Monday, February 11, 2013

Mardi Gras 2013


Well, here we go again. Mardi Gras. To other's around the country, it is just another day at work. To us in South LA, it is just another excuse to party...HA. Actually, it is a religious holiday. Since South LA has a huge Roman Catholic population, Mardi Gras - "Fat Tuesday," is the big party before the the season of Lent - when Catholics are suppose to "fast" and pray and give up their worldly addictions leading up to Good Friday (death of Jesus) and the resurrection (Easter Sunday). Don't know if I got that all right, but it is something like that..HA. I was raised semi-Catholic. I say "semi" because it was in family tradition only. I never got Catholicism, but who gets religion anyway. I did my "little" communion, and whatever they call that thing when your a teenager, went to catechism,  learned "The Lord's Prayer", and Hail Mary's, and others.....that I would recognize if someone said the name...HA.  Anyway, Mardi Gras in South LA has evolved into more of a cultural phenomena. Everybody celebrates Mardi Gras....doesn't matter the religion. After years of bringing the kids for fun, then years of marching or watching the kids perform and march in parades (band and dance team members), Mardi Gras is nothing more than a pain in the butt to me, but I don't complain too is a holiday from school....yippee!!!!! Looks like Mother Nature is not cooperating this year with all the parades. We have rain predicted throughout Wednesday. I wanna say Zeus has already cancelled in Nola, and many others are pending cancellation. Not good for Nola, and really sad for those people who belong to those organizations. A lot of time and money go into get ready for "the parade day" and if rain cancels, well....just a serious bummer. Oh well, blog .....HAPPY MARDI GRAS!

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