Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mission.......partially complete!

Our very first "code red" lock down with all our students in the gym went off quite well. We did meet afterwards to tweak some areas of concerns; however, there were no gaping holes that we could identify. The students were super, and I was very impressed with there ability to take this seriously....even our little ones.

Went help my youngest daughter get her new TV, which is huge. Then went shopping for groceries at Rouses; however, since I have to go at night there were 2 things that were not available. grrrrrrr means I gotta go back at some point.

I think I'm taking a half a day off tomorrow to try to get some things done around this here house. I know it is bad, but I  am so exhausted and have so much to do that I may need to pay somebody to put up my Christmas tree!

I had a nice long conversation with "my friend" tonight. It was so much fun! I really do miss him :( Currently he is in Jordan taking care of his mother. We rarely get to talk because of the cost associated with phone charges; however, he was in a talkative mood tonight! Usually, I just send him text ....chit chatting.....and I tell him not to answer because my text don't cost him anything, but tonight he must have been bored because he normally does not like talking for very long...HA. We did some cutting up...HA. That is what I like so much about our friendship. We can do some serious cutting up from time to time. We both know each other quite well now, and we know just what to say to piss each other off......then say.....just

Oh God....i'm so tired im going to sleep....nite bloggy world...hehe.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Living with Reality

Ok, the girl (me) had the sob fest, but has managed to pull herself up from the doldrums. Tomorrow morning we will practice our "lock down" procedures for the morning. We have students all over the place between 7:30 and 8:00. Our elementary campus is pretty much open to anyone. We have buses unloading on one side of the school, cars unloading in 2 spots in the front, and some on the side. Some students go to breakfast, others are in the gym. At 7:55, the majority of our 560 students are in the gym awaiting dismissal to their class. Tomorrow we will practice a "code red" lock down with all 560 students in the gym. We have a plan in place, but this is the first time we will practice during this time. It will probably be chaos, but the important part is that everyone knows what to do. Teachers, Students, parents on campus, etc. Of course this is a planned "lock down", but it will help us to fine tune those areas that need students who are in the bathrooms, students in the cafeteria, students in route to the gym or cafeteria, etc. At some point, we need to practice an unplanned "code red" lock down during this time. That will be the true test. However, it seems that Sandybrook Elementary had it all together. Their plan was meticulously executed....I fear the thought of what might have been had they not be prepared. This will definitely be on the minds of everyone for some time to come.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Facing Reality

I've tried to avoid reality all weekend. I was pretty successful....that is until today. I don't think there is an elementary school teacher (or any grade level teacher) that hasn't been affected by the news of the tragedy in Newton, Connecticut. As news broke, I had one of my Cued Speech Transliterators at home on sick leave. She began sending us information as the news unfolded. I scanned the messages, but did not dwell on what was being said. I tried very hard to distance myself from the tragedy. I'm at an elementary school for crying out loud! I have work to do! "Darn it, SER isn't working today and I have an initial IEP due Wednesday!" I worked hard at staying busy....I have "my" babies to worry about here. I did everything possible to avoid   thinking about the tragedy in Newton. Stayed busy Saturday and Sunday. Went to NOLA. Shopped for Christmas gifts. Cleaned house. Talked on the phone. Then Monday came. And THE email. From our principal. Giving us directions on reviewing emergency and lock-down procedures. How to handle our children's concerns. What she was doing to make our school safer - she placed a maintenance request for "buzz in doors." But wait....did that help Sandbrook Elementary?? I just stared at the computer. The email. And it hit me. Susan, YOU are Berwick Elementary Crisis Response Chairperson. What the hell are you doing trying to ignore this? I got sick to my stomach. I don't know what to say or do? I don't know what to think. I force it out of my mind, but I want to break down and cry. I can't. Not in front of MY babies. I hold it together..........until I get home to the safety of my house, and I let it out. I sobbed, as I thought of how eerily similar Berwick and Newton communities are. Upper middle class. Everybody knows everybody. Awesome schools. Little to no crime. I must read. I need to face this! I read about the children. The principal. The teachers. The parents. Presidents Obama's visit. I'm over a thousand miles from this tragedy, and I'm a hopeless mess. Susan - " Quit sobbing! Get it together girl! You have a degree in counseling! Shake it off! Think about how you can make YOUR elementary school safer!" In the end, what really could have been done differently? The killer was determine to get into the school and kill. He got pass the "buzz in" doors. Yes, it could have been worse, but my thought went to what could have made this young man go back to HIS elementary school to kill. I think I'm emailing my superintendent tomorrow. We need counselors in our elementary schools. We need to intervene at a very young age when we already know something is quite not right. Was there a counselor at Sandybrook? We do not have any elementary counselors in St. Mary Parish, and I have said for years that elementary schools are one of the most important places to have counselors. Maybe an elementary counselor could have help this young man long before this tragedy. I have to do something. I have to do something for my "angels." I need to do something about this before we have this same tragedy played out here in Berwick.

To all of the angels in Newton, Connecticut : I will not let your death be in vain.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I wasn't worried....LOL!

Ok, I just found out that I made a 98% on my Statistics final, which gave me an A in that class. I also got an A in Field Study Proposal and Defense class. So yea, me worried? Na......LOL,  Yea, I was really worried....HA. And to think I almost quit...HA. I did. I guess I'm glad I didn't. I'm just so tired of going to school. Ok, so now the wait is on. Got the semester behind me. I'm waiting now on the Graduate School to send me a letter stating that they will give me credit for a class I already took at Nicholls. Hopefully, they will. If that works out, I am applying for graduation in May of 2013.

I heard from my friend today. His mom is back in ICU. She is suffering now with excess fluid and shortness of breadth. I am worried about her, but worried just as much about him. He will take it so hard if she passes.   This is a tough situation for him and his brothers and sisters; however, I am glad that he is able to be there with her. He has been looking for a job, but hasn't been able to find one. I think God knew that he would be needed in Jordan. If he had a job, he couldn't be there like he is now. Things always work out for a reason.

More news later.............................

Monday, December 10, 2012

I'm a traveling fool.

I can travel; although sitting in my van all day is not exciting. I left Leesville at 7:30 this morning after I dropped my precious babies off at school. I headed north to Natchitoches. Once there, I took my test, got my advisor and Dean to sign my graduate transfer credits from Nicholls to Northwestern, brought all of that over to  the  Graduate Studies, then headed south towards home. I almost completed a full circle of the State of LA. HA. Got home just in time to take care of all the kidos in After School Care. Haven't seen my grade yet, but I'm scared. As usual, I worry, but ya know what............can do nuttin bout it now. I'm sure I passed, but for a comprehensive final, it felt eerily easy. So now, I just sit and wait. Waiting on grades, my recommendations for my field study proposal, and the letter stating that I can transfer 2 of my graduate credit courses to Northwestern. If all of that comes out good, I will be applying for graduation this coming May, 2013. And that is it. I will get to put that Ed.S behind my name. I'm tired.
My babies called me and said they were missing me :( We got dressed together, and I took them eat at McDonalds. My Happy Handsome Helper had "big eyes" before he got out of the van. He didn't cry, but he looked like he wanted to. I made him feel better tonight talking about their "Polar Express" trip to NOLA. They will be leaving Lake Charles by train, ride all the way to NOLA, and I will pick them up in downtown NOLA 9:40 P.M. December 21. We are spending the 21st, 22nd, and 23 in downtown NOLA. I am taking them to City Park (their favorite) to see Christmas in the Oaks, and Santa on Fulton Street, and whatever else they want to do. Then, on the 24, we are headed back to my house to get ready for Santa! Yippee! We plan on partying and opening presents on the 24th. Then on the 25th, we will be lazy and let the boys enjoy their "stuff." Ok, let me spend some time looking for stuff for us to do in NOLA. Night blog world.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving 2012
During Thanksgiving week, I had the pleasure of having the 2 most important men in my two grandsons. We took a trip to Biloxi and Gulfport, Mississippi and enjoyed some quality time. I always look forward to spending time with those two. Below is pictures from that amazing week: