Monday, July 26, 2010

Blah, I'm Pooped!

This last week has been exhausting. I finished summer school on Tuesday, help inservice the 6th Grade Teachers on having students with Hearing Impairments in their classes at BJHS, went to the School Board Office and turn in my paperwork to have my Masters +30 added to my teaching certificate, completed lots of housework, caught up on my sleep, enjoyed some casino therapy, visted my aunt and my buddy, and visited with my grandchildren. None stop excitement. Today I slept pretty much all day. Although I had been up for over 24 hours, I could not go to sleep last night. My sleeping schedule gets all turned around and upside down during the summer, but when school starts, it always goes back to normal; therefore, I will just quit trying to fix it until I have too.

This week, the LA Gulf Coast managed to dodge another bullet....Tropical Storm Bonnie. Thank goodness. The tropical storm disappated to a very weak depression before coming ashore near NOLA. Here in Berwick, we did not get one drop of rain from Bonnie. I'm sure this won't be the last of the storms to head in our general direction this year, but I sure wasn't ready for one before the height of the season. Meteorologists are saying that they are seeing a pattern set up for westward moving storms since the large Bermuda high is protecting the east coast of the US, which is not good for the Gulf Coast. We will just have to play "wait and see" as the active months of August and September approaches quickly.

BP is planning to start operations on the "static kill" procedure. I had no clue what in the world it is, so I had to look it up. According to the article I read, it is pretty much the same thing as the "top kill" procedure they tried and failed. It is basically pumping mud and cement into the gushing hole to seal it off from gushing out oil into the Gulf of Mexico. They are saying that it has a better chance of plugging the "hole" because they have managed to partially cap off the well. By capping it off, they can basically pump in the mud and cement with lower pressure which will force the oil back down into the resevoir. We are all praying it works. This is supposed to begin Aug. 2.

Oh poopy....I'm sleepy! I'm going lay down. Blah!

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