Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pulling up my big girl panties :)

Ok, so the Susan has not been feeling quite right for the last 3 or 4 days. Something was not quite right. I had a slight headache all the time, was sleepy all the time, stressed out, and not wanting to do much of nothing. Sounds like depression, but actually it was my blood  pressure. One of my interpreters mention she had a headache from starting her blood pressure meds and it made me think just maybe mine was low, but it was the opposite....high. The nurse at school took it twice....145/98, then 155/102....yikes! I have been off blood pressure meds for a year, but I think all the stress of finishing this degree and my job is putting undue stress on me. So, went to see the doctor this morning. Back on blood pressure meds and my anxiety pills. I hate taking meds, but I got to see this through I guess. Took today off and taking tomorrow off too. I just need to chill.  If I can just make it through the middle of May, I think I will be fine. All of my thesis stuff will need to be turned in by April 26. I can't wait. So this is my quote for today:

"Sometimes you just have to pull up your big girl panties and do it whether you like it or not."

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