of the construction and federal money has helped us weather the recession. Maybe, this will make the rest of the nation realize the importance of Louisiana marshes and wetlands. Hmmmm. I guess we will have to just wait and see how God uses this disaster.

It also made me realize that for some reason, God wants me in Berwick. Go figure. I have wanted to move for some time now. I want another job – outside the classroom setting. However, the door has not opened for me to leave or change jobs. Every time I think about it, and I started weighing the pros and cons – there is always way too many cons – the door is slammed shut. Why does God want me in Berwick – who knows why, but I keep waiting and wondering what is in store for me. I have always been patient when it comes to making life changing decisions. I want God to guide me. I’m too much of a chicken otherwise. I don’t like change. I like stability. So I wait and watch for an open door. Okay Joel Osteen – you made me feel good today too!

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