Monday, March 4, 2013

Never Regret Anything

"Never regret anything that has happened in your life - it cannot be changed, undone, or forgotten. So take it as a lesson learned and move on."

The above quote is one that I have understood since I was just a little girl. Life is,  what it is. Crap happens. Unfortunate events occur. People come and go. For the most part, I really do not have any real regrets. Oh, there are things I wish I had done differently; however, it cannot  be changed, undone, or why fret over it. I just make the best of it, and move on. I've become a pro at moving on. So many people hang on to bad decisions for dear life, and all it does is eat at them like a cancer. I just walk away, and try to learn my lesson. For me, learning the lesson is the hard part. I can walk away, let go, move on, but many times when I'm presented with a similar situation, I be damn if I don't do the same thing! Not always, but I have on occasion repeated bad decisions. Most of the time, it involves people who I care about. They come to me for help, and I simply cannot say no. I want to help, but in the end, I get screwed again. I admit, it is hard to swallow that someone you care about does not feel the same way about you. It is amazing...the people I have helped the most in their time of need is the very ones who consistently turn their back on me when I am in need. I have had it happen to me so many times that I rarely ever ask anyone for help. However, I even see it in friendships. When they need a shoulder to cry on, I am the first person they call. However, let me need a shoulder to cry on, and they will "call me back later." Not that I ever really push the is what it is. I've just learned to handle everything on my own....the hard way of course. In the last few years, I have started to pay people for help around the house. This year, I am firing everyone.....I pay good money, and nothing ever gets done the way I want it. I'm going buy a lawn mower, and cutting my own damn grass. I am buying my own pressure washer, and pressure washing my own house. I am washing my own van from now on. I have skirting to put up, roof that needs to be resealed, plumbing work, etc. This list goes on. I'm going to get it done somehow. I have no freaking choice. No one can/wants to help, and I am tired of paying for half ass work. Ok, so I feel determined....empowered. Moving along.............................

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