Sunday, June 27, 2010

Stressin and Panickin...Are those words?

Ok, lets see....oil still spewing and now we are just waiting to see what Tropical Storm Alex is going to do. Oh God, I don't like to hope anything like a hurricane on someone else, but that thing cannot come this way. Right now all the computer models have it going into Mexico....personally I hope it just dies in the southern Gulf, but they still do not know for sure what will happen. It is just too hard to predict these storms. However, if it does come this way, BP will have just a few days to evacuate all the equipment and men, then it will take 2 weeks to put it all back. Sooooooo, while it is all picked up, we will have oil steadily spewing into the Gulf, then the storm will pick it up and deposit all over southern Louisiana. Not only will there be pictures of oiled soaked birds and animals, but the national media can take pics of everything soaked in the black and brown goop. Mignon Faget, a New Orleans artist and jewler, just completed a line of jewelry where all of the proceeds will be donated to help restore our coast. Absolutely beautiful pieces of jewelry....they are truly works of art. ( I love all of her jewelry. I'm hoping to buy a couple of pieces for me and my girls. Everyone is trying to help, but the scope of this disaster is so enormorous that I don't know if any amount of money or people will completely clean up everything. It will just never be the same.

Our trip to DC is quickly approaching.....We will be leaving around 6AM Friday. I will spend the week trying to figure out how to put pics on this blog...and it will probably take me all week to figure it out. LOL

Ok, will update later on this week.

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