Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chaotic Week

This last week has been chaos. Started teaching summer school last Monday, and all I can say is…..what the hell was I thinking taking on summer school? You would think 3 hours would be easy money, but the opposite is true. I come home every day and go to bed for a nap. However, I look at those poor little ones we have, and I feel guilty for dreading going. They all need so much……much more than I will be able to give them in 6 wks. Everyone thinks teachers take the summer’s off…hahahahahah. I haven’t had a summer off in forever. I think this is my 6th summer, either going to school myself, or working on something for school.

To make matters worse, I wasn’t feeling all that great. Woke up with a back ache last Sunday and it stayed with me all week. I also had a couple of headaches, which always scares me to death…..I use to be prone to migraines. Just a yucky week. My total weight lost is approx. 12 pounds. I’m glad I haven’t gained, but I’m sad I haven’t lost any either. I’m anxious to get my first “fill” and get back to losing weight. The swelling in the top part of my tummy (where the incisions are) has definitely gone down.
I’m trying to plan for our trip to Washington D.C. I hate making plans when the money will be tight. I’m trying to help out Johnny and Katie. After 3 days on the job, Johnny was promoted to waiter at the restaurant he is working. That required me going to purchase pants, shirt, socks, etc….and of course he needed gas too. Katie hasn’t asked for anything, but just feeding her and sheltering her is a bill…lol. But in all, I am trying to look on the positive side. I could have all four needing money…haha. It just seems this early to mid 20’s generation (the “Boomerang Generation” is what they are being called, since they keep coming back home) is having a hard time getting it together. I want to say it is just my kids, but it is not. I talk to friends and they are having the same issues with their “20 something” year olds. This is another time to say… que sera, sera!
No on to the oil disaster…..Our school secretary, who is also on the town council and a part of our Homeland Security committee, took a helicopter ride over St. Mary Parish coastline. We are free and clear of any oil… woohoooooo! Just a little oil spot near Cypremore Point. Our parish deployed the booms as soon as they received them, which helped in keeping away the brown and black “goop”, which is washing up on our neighboring parish’s shores. We also are very lucky that we have the fast and furious Atchafalaya River emptying into the Gulf on our coastline. Just the sheer force of this river will keep our coastline oil free. So that was good news to hear this week ….courtesy of our school secretary! Elsewhere…the news is still not any good. There is a shortage of seafood. Restaurants are having trouble finding shrimp, oysters, etc. Not good for a state that is known for its food. I have no idea how this will all turn out, but it really scares me to death. Ok, that is all for now.

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