Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How many days left til summer vacation?

      Well, school has returned with a vengence. The usual "drama" associated with the beginning of the year continues. Hopefully, next week will be better. I am already counting down the days until Labor Day weekend, which means a 3 day weekend.
      Finally heard from the State Department of Education. They have added my Master's in Education, and my +30 hours to my certificate; however, they said I have to take 2 more classes to be certified as a School Counselor. That aggravates the tar out of me. So anyway, I checked on some online courses so that I can get that added to my certificate too. They work my last nerve. While I was looking for those 2 classes, I ran across a specialist in education certification for educational diagnostician. All of these degrees and none of it I no longer want to do. I guess I wouldn't mind a guidance position.....that is why im taking the last 2 classes, but I really want to be an educational diagnostician. Almost 49 years old and still going to school.....ho hum.
      We have Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl in the Atlantic. Right now they are saying that they will curve up into the Atlantic with no land fall in the US. Thank lets hope they are right.
      My youngest daughter finally found a job.....she will be taking a teachers maternity leave beginning next week. It is not a permanent job, but at least she will be getting teacher pay and not sub pay. Hopefully, she will find something else for next semester. She has also been hired to help me out in After School Care. We need her there too, so that is good for her pocketbook and my sanity.
      My oldest grandson begins Pre -K this Friday. It is so hard to believe he is old enough to go to school. He will be attending a private school, so hopefully it will lay the foundation for him enjoying school like his mom. She loved school. I never had any problems with her wanting to go to school. My youngest little man will be starting a toddler program at the same school on the Tuesday after labor day. His speech is severely delayed, so they are putting him in on a trial basis to assess if they can meet his needs. I hope they keep him. It will be terrible if the oldest can go there and the youngest can't. I have no idea what my daughter will do if they don't keep him. I'm really stressed about it. My daughter has planned this whole next year around that school. I keep telling myself not to worry, but all I do is I'm pitiful. Que Sera Sera right????
       Well, I will update more later. I'm tired. Blah

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