Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Everytime I write "WTF", I cannot help but think of my dear friend who lead such a sheltered life that she honestly had no clue. She taught 2nd grade for 30 years before retiring, but one day, she asked one of the other second grade teachers why everyone kept texting her Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. The other second grade teacher said, "What are you talking about?" She said, "Yea, look....WTF." We laughed about that everytime we see it. She was such a goofball.
Well, life is pretty good. Busy as hell, but overall, I can't really complain. I'm ready for the end of May to get here real quick (summer vacation begins). Right now, I have my full time teaching position at 2 different schools, a part time job as our After School Care Director, and I'm taking 3 classes (9 hours) at Northwestern. I'm pretty much a "basket case" at this point. I've been having health issues, which for those of you who know me, know I am never sick. Vitamin D deficiency, anemia, and para thyroid issues all attribute to why I am always so tired. My doctor says he doesn't know how I get up every morning...HA! I have also been getting a lot of headaches (migraines), which again, those of you who know me, know that is the only thing that sends me to bed.  I also went to the eye doctor. I got new glasses, but no change there. I have an appt with a dermatologist to address some issues in that area. I am definately keeping all these doctors employed and wealthy. So needless to say, all of this is wearing on me. Right now, I am functioning on pure will power.
There is a horrible winter storm approaching Louisiana at the moment. It is so bad that they cancelled school for my babies in northwest LA. I don't think we will get that lucky. I called my daughter and told her that she needs to go to the hotel for the night. My youngest son called to today. They are still fighting the owners of the house they are trying to buy. He ended up seeing a lawyer today to get out of the contract. My oldest son still does not have a rental car. State Farm is dragging their feet, but his insurance is calling them to rush things along. (One of his friends back into his car.) My youngest daughter is such a fighter. Poor baby is teaching in a school in Houma which is equivalent to an inner city school in NOLA. She is in the trenches as she says...HA! Hopefully things will turn around for her.
I'm thinking about joining a gym...Anytime Fitness. I need to exercise, but I don't wanna walk. All our walking trails around towns are near forest, and the bears and coyotes are out looking for food. I'm not in the mood to fight with a bear. I thought about buying a bike, but then it is a problem to store it, so I'm thinking about joining a gym. We'll see.
My social life has picked up quite a bit lately. So much so that I go to bed at 6 on weekdays! Been going to the casino quite often with a friend. He is a great friend at times, and at other times he leaves little to desire. He has a lot of "baggage," but for some unknown reason, I'm drawn to him. Right now, I'm aggravated with him, so I will leave this part of the post alone so that I do not get mad..HA!
O well, I still haven't finalized plans for this weekend. Katie and I are going shopping. I need new clothese so bad. Well, my therapy writing session is getting blah, so I will close for now.

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