Saturday, April 28, 2012

Poo! Spring Break Almost Over :(

Ok, so like.......this Spring Break has sucked "big donkey balls" (well, except for my time in Biloxi with my aunt and buddy). My ex and his "lovely" wife decided to make getting the boys an issue, so I don't get to see them. My oldest daughter is coming down to get them, but she doesn't want to stop by with them because she doesn't feel like hearing them cry because they can't stay with Grammy. Her and I kinda had words about all of the commotion, but like I told her, it is never an issue when I have the kids and I have to deliver the boys to them. However, it is always a freaking issue when they have to deliver the boys to me. Then this issue with my friend is waying on my mind. He called yesterday wanting to know what he did to make me so mad. I couldn't say it cause I knew I would get upset and flunk my test I was trying to study for. I didn't do well on it anyway (74C). I still have a reflection paper to write. Hopefully I'll get a 100 on is my only hope at this point of getting a B. I told him I would talk to him today sometime. I just wanna get it over with at this point. Then my youngest son called and said it will not be a good time for me and my youngest daughter to come at the end of May. He wants us to come at the end of summer. They are having issues with the new house they bought, my daughter in law just started a new job, and my son has no leave to be able to visit with us. My oldest did buy a vehicle. A Dodge Ram pickup. He needed money from me....of course....but it wasn't much, and now he has a vehicle to get him back and forth to work. So needless to say, this week has been physically and emotionally exhausting. I can't believe I'm say this, but I'm almost glad I go back to work in 2 days....HA!

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