Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mission.......partially complete!

Our very first "code red" lock down with all our students in the gym went off quite well. We did meet afterwards to tweak some areas of concerns; however, there were no gaping holes that we could identify. The students were super, and I was very impressed with there ability to take this seriously....even our little ones.

Went help my youngest daughter get her new TV, which is huge. Then went shopping for groceries at Rouses; however, since I have to go at night there were 2 things that were not available. grrrrrrr means I gotta go back at some point.

I think I'm taking a half a day off tomorrow to try to get some things done around this here house. I know it is bad, but I  am so exhausted and have so much to do that I may need to pay somebody to put up my Christmas tree!

I had a nice long conversation with "my friend" tonight. It was so much fun! I really do miss him :( Currently he is in Jordan taking care of his mother. We rarely get to talk because of the cost associated with phone charges; however, he was in a talkative mood tonight! Usually, I just send him text ....chit chatting.....and I tell him not to answer because my text don't cost him anything, but tonight he must have been bored because he normally does not like talking for very long...HA. We did some cutting up...HA. That is what I like so much about our friendship. We can do some serious cutting up from time to time. We both know each other quite well now, and we know just what to say to piss each other off......then say.....just

Oh God....i'm so tired im going to sleep....nite bloggy world...hehe.

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