Friday, March 15, 2013

Living in Peace

"Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is rather than as you think it should be."

Peace is one of those gifts that money cannot buy. I am person who enjoys peace. I do not like drama at all. In fact, I stay as far away from it as I possibly can. However, in my line of work, drama seems to be a daily occurrence. If it is isn't coworkers, then it is parents. If it isn't parents, then it is supervisors or administrators. Rarely does a week go buy where we do not have drama-of some kind-at school. The lack of peace in my life lately revolves around my inability to accept life as it is rather than the way I think it should be. That goes for my professional life; as well as, my personal life. I tend to analyze everything. I should have been a research scientist.....maybe I would be so tired of analyzing data that I wouldn't do it also in my personal life, but I'm not a research scientist, so I not only analyze everything at school, but also in personal life. I look at things through those glasses that see things as they should be.....the most experienced, most educated employee get the promotion, and the nice, sensible, kind, woman gets the prince. That is the way I feel it should be; but in reality, the uncertified, young, less experienced person get the promotion and the lying, cheating, deceitful woman gets the prince. I've started forcing my self to see things as they are. Stop making excuses for those who disrupt the peace in my life. I hate cutting people out of my life, but I have to have peace. Otherwise, I think I just might go "bonkers." Is that too much to ask? I don't think so.

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