Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back to School

Okay, so I started back to school today. No I do NOT get paid for this day; however, we have a lot to do before the kids show up on August 8th. With basically a new administration "thrown" in place, we have a lot of unknowns to deal with. Today, I spent the whole morning in the gym sorting school supplies. We literally had school supplies spread all over the gym floor. We had to take each grade level's list, sort supplies into teacher class stacks. Realize that is school supplies for 550 students. Ugh! Crazy I tell you. I also spent a good part of the morning breaking down boxes to put in the dumpster. We finally "hung it up" at 2PM then I went to my classroom to help Thrifty Girl copy lesson plans. We left right when the 3PM bell rang. I will go back tomorrow to work some more. I have a list of things to do....Meet with the Guidance Counselor to set up schedules at BJHS, work on transliterator schedules, order supplies for my classroom from SPED, get with my supervisor over personel matter...we need another transliterator, clean out IEP folders, get attendence charts ready. That is all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there is more. After we left school, the boys and I came home for a little relaxin. I laid in the bed and rested, and the boys played their games. At 5:30 PM, I took the boys over to a friends house to swim. I enjoyed our vist. Another friend walked over and visited also. It was a good time. The boys were entertained and I had some girl time. The boys got out the pool at 8PM, we came home, I cooked them supper, now we are chillaxing again. They really ate well. I will fix them a "special dessert" later. Overall, I think this was a very productive day. I feel good. :)
"I have to potty Grammy!" Um, Cheesy Super Hero needs to be taught how to "tee tee" outside. Grammy will have to teach him!

Yay! Now you got it!

Fun, Fun, Fun!

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