Monday, October 18, 2010

Something has to give!

Phew! September flew by, and we are already half way through October. Things have not calmed down any at school. Instead of it getting easier, it seems to be getting harder. I have spent the last 2 Sundays at school trying to get a handle on the paperwork, but the stack doesn't seem to get any smaller. Last Sunday, I spent 13 hours at school. This Sunday, I spent 7 hours at school. I will be getting to school early to try to get more done before the school day begins. I have made major changes to my schedule and my 5 interpreters schedules, so I am hoping for some relief from those changes.

Nothing much going on outside of school. Katie's last day for her long term substitute job is Oct. 29, then she will be out looking for another job. She may have an opportunity to get 2 more maternity leave positions, if she doesn't find something permanent. Johnny is out looking for a job again also. Hopefully, he will decide what to do with all those college hours he has, but no degree. Nick is still trying to figure out what in the world he is gonna do. Seems like the Air Force is the way he is leaning. Who knows? He may change his mind 10 different time before May (his enlistment time with the Marine Corp is over.) And Kristian is plugging along I guess. She is always studying, and she hopes to be done in May. I hope so too.

As for me, I'm sick of going to school. I have been in school all my life, and for what? A school teachers salary of $52, 000 year. I get another $6,000 for being the Director of our After School Care Program. Big whoopi! All that education and I don't even make $60,000 a year. Yes, I am thankful that I do have a job, and yes, I know I make a lot for a woman, but I am still pissy that with all of that schooling, I should not have to go back everytime I want to try something different. I recieved my Master's in School Counseling from the University of Southern Mississippi, which their education department is NCATE approved, and the School Counseling Curriculum is NCATE approved, but that is not good enough for LA. O no, they want me to take 2 more classes to be a certified School Counselor in LA. Then, I took this Hearing Impaired position, then found out that I needed to take 2 parts of the Praxis and an internship + 18 more freaking hours of classes. Are they nuts? I got a whopping $300 more a month (gross) for my Master's +30 (I actually have +36), but that isn't good enough. Guess what I would get if I did all they want me to do to be Hearing Impaired Certified.....just take a guess.....$0. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Ugh. Seriously, I am just trying to make it 2 more years after this year. I will be eligible to retire. I am seriously thinking about moving. Yes, I love LA, but enough is enough. None of the other teachers in my School Counseling Graduating class had to deal with this. Their state accepted their degree face value. Only the 4 students from LA were paid for their degree, but not certified as a School Counselor.

Weight loss is going good I guess....I haven't weighed myself in over a month.....Need to go back for a fill, but so hard to go to NOLA while in school.
O well, need to get to won't be long until that alarm goes off and I will be bouncing out of this bed. Nite All!

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