Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm Over It.

     Ok, so I had a meldown the other day. I am allowed a "pitty party" every once and a while. I know I should be children are all healthy, still working towards degrees / jobs, etc , but sometimes, I just wish I could give them a good old fashion spanking and send them to their room.
     On a lighter note, I will be visiting my son in Washington DC next month. I'm looking forward to it. I really don't know who is coming with me, but I will go by myself if need be. I don't mind.
      Got to visit with a dear friend I haven't seen in 10 years. It was so good to see her and her husband, and catch up on the last 10 years. Hopefully we won't wait another 10 years before
      O well, need to get to work on lesson plans and schedules. Blah.

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