Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Time is flying by.

Good Grief! The year 2012 is almost over! Wow! Swooooooosh! There it long 2012!

Can you tell? I'm having one of those sleepless night episodes. There is a reason for this. It is called "Field Study Proposal Defense." Well, for those of you that has never worked on an advanced degree.....specifically an Educational Specialist degree......then, this means pretty much nothing; however, for those of you who have worked on an advanced know this is what you do BEFORE you write your THESIS. Yes, tomorrow I will defend my field study proposal to a panel of professors at Northwestern via  web conferencing. I just hope my computer works. So those of you who know what I am going through.......Those people......please, .feel sorry for me. Let's say it.......Ohhhhhhh, poor Susan. Ugh. I tried to quit. I don't want to do this....really. I've just had it, but these professors keep being all encouraging and stuff....they keep giving me second chances :/ The truth of the matter is I really don't care at this point. Well, last week I didn't care......this week, I can't sleep because I didn't care last week...if that makes any kind of sense. Who in their right mind works 2 jobs AND  attends graduate school? Really?! I am totally insane for trying this, and to add to the Field Study Proposal.....I'm taking Statistics. Go ahead......I know I have lost my mind. Well, by next Tuesday, I should know whether or not I will continue with this degree. This has been a rough semester. All I have left is the actual field study and the Thesis....i think. And what is frustrating is for what? What in the hell did I do this for? Oh yea, I wanted a job as an Educational Diagnostician....that is it.........and have I gotten that? NO! It is more practical to hire UNCERTIFIED people. Ugh.....I'm not gonna talk about it.

On another note, I do have tons of pictures to post; however, they are all on my jump drive, which is at school. I guess I will save that for another day.

And yet another note, I miss my "friend" :( He is in Jordan at the moment. His mother, who had a massive stroke 2 days before Thanksgiving, is doing much better. He is there to help and visit with her. It's not like I got to see him or anything when he was here in the US (we live 1K apart), but the Middle East is not the safest place to be (even if he is a Jordanian national). I love listening to his stories. I could sit and listen to his stories all day long. He talks of his life in the Middle East and it is like he is an alien from another planet. I constantly stop him to ask questions and clarify his statements. Last week, after I had stopped him a billion times to ask a question, he busted out with..."This is a third world country baby!" I was like .....whoaaa no shit. AND YOU'RE THERE! I haven't heard from him in a couple of days, but that isn't all that unusual. He hates talking on the phone, especially if he is in a "bad mood" as he calls it. I always feel like I'm bugging him when I call or text, so I'ma just chill for a while. I'm sure he will text when he gets a chance....or he needs something. LOL. Alright.....I need to get some sleep. Somehow. If I stay up much long I just might as well get up and go to school!

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