Monday, December 10, 2012

I'm a traveling fool.

I can travel; although sitting in my van all day is not exciting. I left Leesville at 7:30 this morning after I dropped my precious babies off at school. I headed north to Natchitoches. Once there, I took my test, got my advisor and Dean to sign my graduate transfer credits from Nicholls to Northwestern, brought all of that over to  the  Graduate Studies, then headed south towards home. I almost completed a full circle of the State of LA. HA. Got home just in time to take care of all the kidos in After School Care. Haven't seen my grade yet, but I'm scared. As usual, I worry, but ya know what............can do nuttin bout it now. I'm sure I passed, but for a comprehensive final, it felt eerily easy. So now, I just sit and wait. Waiting on grades, my recommendations for my field study proposal, and the letter stating that I can transfer 2 of my graduate credit courses to Northwestern. If all of that comes out good, I will be applying for graduation this coming May, 2013. And that is it. I will get to put that Ed.S behind my name. I'm tired.
My babies called me and said they were missing me :( We got dressed together, and I took them eat at McDonalds. My Happy Handsome Helper had "big eyes" before he got out of the van. He didn't cry, but he looked like he wanted to. I made him feel better tonight talking about their "Polar Express" trip to NOLA. They will be leaving Lake Charles by train, ride all the way to NOLA, and I will pick them up in downtown NOLA 9:40 P.M. December 21. We are spending the 21st, 22nd, and 23 in downtown NOLA. I am taking them to City Park (their favorite) to see Christmas in the Oaks, and Santa on Fulton Street, and whatever else they want to do. Then, on the 24, we are headed back to my house to get ready for Santa! Yippee! We plan on partying and opening presents on the 24th. Then on the 25th, we will be lazy and let the boys enjoy their "stuff." Ok, let me spend some time looking for stuff for us to do in NOLA. Night blog world.

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