Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ho Hum, Back at Work

Today was my first official day back at work.....meaning first day back that I was actually paid to be at work. Yes, I started back actually last Tuesday, and I have been running around to meeting after meeting, getting the classroom ready, preparing a presentation for our faculty, making up schedules for transliterators and LPN's, interviewing applicants to replace a transferred transliterator, etc, etc, etc. And, I did all of that for free...hoooray! Haha...seriously, I don't mind doing these sorts of things for free if it makes the start of school smoother for my students. We have an excellent faculty, and we all have been at school on and off all summer preparing for the first day of the 2010 -2011 school year. Teachers know that we work many more hours than we are paid. It is everyone that is not in education that thinks we get 2 months off, holidays off, etc, with pay. NOT! We are not paid for any of that or any days that we come in the summer or holidays. However, I love my job. That is why I do many things without pay. I knew the pay scale before I got into education. Most teachers are not looking to get rich. However, it really would be nice if the government paid off my student loans! HaHa!
Looks like we have our first threat of the hurricane season aiming its ugly eye right at LA. The National Hurricane Center is not expecting it to more than a tropical storm when it makes landfall, so I think I will just go camp out at school. I have a really cool classroom with a refridgerator, microwave, internet, AND I'm just thinking of all the work I could get done during that time! Haha! IF it does come this way, school may need to be cancelled, which will be a bummer. However, I could get a lot done. Our school is 1 block from City Hall, so we are on the same electrical lines as our Homeland Sercurity, Police, and Fire Departments; therefore if the electricity goes out, we would be the first to come back. See, I'm using my thinker here. If I lived in a sturdy house, I wouldn't leave home at all. However, I live in a mobile home. I don't think it would be too smart to stay home during a tropical storm.
Okay, that is all for now.

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