Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014.

What a year! I have always had mixed feeling about New Year's Eve. You saying goodbye to time passed, and really no matter how bad it may have been, the bad doesn't last forever. The good times are always hard to let go. Today, I am with the boys. I love those two so much. They are a mess and a half I tell ya. The oldest is already worrying about when I will leave. He actually woke up all teary eyed thinking about it. I hope I can pry myself away. :( I hate leaving them, but I know I will be ready for some quiet time before heading back to work. 2014 has been a pretty good year. All 5 of us has new job (me and my kids). I took a new job in Tangi, the oldest moved back to her old job in west LA, my oldest son was promoted and with that promotion came a move to a new location. My youngest son's contract was up with his employer, and a new employer scooped him up right away. My youngest daughter took a new position in a whole other state. Jobs seem to be safe at this point. Four out of the 5 of us has moved. I haven't sold my main home, but I got an apartment where I work. At this point, I am 95% sure I will sell and make the new place permanent. I love the new place, and it is starting to feel like home. My oldest has moved 3 times and started right back where she was at the beginning of My oldest son moved for his new position with the same company. My youngest daughter got married to her childhood sweetheart and moved to a nearby state. None of us at this point is back in our hometown permanently. So what is the point of keeping it? Makes no sense to tell you the truth. What will 2015 bring? Who knows at this point? No one. However, new years always start out with hopeful anticipation. What am I hoping for? Happiness, simplicity, love, peace, joy, good health.....for both me and my family. I'm ready 2015! Bring it on!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Yea, I'm blessed. Thrifty girl is getting married in less than 2 weeks. I'm so happy. She deserves to be happy. All of my kids are healthy, and that I am thankful for that. I have had a few medical issues, but all test have come out super. I still have one more doctors appt. to schedule an outpatient procedure. Doctor wants to discuss options, but my stubborn self is only approving one option. Lol not going on meds to handle an issue that is part of aging. Just let it take its course I say. I am so content these days. Job is good. Family is good. Love my job. Just blessed. Yep, life is good!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Settling in to a new normal.

Life is good. Real good. Love, love, love my new job. Love the town and apartment I live in. The only thing that gets me down is going home every weekend. I don't want to go. This being part of two  places is frustrating. I want to spend my weekends here, but I have responsibilities back home that I need to tend to, so I must go. Then when I think of selling the old place I start sobbing. I miss my home, my friends, and my old life lol. Crazy. God has a plan. I know that. It is in motion, and I must be patient and all things will fall into place. So, I try to focus on His plan for my life....and to listen....really listen when he speaks. I'm learning. Finally. To listen. I need to be still and listen. Don't analyze. Just listen. Don't try to figure it out. Just listen. Don't take matters into my own hands. Just listen. And wait. All good things come to those who wait. And listen. :)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Season of Change

Low and Behold, it looks like I'm moving! New job, new town, new place to call home. Finally, God has said it is time Susan! It is always amazing to see everything fall into place. It started in January with my beautician closing her shop and becoming a stay at home mom. I knew right there.....God was preparing my path. Lots of opening in the job 2 offers....and I went with the one that felt right, rather than the $$$. Going Monday to officially resign from my old job, and make sure everything is in place for transfer and probably have lunch with a friend. Tuesday, going to the new job to get all the paperwork done there, and stop and get a PO Box to start the process of changing addresses. Started packing this weekend, and getting this place ready to show ....hopefully they will want to buy it and that is done. Yesterday, my aunt called to say that my doctor announced in the paper he has moved his practice to another parish.....and guess what?! It is closer to my new home! Woot! God has it all laid out for me. I can just feel it. Good feeling actually.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring Break 2014

Well......Spring Break is here, and for the first time in my whole career I do not have 10 days off. I have only 6, because in wonderful Jefferson Parish, that is all they give us. When I found out (because I just assumed it was the 10 days) I like to had a heart attack. I mean.....really????? Anyway, I'm over the shock....I guess I will take whatever I get. Everybody is making their usual trek to the beach.....and of course....I'm not, but I am glad I'm not....too cold. Crazy ass weather. So for two days, I have just been hanging out at home with the boys. We have been eating, sleeping, and playing games. That is it. It has felt good for real.

On another note, Thrifty Girl is getting married! Yep! That is big news. Hadn't thought about what I will call him on here.....hmmmmm, I think Romeo. He sure has swoooooood my girl. Actually, he isn't new to our family. He was actually Thrifty Girls very first boyfriend eva. Both went their separate ways after high school. He married, joined the Navy, and had two children. She went to college, started a career, and had several failed relationships and lost two babies. They both found each other on Facebook at the perfect time. He was in the middle of a divorce, and she was coming out of another heart break. It really is all about timing. It is so good to see my baby happy. And he too is very happy. Now we are planning a wedding for November 22, 2014. Yeeehaaaa. He will be getting outta the Navy in May, and headed home.

Ok, well.....that is it. Nothing going on round here. I'm out. Peace out blog world.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Test

Yep, it is that time of the year again. Testing. Since I do not have a class, I have been assigned to a school that need extra help. Where did I get assigned? Only the toughest middle school in all of Jefferson Parish. Yep. Of course. Half of the teachers have quit, so that means that they have subs in the classroom that are  not certified. I am certified...lucky me! Which means, I will need to practice my Tai Kwan Do moves over the

Well, since my last post, life has been up and down. My youngest daughter has gotten engaged to her childhood sweetheart. Actually, he was her very first boyfriend. After high school, they both went their separate ways...he married and had two children. Katie had two miscarriages with her long time boyfriend and several other bad relationships. Katie always did the right thing, and I couldn't understand why God was testing her. But, it is becoming clear. Bother her and the new fiancee needed to be tested. Just like the kids in school. God wanted to make sure that they both appreciated each other......and lord do they. I have never seen her this happy. And he is equally happy. I am so excited.....finally.....a wedding. Lots of planning, but it will be beautiful. I'm excited.

God has been testing me also. Testing my patience, work ethic, ability to make decisions. I am the worlds worst decision maker. I over analyze every stinking thing because I don't want to make a mistake. I hate making big decisions. Ugh! One decision I made is to apply for a new job. I like Jefferson, but the upper administration is dysfunctional. Nobody can make a decision, and the money sucks big time; therefore, I have applied in two near by parishes. I will try. If it is in God's plan, I will get one of those jobs. If not, the door will slam. I have no clue what will happen, but I'm ready if I do get it. Either job will require a move. So this is big time decisions. Ok, well....enough already. Blah.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What am I doing wrong?

I'm clueless. I mean, seriously....I'm clueless. I just don't get it. What in the world am I doing so wrong? I'm nice to people. I help anyone who needs help (if I know about it). I compliment people. Love people. I listen. I give advice when asked, and I feel capable to give the advice. If I don't, I find someone who is. If someone needs money, I give. I give. I give. I give. I give. I give. But, let me need something. Or want something. And BAM....people run the other way. Let me ask a simple question,  ( Have I offended you again?) and I am insulted and called annoying. One time I actually had someone say I was "fat and ugly." I forgive. I always do. And forget, although much more difficult than forgiving. Seems like the very ones who I give the most too are the ones who literally stomp the shit outta me. So do I quit being nice? Quit giving money? Quit helping? I'm told no. You keep loving, helping, giving, listening, etc regardless of what is appreciated or not, whether I get anything in return, whether anyone ever returns the favor. I'm planting seeds I'm told. But at 51 and my whole freaking life has been like this, I'm about to lose it. This past week, I had two people I care about de-friend me on FB. Yea, it hurt. I guess I am not suppose to question statements. I am suppose to just eat shit and be quiet. Dont ask questions. Just take the shit that is shoved in my face, swallow it, and smile like I like it. I blocked both of them. One, I still have to deal with. The other....not no, but hell no. I'm almost to the point that I want to push everyone clean outta my life. I'm tired of being insulted, hurt, humiliated, jilted.....what is it that God wants. Am I not doing something? I don't know, but I am tired of thinking. Glad I am going back to work tomorrow. ....take my mind off of the shit.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Life, as I Know It, is Changing

Well, everyone who knows me, knows I do not handle change well. Never have. I like to get where I am going, do what I am suppose to be doing, and let all the rest of the world move on with all of the drama. I love simplicity. Quiet time. Oh, I do like to go out and have a good time....that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the important stuff, like where you live, your job, the people in your life. I don't like that to change, but as I am getting older, I am handling change much better. I guess it is because, I really only have myself at this point to worry about....sort of. I still worry about my children, but it is different now. I really have no say about what they do with their life, so I have learn how to accept whatever path they choose. Oh, I still tell them if they are making a mistake. That I will never stop doing. This past week, my oldest - Princess, has moved back into my house with my two precious grandsons. I am excited they are finally back home. She needed to be back where family can help her with the kids. God provided a wonderful job, with benefits, and I provided the rent free living arrangements.  However, this is the kinda change that drives me crazy. I have to say that I am handling it all pretty well. There is a reason for this I know. God has a plan. It hasn't been revealed to me just yet, but I know it is coming so I am keeping my ears and eyes open. I'm pretty sure it will involve me moving. Where? No clue. God knows that the Princess and I are like oil and water, so I am hoping he reveals his plan soon before we kill each other. LOL. Well, I have a million and one things to do today, but I felt like writing. Until next time..............Que, Sera, Sera!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Great Communicator?

ALL my life, one of my best assets has been my communication skills. Seriously, people seek me out. Call me on the phone. Always want to talk. Principals call me to calm irate parents, handle kids that are freaking out, etc. Well, at 51 years of age...I have run into my nemesis. There have not been many people in my life that I have not been able to communicate with, but this particular person is completely impossible. First off, everything I say he is annoyed with. I can tell in the tone of his voice. It doesn't matter what I say, he gets annoyed. He so abruptly told me a couple of days ago that he wants "entertaining conversation, no mind tricks or jedi mind games." I was like WTF is he talking about. I wouldn't know how to play a mind game if someone gave me step by step directions. Within minutes of us talking on the phone, he is pissed, I am clueless as to what I said to piss him off, and he is abruptly hanging up. Can't text either. He takes every stinkin thing outta context. Doesn't matter what I say, how nice I try to say it, he is pissed. At first I was like, pffffft. Be gone with your drama self. I'm not a mean person, so when he would talk to me, I would talk back....even if I knew I was fixing to be insulted AGAIN. When we started talking, our convo's were light and entertaining...would talk for like hours. Then we met. And it has been downhill since. I thought that he just wasn't interested, so he was trying to piss me off so I will stop talking to him, which just may be the case. But I have given him every out known to me anyway. Is God trying to teach me a new communication technique that I may need later on....LOL. I can't imagine why I have not smack him and kicked his ass clean outta my life. It has got me most aggravated and humored at the same time. Hmph!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Great "Sneaux Storm" of 2014

Well, I think it is over. No "sneaux" for the Berwick area. Lots of ice and sleet, but other than I hate the kids didn't get to see snow...this is rare for South LA, but maybe next time. This sure has been a cold winter. Outta school for 2 days now. Hope the roads are cleaned and open for tomorrow. I dont wanna miss any more schoolin. Alright, need to make my coffee. Woot!

Monday, January 20, 2014

United We Stand

How appropriately, on Martin Luther King national holiday - that today, I'm reminded that Satan will try to destroy those relationships in my life that would glorify God. I was reading some beautiful uplifting messages on FB, and one of the messages pointed out that you should never be an option for someone. "You are the sum of the people you spend the most time with." It further went on to say..."If you hang around the wrong people, they will bring you down, but if you hang around the right people, they will lift you up." The wrong people will feel intimidated by you, and the right people will be encouraging and love me just the way I am. WOW! And then it hit me. Satan doesn't want me around the right people, so he will drive a wedge between us.  Satan doesn't want God's chosen to be equally yoked. Insecurity, pride, boastfulness, bragging, etc. are all tools that Satan will use to divide believers. Yes, I know that I needed to cut some people out of my life. These people were leaches - they sucked the life right out of me, but I need to be aware that Satan doesn't like where I am at this point in my life. He knows that I am searching for a Godly man, and he will tempt me with just about anything to make sure that any relationship I pursue will NOT glorify God and his kingdom. Ok Satan. I'm on to you now. I'm on guard. You can just go away, because you WILL NOT win this battle.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Simple Pleasures

I'm having a contemplative kinda morning. Just sitting in my bed, playing around on Facebook, catching up on reading the news, relaxing, drinking my coffee, listening to the rain softly sprinkle on my metal roof....Ya know, just enjoying some simple pleasures before the day begins. Actually, I have been enjoying my quite time for about 2.5 hours, and I need to get up, but I decided to just blog a bit ...just to remember that sometimes, simple pleasures are the best!

This past week was rough...not in a bad way I drama, but just not wanting to go to work I guess. I don't think I can handle working in Jefferson Parish for another year. I think I will beef up the old resume' again and start searching. I also think that I will be moving this summer. Where? I have no idea. God hasn't revealed this to me yet. I'm afraid I will need to cast my nets wider, but off course, I do not want to. I will add parishes east and west of Berwick, but that will put me further than 1.5 hours, which means I will not be able to commute. I'm not going further North at first. Right now, Teach for LA only shows that Aciadiana and Rapides Parish's need Ed. Di.'s Both in the wrong direction of where I wanted to go. But since God and I are NEVER on the same page, I need to explore outside my "want" area. Ugh! He knows best. I know that. But really, just once, I would like to pray for something and it be in his will. Why am I just so stubborn. I am even considering looking outta state. I tear up just thinking about it. If nothing bites or looks promising by June first, I think I might look at Mississippi (Biloxi, Gulfport area), Texas, or "Lord help me" the DC area. I want to make more money. I mean seriously. Four effin degrees and I make $56 K. Give me a break. I want more money. Period.

What I really want is God to just point me in the right direction. I feel like a fish outta water. Oh well, I really didn't want this post to be I will just stop right here and get up to clean my lovely home. Blah.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year - 2014

What is it about a new year that makes you feel like everything is new....crazy. It really is just another day. Anyway, I think it is just a time for us to reflect on our past, and look at how we can make our future more productive. This year I'm hoping my life will be about change. This "major change" that I have been feeling for the last 7 years can't be just a passing fancy. Maybe 2014 is it. I did see quite a bit of change in 2013. No more kids living at home. New job in NOLA. Lost all my excess weight. Search for my soul mate began. I'm hoping the change continues. First, it will have to be God driven.....I'm not doing a flipping thing or going anywhere unless God is driving the bus. I'm praying....and keeping my eyes open....looking for the open doors. One area that I have made a bold stand is relationships. If you continuously disrupt the peace in my life without remorse, then I'm cutting you out of my life. Some got cut out of my life just a few days ago, some are very close, and I am sure others not far behind. Sounds harsh...I know, but a person only can take so much. I have always been a people person. I care deeply. I love deeply. I help deeply. Every thing I do, I do because I want what is best for those in my life. But if you cannot treat me with the same respect and love that I gone with selfish self. Poof! I am hoping God answers these questions in 2014. Do I stay with Jefferson Parish School System, or look for another job? I need to move closer to my job. I'm ready to move God! NOLA? or at least closer to NOLA? *fingers crossed.... But if not NOLA :(  I'm ready to go wherever he sends me, or if he wants me to stay put here in Berwick a little longer, I guess I will do that too. I've started a search for a soul mate. Who is he? Where is he? There is lots of things I'm looking for in this special person, but by far, the one thing that must be apparent is his love for God. God must be #1 priority. He must seek God's will for his life. After that, I can compromise on some things....that is the one thing I won't compromise on. And of course.....I'm need to work on diet and exercise..grrrrrr. Why couldn't I just be born with a kicking metabolism and rock star body that never needs exercise? No, God gives me brains and big heart. Blah. Ok, well....nuff rambling for tonight. Happy New Year.