Monday, February 11, 2013

I admit....I'm an addict!

Yep, I'm coupon shopping. I used to be really good at it. In fact, when the kids were young, if I didn't have a coupon or sale paper in hand, it didn't get purchased. Raising 4 kids on a teacher's salary and piss poor child support didn't cut coupons played an important part in what was bought during the month and what we did without. After the kids grew up, and could purchase their own personal items, coupon shopping took a nose dive. Not because I couldn't still clip coupons, but just because it wasn't a necessity as much as it once was. It's one thing when you have to clip coupons to survive, then it is another thing to clip coupons just because your addicted to saving a buck here or there. My time became more important. Not having to purchase  items that the kids enjoyed eating (chicken nuggets, pizza, cereal, etc.) also played a huge roll in my slacking where coupons were concerned. Well here we youngest is fixing to turn 25 in a couple of months, and I've gone back to clipping coupons. Why one might ask? Well, I now have the time....or more like....I'm taking the time. And, the kids need help. I remember those early adult days. My paycheck was never ever enough. So how did I do today. Well, I saved nearly $50. What did I buy....Well, I got several items completely free. I got Gaming Geek some free body wash, shaving cream, and me some free razors. Plus countless other coupons on everything from breaded frozen shrimp to toilet bowl cleaner. Although, to be completely honest, I didn't need any of it. Having the products sit on the self for someone else to buy full price, which also gives a huge profit to the store and company, seems ludicrous to me. I bought it anyway. I'll give it away rather than not use the coupon.  I didn't buy things that cost too much, but if it turned out to be a serious bargain, I bought it.anyway I'm not crazy.....addicted yes, but crazy no. I don't buy Ex Lax just because I have a coupon...LOL. However, if I can possibly use it, I buy it.  I have little piles of products sitting in the living room to give to the kids. Johnny has 3 can of shaving cream, razors, body wash, face wash. Katie has razors, toilet bowl cleaners, toothpaste, soap, and several items in the freezer giant vegetables, breaded shrimp, soup. I can't help pay their bills, but at the least....I can clip coupons. I got me a few things too.....2 different kinds of lotion, make-up, paper towels, washing detergent, soap, personal care products, etc. I'm good to go for several months on the personal care products, and since Thrifty Girl also washes at my house.....she is good to go too. I told the two who still lives near me to make sure that ask me before they buy any personal care products or household products. I more than likely will have it stocked at Mom's I have tons of toilet paper, paper towels, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, razors, etc....I really like being frugal. I'm tackling the bills too. I'm seriously thinking of letting go of my AT&T account. Yep, this new plan at Wal-Mart...Smart Talk is quite smart. $45 a month....unlimited calls, data, text, and no contract to boot. I'm paying 165 a month for both Katie and my phone.  WTF! Yes, I will have to buy my new iphone outright, but it saves money in the long run. I have already disconnected the house phone, cable, and I'm seriously thinking about cutting the cell phone line. Why give AT&T all that money when I can pay for Smart Talk and pay a fraction of the cost. OH, and Princess did the research.......they use AT&T again....why am I paying for all those extra cost? I'm quickly approaching retirement. I need to start learning to cut where I can cut. This is just the beginning! Home almost paid for, van almost paid for, cutting household expenses, saving at the store.....damn.....I'm just stretching the dollars til it sings for me....HA!
On a more serious note. My friend is still in Jordan taking care of his ailing mother. When I first met him, I knew there was something about this guy that seemed special, but I never could put my finger on what made him special. His life, as much as I could see, was a mess. He came packing  a lot of baggage and drama, and still does, but I just sensed something special about him for some reason. Although he has moved backed to NC and now is helping take care of his mother in Jordan, I'm beginning to see a pretty amazing man. I don't know who told me this before, but I was once told that you can gauge the integrity of a man solely by the way he treats his mother. His mother had a stroke 2 days before Thanksgiving. He couldn't get a flight out to Jordan until Thanksgiving day. He arrived in Jordan 24 hours later, but hasn't left her side since. He has 2 young children still here in the states; however, he has taken over complete care for his mother. His love for her has shown through his undying attention in the details of her care, and how he speaks so fondly of his "lovely mother" and the God who will not leave her in her end time. I know he is exhausted. His days are filled with task that include tending to her medical needs, and task to make the home where she is staying comfortable and inviting. Brothers and sisters pitch in when they can, and make financial contributions to make sure she is well taken care of. Just a beautiful picture of the way one honors their mother, who by the way, sacrificed so much to make sure that her children were successful. Overall, just an amazing story about a sons love for the woman who gave him life. Makes me want to cry just thinking about it. I'm just really glad he is my friend, and I have gotten to know him on a more personal level.
Life is full of surprises. People come and go, but you just never know who will show up and catch you by surprise. My friend has surely made me take a long hard look at what really is important to me. I am so glad he has become a part of my life. :)

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