Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Season of Change

Low and Behold, it looks like I'm moving! New job, new town, new place to call home. Finally, God has said it is time Susan! It is always amazing to see everything fall into place. It started in January with my beautician closing her shop and becoming a stay at home mom. I knew right there.....God was preparing my path. Lots of opening in the job 2 offers....and I went with the one that felt right, rather than the $$$. Going Monday to officially resign from my old job, and make sure everything is in place for transfer and probably have lunch with a friend. Tuesday, going to the new job to get all the paperwork done there, and stop and get a PO Box to start the process of changing addresses. Started packing this weekend, and getting this place ready to show ....hopefully they will want to buy it and that is done. Yesterday, my aunt called to say that my doctor announced in the paper he has moved his practice to another parish.....and guess what?! It is closer to my new home! Woot! God has it all laid out for me. I can just feel it. Good feeling actually.

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