Thursday, July 19, 2012

Geez Louise!

I know it is hard to tell in this pic, but the lightning is popping, thunder rumbling, the wind is blowing causing branches to fall on my mobile home from the two big trees overhead, and I am suddenly thinking that maybe I should have bought a house boat to live in.
 I read the other day that 3/4 of the US is in a severe drought. Well people, here in South LA we are NOT in a drought. Thank goodness my little grass cutting boy came yesterday to cut the grass, because it was the only day in the last 2 weeks that my yard did not have standing water AND it did not rain. Shoot! I  had plans for tonite! At this point I cannot even leave the house!!! Ugh! Waaaaaaah!!!!

PS: I shouldn't not taken that pic.....I see my son did not take his tires off of my porch.....Grrrrrrrr!!!!!

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