Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring Break 2012 Fast Approaching

Well, our long awaited Spring Break begins in just 2 short days. I can't wait. I have a lot planned for that week, but it is all fun.....NO  WORK! These are my plans: Friday Night - don't really know, but I'm figuring I will go eat and maybe gamble a lil at the Belle, Saturday: sleep late, clean house, and shop for a car with Katie, Sunday: sleep late, wash the outside of the trailer, Monday: clean van,  more shopping for a car with Katie, packing to go to Biloxi, Tuesday: sleep late, NOMA, The Palace in Bilioxi, Wednesday: sleep late, Art Museum in Biloxi, beach, and more Palace Thursday: sleep late, Lakeside Mall in NOLA, pick up boys from ex, Friday:sleep late, haircut for boys, spend time with boys Saturday: sleep late, head to Leesville, spend night in Leesville (maybe Paragon) Sunday: sleep late, head home, get ready to go back to school. Hope everyone  saw the pattern ......sleep late everyday. Those are my plans, but who knows if it will work out that way. I can't wait!!!!

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