Saturday, January 11, 2014

Simple Pleasures

I'm having a contemplative kinda morning. Just sitting in my bed, playing around on Facebook, catching up on reading the news, relaxing, drinking my coffee, listening to the rain softly sprinkle on my metal roof....Ya know, just enjoying some simple pleasures before the day begins. Actually, I have been enjoying my quite time for about 2.5 hours, and I need to get up, but I decided to just blog a bit ...just to remember that sometimes, simple pleasures are the best!

This past week was rough...not in a bad way I drama, but just not wanting to go to work I guess. I don't think I can handle working in Jefferson Parish for another year. I think I will beef up the old resume' again and start searching. I also think that I will be moving this summer. Where? I have no idea. God hasn't revealed this to me yet. I'm afraid I will need to cast my nets wider, but off course, I do not want to. I will add parishes east and west of Berwick, but that will put me further than 1.5 hours, which means I will not be able to commute. I'm not going further North at first. Right now, Teach for LA only shows that Aciadiana and Rapides Parish's need Ed. Di.'s Both in the wrong direction of where I wanted to go. But since God and I are NEVER on the same page, I need to explore outside my "want" area. Ugh! He knows best. I know that. But really, just once, I would like to pray for something and it be in his will. Why am I just so stubborn. I am even considering looking outta state. I tear up just thinking about it. If nothing bites or looks promising by June first, I think I might look at Mississippi (Biloxi, Gulfport area), Texas, or "Lord help me" the DC area. I want to make more money. I mean seriously. Four effin degrees and I make $56 K. Give me a break. I want more money. Period.

What I really want is God to just point me in the right direction. I feel like a fish outta water. Oh well, I really didn't want this post to be I will just stop right here and get up to clean my lovely home. Blah.

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