Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vacation Time!

        Ok, done with summer school until the 7/12.....thank goodness. Ready to leave behind my beloved Louisiana for the drama in Washington DC. I am really looking forward to seeing my son. I have never been this long without seeing the turd. Van has been checked out, washed, cleaned out, and filled with gas. Now all I need to do is pack it......that is where the headache begins. I still need to go to Walmart for a few things, so hopefully I will get all this done early enough to get some sleep. We will be stopping in Bristol, VA for the night, then try to make it in to DC before per request by, I mean my son. :)
        Ok, need to get to work packing. We will hit the road at 5:15 AM, stop and pick up my friend in Schriever and hopefully be on the road by 6:00 AM.

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