Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer vacation is ending fast!

       Summer vacation for teachers is quickly coming to an end. Although technically, I have been teaching all summer, 3 hours a day, 4 days a week is not the usual work week. I have 2 more days to teach summer school, so I need to get my "to do" list ready for the remaining summer vacation. All of my "to do" list will need to be completed before Aug. 10 (first day for teachers). It is going to be a lengthy one I'm afraid, so I will need to be on the ball or my school year will be miserable.

      On Friday, I went for my first "fill." It was painless. I lost 10 pounds since my surgery, and a total of 17.5 overall. Although I should have lost 14 since surgery, my doctor said she will take that as a sign I needed a "fill." She wants me to lose 2 pounds a week, which I'm hoping for better than that once I get the band adjusted right. "K" has started her diet too, so we will be dieting together. I hadn't been feeling up to par this weekend, but I'm rebounding quick.

"My buddy" and aunt came with me to NOLA, so after my appt, we went to pick up my oldest son. We all went to eat at our favorite restaurant for lunch, La Madelines. I ate creamy potatoe soup...their soups are the best! My aunt ate quiche, my buddy had the usual.....cheese sandwich on 7 grain bread, and my son had crepes. After lunch, I wanted to check out the large Whole Foods store on Magazine. So, off we went. Half of the building is covered parking in the back. Very nice for rainy days, but with that and storage the actual shopping part of the store is no bigger than the one on Veterans in Metarie. What I would give to live near one of those stores. Everything looks so fresh.....none of the meat is prepackaged, so you choose what you want.  Imported wines and cheese (my son had a fit)...the list goes on. As we were driving to the son showed us where he works. The name of the restaurant is Hoshun's (Asian Cuisine)and it is located on St. Charles Ave. He likes working there...mostly because it is in NOLA.  After our day in NOLA, we dropped my son off in Hahnville (friends house) and made our way back home. I really enjoyed spending my day in my favorite place - NOLA - with my favorite people!
I went to the casino a couple of times over the weekend. It was ok, but not the fun I usually have. I guess I just went at the wrong older people. They are the best to gamble with. They are not so serious.

Well that is an update, will blog again later!

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