Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Journey Begins!

Tomorrow is the day! Yep, the beginning of the rest of my life. After many, many years of taking care of my children, worrying about everyone and their mama, I have decided to do something just for me. I am having the gastric adjustable band placed around the top part of my stomach tomorrow as a tool to help me lose this dreaded weight I have been carrying around for years. I am excited and errily calm about this procedure. I have never really had any major surgery done, just a few minor procedures....so, I think that is why I am not too worried. Everything has just fallen into place in the last couple of months. I was on a mission to find the right doctor, and that I did. I'm ready to not feel hungry and feel full after a couple of bites of food. Everyone has been so supportive and encouraging this last year as I began my search for just the right doctor. My surgery is tomorrow, so I will update as soon as I'm able!

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