Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another quote.....hmmmmmmmmm.

"More often in life, we end up regretting the chances in life that we had, but didn’t take them, than those chances that we took and wished we hadn’t.”

I keep running across quotes that make me think......HA! I think I might start a "quote of the day." A friend of mine used to do a "word of the day" as her and her children rode to school every morning. Now that they are all grown up, she sends them a text with a "quote of the day." I think it is neat. I think I will start doing that too. I'ma send it to my 4 children, my daughter in law, and my soon to be son in law. Now on to the quote of the day (above).

I can remember very clearly the day the above quote became real to me. I was a young single mother of 4 small children (elementary age). I was overwhelmed with just taking care of their needs, but my biggest fear was having regrets where they were concerned. I always dressed them in the best clothes, made sure they didn't have any spots or stains, ironed each ones clothes, combed and fixed their hair, etc. I made sure they ate 3 meals a day, kept a clean house, brought them to church, at the least, 3 times a week. If they were interested in something, I made sure they had sufficient exploration because I knew education would ensure their success one day. Then one day, a friend of mine gave me a story written by a older mother who was just recently diagnosed with cancer. She was in her 70's, and she had decided that she wasn't going to go through chemotherapy. She had been through it before, and she had decided that she would spend what time she had left enjoying her children and grandchildren. She decided to write a note to young mothers, so that they would not make the same mistakes she made. The main idea of her note was the above quote. Her note hit such a "raw" nerve, that after I read it, I just sat and cried. Basically it said, don't worry about a spotless house, dishes, clothes that need ironing, etc. Use your time wisely....spend time with your babies...make memories. Time is one of those things that we take for granted....we all have doesn't cost us anything....but when your time on earth is done, what is it you want your love ones to remember? You kept a clean house? No, you want them to remember those good times. Like the time mom was determined to take you all to New Orleans to see Christmas in the Oaks in City Park and we ended up in Slidell...HA! By the time we got there, you all were too tired to ride the old vintage carosel and I made you all get on it because we had spent 4 hours looking for the blessed park! Or the many times we spent the day in Biloxi on the beach, and before we headed back home at the end of the day, I made yall strip butt naked on highway 90 and I poured water on you to get the sand off of you before you got in the van (don't worry, Aunt MB was holding the towel so no one would see your booty). Or our many trips to the state capital, museums, Audubon Park, the Aquarium, misson trips, etc. etc, Gosh how time flys. On the day that I read that letter from that dieing mother, I decided that an untidy house wasn't so bad (remeber our Saturday clean up days?HA) With 5 of us working, we were done in an hour! I am so grateful to my friend who gave me that letter. I found it a couple of years ago, and it brought tears to my eyes. Little did we know that several years later, her son would be diagnosed with cancer and she would lose him to the dreadful disease. Life is so short. The truth is, in the is those things that money cannot buy that suddenly become priceless to us....Time, Love, Friendship, Memories, Peace, Happiness, etc.Those are the things that are priceless, but we usually do not realize it when it matters most. I am so thankful to that dieing mother. Had I not read her letter, I may be writing a different post. I continue to make the most of each day. Oh, I have duties to fulfill, but I make time for my children and grandchildren, I make as memories as I can, I love, I seek peace, I find happiness in anything. I don't every want to say....I wish I had done......? I do it. I don't want to say I have no regrets, but the ones I do have are small in comparision to what could have been had it not being for that dieing mother's note to young mothers. I hope she knows how thankful I am that she included that note to young mothers during her end time. What a beautiful legacy. I'ma try to find it, and post it on this here blog.

Woot! OBAMA Care Upheld by the Supreme Court!!

In 2014, Blue Cross of LA can kiss my big fat !%$#^&*&!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

God allows U-turns!

Ya know, I just don't understand people. When I was little, I can remember my grandmother slamming the "ice box" door and telling me "no, i could not have anymore grape juice." I cried, through a tantrum, but she said, "I said no, and I'm not going to change my mind." However, I kept trying....begging, pleading, all the while she said "no" and she finally, set my glass of water on the table and went to watch TV. Might sound mean, but hell, I had already drank a whole can of that stuff. Finally, I sat down at the table and stopped crying. My grandmother was watching the news in the living room, and Susan got a sneeky thought. Dump out the water, pour the grape juice in the water glass, and run outside with it.....she would never know I got the grape juice. Well, I did it, but the grape juice just didn't taste as good as I had remembered. Could guilt, disobediance, selfishness be the cause of the bad taste? I think yes, it probably was. As an adult, I've learned to listen to God when he speaks to me. If he says 'NO", I say okay. Oh, don't think I have always listened. I had to learn the hard way, and I paid a heavy price for going against God's will for my life. Garth Brooks wrote a very poignont song entitled "Thank God for Unanswered Prayers." Sometimes our unanswered prayers saves us from years of pain. Sometimes we think we want something....we have to have it....even if God says no, we sneek it anyway, we continue down that road that God has blocked. We go around the barriers, and the road is marred with pain, depression, guilt, etc., but for some reason, some people continue to head down that road even after they realize they went down the wrong road. They are embarrassed, they keep trying to prove they are right, they are determine it will work out somehow, and before you know it...they have spent years (and for some, a lifetime) struggling down a road that was never meant to be, when all they had to do was admit they were wrong and make a U-turn. God does allow U-turns. Unfortunately, sometimes those of us who have learned that lesson can see the mistake others are making. We try to stop them, show them the right way, offer help, guidance, but in the end, it is their decision. Then, we have to sit back and watch those we love, struggle until they too, learn that when God says no, he is not going to change his mind. If we disobey him, we are in for a long and painful road until it ends, or we admit we made the wrong decision, ask for forgiveness, and make a U-turn. You still have to pay for not listening, but in the end you are a better person. As a mother, I have spent 30 years guiding my children. If only they would listen. Mom does know a thing or two about life; however, I'm powerless now that they are older. All I can do is tell them they are headed down the wrong road, but in the end, it is their decision. I'm afraid, as parents, we have failed to allow Generation X and Y learn these lessons early. I see a whole generation making mistakes, but refusing to admit they are wrong. All I can do is pray, thats all. I'm just ready for them to be all grown up. I hope I live long enough to see it....LOL.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Quotes that make you say.....hmmmmmmmm.

With all this spare time on my hands, I tend to be playing around on the computer a lot, which is something I rarely ever have time to do. Anyway, last night I ran across this quote:

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we took so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened up for us”

                                                                                                                                    - Helen Keller

Currently, I am dealing with a job crisis in our Hearing Impaired Program, of which I am the supervising teacher. Just like most of the public school systems across America, funding has become a major issue. St. Mary Parish School Board has dodge the bullet for many years...not because we have not had the same budget cuts as everyone else (we have), but because our Cheif Financial Officers have been very frugal over the years and saved plenty money. However, our "rainy day fund" is all but depleted, and the state continues to hand over more expenses to the parish with no increase in our Minimum Foundation dollars. Needless to say, our parish has had to eliminate 29 teaching positions and 18 para positions. One of those 18 para positions was actually one of my transliterators. Bless her heart, she called me Thursday crying about her "pink slip." I almost died. She reminds me so much of my youngest daughter, and she is a young married mother of a sweet baby girl, and she desperately needs this job, like most young families do. I immediately called both my supervisor and principal to plead my case. There is no way our program can funtion with 12 students and only 6 transliterators....not gonna happen. I need 2 full time at BJHS. That leaves 4 at BES with 7 students! No way. Anyway, last night when I read that quote, I thought about several people in my life that needs to here that quote, but I wrote it down to help me remember the power of those words from a woman who found happiness in spite of multiple disabilites. First thing this morning, my transliterator called. She had called my supervisor to plead her case. I was at a loss for words, when I looked down and saw the quote. I told her not to look at this negatively. Look at it as a "blessing in disguise." If she doesn't get hired back on, maybe there is something else she is meant to go back and get her teaching degree, which she has wanted to do, but the lack of time and money has stopped her. She could pick up a couple of house cleaning jobs, collect unemployment, and go back to school all the while she could stay at home with her precious little girl. I told her not to stand there looking at the closed door, look for the door that is open and go through it to see what blessing God has waiting for you. By the end of the conversation, she seemed much more optimisti,c and was fixing to feed the baby, and then head on over to the unemployment office.

I learned the power of those words many years ago; however, I did not know the author. Knowing the author makes them even more powerful. I learned that when one door closes, no matter how painful it may be, don't sit there hoping it will reopen. God closed it for a reason. Start looking for the door he has opened. I've learned not to try to force open a closed door too....leave it closed. It is so much easier to look for that open door. Everyone knows I have been wanting to move back to Thibodaux for some time to be near my aging Aunt and my buddy. After my youngest daughter graduated from high school 6 years ago, I've been searching for that open door. I've yet to find that open door. Everytime I look into moving, the door is closed firmly in my face. I have painfully had to accept that is not where God wants me for some reason. Now I'm looking at a career change. I should know whether or not I got the job by next week. Will that door open, or will something else open up on the site? I do not know at this point, but I'm looking for that open door. I know if it is God's plan, it will open up, and I will gladly walk through it. That is the joy of having a personal relationship with worries. You know that God has your best interest at heart, and he has all crisis under control. He will take care of you, and if a crisis occurs, there is a reason. You may not know what that reason is at the time, and you may never know until you get to heaven, but believing that God is in control can take all the fears away, even in the worst of times. Wow....what powerful words from God, through Helen Keller!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I'm NOT Ready for Hurricane Season!

I'm so not ready for this Tropical Storm Debbie. It will just be a rainmaker it looks like, but when you live in a mobile home, you have to take these things seriously especially when you have a gigantic tree leaning over your home....ugh. The National Hurricane Center's "official" track has it walking up to my doorstep and knocking on my door...HA. ( It looks like it will make landfall in the southern portion of Terrebonne (my family home). They are already starting the sandbagging process there. However, the computer models are in huge disagreement as to where it will go. Half say here, the other half says over Florida and out to the Atlantic, so we are in one of those alert and watching stages. I really don't have any worries, as far as water is concerned, I just worry about wind and my "leaning tree." Everything that I take is packed and ready to go, but it is now buried under all of my daughters belongings in the spare room. It will take an "act of Congress" to get it out of there, but I'll get it all out if needed. I only take things with me that cannot be, special documents, and special items that are priceless to me. Everything else stays. Ok, I'm going on my porch and drink my coffee under my leaning tree. HA!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

Ok, so turned in the prize winning cover letter, resume', and application on Friday. The last day they will accept applications will be June 29th. As of Friday, I was the second application in. A good friend of mine told me she knew of 2 others that planned to put their name in the "pot." Those 2 I do not think I have any competition with. I think it is betwen me and this other lady from the west end. Since our teaching certificates are public records, I looked hers up. I have more experience, more certification areas, and more education. I don't know if that will make a difference, but it should. As I always do, I put this in God's hands. Whatever happens, I want it to be God's will for me. If I do not get the job, I know I have given it my best shot, and I will choose to believe that God has something better for me. I will just wait until he reveals this to me in his time.

On the home front, things have been quite low key. Since my vacation began, my son has decided that he doesn't need to do anything around the house....since mom is not working. When he wakes up today, he will be in for a shock....I cannot stand a filthy house. I picked up his crap one more time, but this is it. If I come home and he has left dirty dishes on the cabinet, his stuff scattered around the house, I'm taking it all and piling it in the middle of his bed. Then, I'm going to clean his bathroom one more time, tape the toliet shut, and put a lock on the door. How bout that! I'm done. He might catch the hint then.....and I emphasize "might." He works my very last nerve. My youngest daughter has sold her little camper, and moved all of her stuff in here. She did manage to get it all in to the front room, stacked nice and neatly....good girl! Thus far, she has not found any other lot, so it is looking like she will be down the road from mom.  :) Looks like we have our first tropical system to contend with out in the Gulf. Joy. Here we go. We have lucked out these last 3 years so hopefully it will one more year.

Ok, enough of this.....I have clothes to wash.....Ready, Set, Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Ok, so nothing much going on. Finish up the cover letter and  resume' for the new job I'm gonna get....notice, I'm staying positive. I think I will drive on over to Franklin to tomorrow to hand deliver the prize winning resume' and application to the boss man. I also posted my resume' to since I did that, this recuiter with the state department has been "blowing up" my email account with job offers; however, dumbass needs to read my resume'. I clearly said I wanted a job as an EDUCATIONAL DIAGNOSTICIAN! She took one look at that Special Education certification and went "hog wild." Then she never bothered to look at the fact that I clearly stated that I would be willing to relocate to surrounding parishes in SOUTHEAST LA. Ugh! She is sending job opening information for Caldwell and Sabine Parish (in North LA). I even listed all of the parishes to be sure they knew which ones I would be willing to relocate too. I am definately not relocating for a teaching position....that would be stupid! After next year, I may be willing to expand my options to Guidance Counselor, Supervisor of SPED, or Ed. Diag., but not this year. If I do not land the job here and nothing comes open in the surrounding parishes for Ed. Diag., then I know I will be ready to get out of the classroom by the end of next year. I want more money and darnit, I have earned it! But, I know I'ma get that job. My youngest daughter has decided to buy her a new mobile home. She doesn't want to pay  rent, and a house is out of the question at this point since her job is not secure. At least if she has to relocate, then she can take her home with her....that is the only thing good about a mobile home. It's portable! Actually, I called my landlord and she has decided to evict a mobile home right down the road from me so that my daughter can put her brand new mobile home in the neighborhood.....she will be 4 lots down from me....LOL! She hasn't decided for sure, but I think she will have no choice. There isn't much else out there. I told "Teddy" (my grandpuppy who sits on the porch with every morning to drink coffee) that Grammy would get her own key, and when I wake up, I would walk down to his house, unlock the door, and he could come have coffee with me every morning! He started jumping up and down and licking me......I was freaking out cause he acted just like he knew what I was saying....LOL! Actually, I think he did.....he is quite smart if I say so myself! HA! I think I am beginning to get "stir crazy." I slept til 12....didn't do much around the house, walked the garbage to the front, visited my neighbor, went eat with my son, played on the computer, took a I'm sitting here staring at the ceiling (which by the way....needs Give me another week, and my days and nights will be completely flipped around. HA! I guess I could go back to Leesville. My babies would like that. The little one called me today and said "Grammy I come much farther?" I'ma have to go back so that I can play and take them swimming everyday at the Hampton. They love Grammy to be the "shark" in the pool...I start...."Do do.....(and the little one starts screaming) do do do do....and they both are trying to swim away from me and splash at me at the same time. Halarious! Then we have to race, and see who can hold their breath the longest under water. They think Grammy has the coolest games in the pool, but actually I'm teaching them to swim. The oldest can now swim the width of the pool completely underwater. The little one has started going under water quite a bit too. Last year, I hard a hard time getting him to let go of the choke hold he had around my neck. Now he jumps off the side of the pool and goes completely under the They are both learning to use their arms and feet to "swim" away from the "shark". We still have to work on floating. They both sink like boulders without thier "floaties" on...LOL. After 3 hours in the pool, they eat you out of house and home and are asleep with no is Grammy. I love them kids! I have clothes to hang, I guess I can get my "fat ass" up and do that....Na, it can wait til tomorrow....LOL.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Trying to remember

Today is Father's Day.  It is a special day where we honor our father's, lavish them with gifts, fix them breakfast in bed, take them out to eat, etc. For those of us whose father's have long passed, it is a bitter sweet day. Today, I'm trying to remember. I was a "late in life" baby. My father was in his late 40's when I was born. I was definately a "Daddy's Girl." I was quite spoiled. I can remember him letting him crawl in the bed with him and mom when I would have a nightmare. He would tell me stories until I fell asleep. He was a hard worker. A WWII Army Veteran. He was stationed in Los Alamos, New Mexico, which as we all know now was where the famed atomic bombs were created. He was a cook in the Army. He owned a neighborhood bar in Bourg, LA, "DuBois Bar," but he sold it shortly after I was born. That wasn't a business to be in with children, and he was scared I would run out into the main road it sat on and get killed....typical dad. So, he went to work in the shipyards, like everyone else. That was where the money was anyway. He was a "sand blaster" at Quality Shipyards, which I found out the other day is still open. My nephew is now employed there. Unfortunately, I remember very little else. Just bits and pieces. I remember the last time I saw and spoke to him. He was sick and not doing well at all. He died when I was only 10. I often wonder if my life would have been better or worse if he had lived. He had his faults, but regardless, he was my father....I couldn't change that. As a child, I only saw the good, but as an adult, I see the faults. As the years move along, my memories fade more and more. I seem to only remember the day he died. Well, enough of this...........moving along.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Ok, so slept until 10:30 A.M.  I feel about 90% now. My youngest son called me. He is driving me nuts. First, he wants me to come visit, then he doesn't, then he does, then he doesn't (poor darlings just bought a new house and my daughter in law just started a new job, so things are crazy for them + he doesn't have time off), then he wants me to meet him in St. Augustine, Florida.....ok, hope y'all kept up with he doesn't want me to meet him in St. Augustine, he wants me to meet him in Jacksonville, FL, then drive down to Miami for a week of fun in the Sunshine State. To be honest, I can't keep up with him! I gotta lot of planning to do if we will do that in 2 weeks (which is my daughter in laws bday). Then my oldest called from Leesville - my grand babies miss the Grammy. Sweethearts don't know it, but Grammy needed a break! I'm going to help my Aunt do some more cleaning and organizing in her house, then I will probably look for something fun to do....hmmmmm, casino therapy? Should I go local, NOLA, or MS....hmmmmmm....let me think on that a bit.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Divine Interruptions?

OK, so the dream guy drove up in a white truck (as opposed to a white horse).  He came to fix the flat tire on my van, which required a bit of muscle, know how, and special tools (so Super Woman declined to attempt this feat today). Back to dream guy..... Let's just say he  was not as I had imagined. Tall, incredibly skinny, long blond greasy hair, wearing a "wife beater" t-shirt, which revealed a body covered in tattoos, and spoke with that North LA accent that sounds like fingernails being running across a chalk board, which made me want to stick my fingers in my ears when he talked. However, the man did know how to change a tire. He got that thing off right away, went back to his shop to fix it, and was back putting the fixed tire on my van before I had time to fix lunch for the boys. All that for a mere $43.80 - including tax. He earned a nice $12.00 tip ....I wish I could have given him more, but right there, at that moment, he was my hero!  So I loaded up the van with all of my belongings, and headed out after stopping by the hotel to get my daughter to fax over the receipt for road side service to my insurance company. I got all the way to Lake Charles (1 hour and 15 minutes) and happened to look down at my keys and realized that I had the only key to my daughter's apartment. Panicked, I called her. Thank God, the manager of her apartment gave her another key. So I get home, AC still not fixed because my lovely son did not answer the door when my "Honey Do" man came to fix it. So he was gonna do it this morning, but got tied up with something else, then of course it started to rain.....all afternoon. So finally, at about 7, he showed up. It is the fan motor; however, he cannot get one til Monday. So now I'm in Thibodaux, at my aunts, fixing to go to bed. I am not going to get down about the last couple of days. I just kept thinking about Joel Olsteen's message.....Look at our daily troubles as divine interruptions. Maybe God is saving me from an auto accident, drunk driver, etc. So I drove will take care of itself. I plan on sleeping late tomorrow. My babies wore me out. Night world!

What Next?

Dream guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I have a flat tire! Grrrrrrrrrr x 2


My AC is broken AGAIN! I'm going home today...Suddently, I want to crawl in a flipping hole.......................*&^%$%^&&*%$##@$%%^^%^&!!!!!!!!!!!
See, this is where my dream man would ride in on his white horse and say "Bae, don't worry....I have it all under control. Don't stress....I got this!"
I want my dream guy!!!!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

If I could have my "dream" man, what would I want? Hmmmmmmm.

Okay, I really have been quite busy Three blog post in one freaking day. Everyone must be thinking I have been sitting at home bored....NOT! I hit the floor at 6:30 A.M. and I am ending the day with this post. However, this has been one of those days where everything you do, makes you think! Well, my oldest daughter is a Manager of 2 hotels in Leesville near an Army base - Fort Polk. This little ole "po dunk" town sees a lot of visitors from all over the world because of  Fort Polk. I think that is why she loves this job so much. Anyway, her and I had lunch together and she wants me to meet one of her semi-permanent hotel guest. He teaches classes on the Arabic language to our troops at Fort Polk. I have never been one to like being "set up" with a guy, especially by my I immediately said "No!" As usual, she doesn't take "no" for an answer. She comes back at me with "But Mommmmmm, he makes a lot of money - $8,000 a month!" My response...."So, not interested, especially if he is wealthy." She looked at me dumbfounded. "Mom, he makes more than double what I make." So anyway, we went back and forth, as usual. First, I have a friend who does pretty much what he is doing....and I highly doubt that he makes that much. Sounds like he may be "inflating" that salary to impress, but anyway, after I left her for lunch, of course I thought about our conversation. If I could "build" my dream man, what would I want? Well, most of my friends look to the "money issue" first. Their theory is simply this....You can love a rich man as well as a poor man. True. You could, I suppose, but that is not the first thing that catches my attention. Here's why......First, my dream man would have to have an awesome personality. You could be the "hottest" guy in the world, but a dull, dry, boring personality is a total turn off to me. I like someone who can make me laugh; and enjoy serious, and intelligent,  as well as, goofy conversations with no subject  off limits. I like a good debate from time to time, and he needs to be able to laugh at himself too. Honesty is right up at the top of my dream list...HA! I can handle anything you throw at me, but lie to me, and I'm gone. I can't handle a liar. My ex and sister were  habitual liars. Took me years to find out just how much they lied to me....that will not happen again.Needless to say, neither are part of my life anymore. My dream guy will also have the highest of  integrity. I have morals. I don't expect my dream guy to have exactly the same morals as I do, but I definately don't want a "chump" either. Honesty, of course, is part of  integrity. My dream guy will also be respectful to me, others, and himself. If you do not have respect for yourself, you can't respect others. He will also be caring and be a "feeling" person. Caring about others...the poor, elderly, children, those less fortunate. A man who can care for others less fortunate than himself is in my book, amazing. He needs be "driven." What I mean by that is, if you want something (not necessarily materialistic), then go out and do it/get it. Like, I always wanted to an Educational Diagnostician. Well, I had a lot of work to do to be an Educational Diagnostician. Sitting on my "fat ass" would not make me an Educational Diagnostician....I had to work for it. He must also be a problem solver. I don't wait for problems to find me, I find them first and eliminate them before they upset me. That is just how I am. I cannot stand someone who sits and whines about their misable life, but does not take one step to make it better. Everyone becomes overwhelmed from time to time....I do too. Makes you wanna crawl in a hole somewhere, but that does absolutely no good. I can't live like that. I'm a "go getter" and my dream guy has to be also. We have to be a team of "go getters"  - always there for the other and to lift each other up when we are feeling down - being supportive and basically, "my bestest friend in the world." (As my grandson would say...LOL) My dream guy would love me God loves us ....with all of our faults, disappointments, and flaws. I could trust him completely, with my heart,  my life, my children, grandchildren, etc., etc., etc. I would never have to wonder with my dream guy. He also must take care of himself. I don't exspect abs of steel, but have enough dignity that he wants to grow old with Not croak over before I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but look over my dream guy. I said nothing about making tons of money. Oh, he needs to have a job. I'm not supporting any man. He needs to be happy in his job and support himeself. I do not need his money, I have my own. Will we have "hard times?" Yes, I know we will, but my dream guy will be my partner and he will not give up on us....even when it looks hopeless. Now, looking back at my dream man, other than having a job, money is not mentioned anywhere. Money cannot buy what I want in a man.,.... good personality, honesty, respect, trust, caring, supportive, driven, go getter, a problem solver, etc.  That is why a big ole salary does not impress me at all. So, my daughter comes home again tonight trying to convince me to me her friend. I told her I already met him...remember, him and a friend was at the pool grilling when I took the boys swimming. He opened the gate for there, we met. She just laughed and said, "Ok, mom."

Pro-Lifers, Read Up!

With the upcoming election, the "religious right" is at it as usual. Using those "hot button" social issues to sway others to vote for the GOP (typically). Gay rights, marriage, prayer in schools.....and of course, the abortion issue + many more. They jump on these "hot button" issues not really understanding what they are doing. For the record, I am PRO-CHOICE. No I'm not in the "feminist movement." I am person who actually came face to face with the realization of abortion. Over 24 years ago, I was pregnant with my fourth child. My husband (at the time) and I were living in Dallas, Texas. My plans were to start Texas State University in the fall to finish up a BA in Education; however, my unexpected pregnancy changed all of the that. I was devastated. I cried for two weeks. I already had 3 small babies all under the age of 4. I wanted to go back to college and finish my degree, but God had other plans. At 4 months gestation, my doctor ran a protein test. The test came back indicating something was wrong with the baby. He was incredibly gentle in telling me this; however, you all know I about questioned him to death. He wanted me to go to a specialist to have a high powered ultrasound and an amniocentesis. This would let him and the group of doctors know exactly what they were dealing with. Of course, I wanted to know what would happen, if indeed, the baby was malformed or had a disability. And he simply said that I might want to consider abortion. Huh? Abortion? What? OMG, was all I could think to say. Ultrasounds at that time was not all that great, and although everything looked fine, the blood test had confirmed something was wrong. After answering all my questions, I walked out of the doctors office in shock. I told the doctor I need a few days to absorb all that he had told me + I wanted to discuss this with my husband. All I could think about was how I was crying and carrying on because I did not want to be pregnant, and God just may give me my wish. I cried all the way home because of my selfishness. I had a sweet baby girl living and growing inside of me, and now I may lose her, or something be terribly wrong with her.  I talked to my husband, told him about the appointment, and he basically said to do as I wished. The decision was ultimately mine. Suddenly, an unwanted pregnancy became very much wanted. During the weekend, I prayed constantly. I begged God for forgiveness, and promised to take care of His precious gift at all cost. I even dreamed that I was to name her Katie Sue.....after my mother-in-law and my aunt (who had raised me and was like a mom to me). After the weekend, I went in to see the doctor. I asked him only one more question. "These test you want me to take, will they be 100 % accurate?" He said "no, they are about 99% accurate." So I said, "I could go through these test and there is a 1% chance they could be wrong." And his answer was "yes". I wanted to know this because finding out would give me time to prepare; however, the termination of pregnancy was not even  up for discussion at this point.  Furthermore,  when I found out that both test increased a risk of spontaneous abortion, and add in  the fact that there was even a 1% chance they could be wrong, there was no way I was going any further with these. I had promised God I would take care of his gift and in no way was I going to chance losing her now. Therefore, not only did I refuse to take the test, I was definitely not going to have an abortion. I walked out of the doctors office feeling very confident that everything would be okay. However, before I left, the doctor had me sign all kinds of papers because I was "going against his best medical advice." I signed them. This is not the only scare with this pregnancy. At month 6, the doctor couldn't find a heart beat. He rushed me over to the hospital for an ultrasound. Everything was fine....the little rascal was turned funny in my belly, so the fetal monitor couldn't pick up her heart beat; however, we could clearly see it beating away. To make a very long story short, Katie Sue was born on April 22, 1988 in Dallas, Texas to a welcoming family and about 5 pediatric specialist and pediatric nurses. She was perfect. Not a thing wrong with her. Now you may be wondering why I'm telling this story if I am Pro Choice....sounds like a story for Pro Lifers. Well listen up Pro Lifers......IT WAS MY CHOICE. Yes, people. In case you forgot, we live in America. The land where we are allowed to make our own personal decisions without the interference of our government. Why in the world am I writing this? Well, like I do everyday....I read the news via CNN and MSNBC. I saw this article:
This article brought me back in time when I read it to the trauma of being faced with abortion. Although I never considered it, I understand first hand how tough it is to accept this diagnosis. I also know the work involved with disable children. I was raised with my "quasi sister" who had Downs Syndrome. I watched and still watching the work involved with caring for her. I cried as I read this article. I have known for years that China has a one child policy, but to read of the trauma of this young mother and her 7 month fetus made me just burst out in tears. So to all you Pro Lifers out there.....quit trying to overthrow Roe vs. Wade. If we let our government interfere in personal decisions now, what is to say what will happen later down the road when some "crackpot" legislature feels like America is overpopulated. THESE ARE PERSONAL DECISIONS! Had I been in China, I would not have been given the decision to save my babies life. Although, I would never have had an abortion, I rally for the Pro Choice movement because I feel like this is a personal choice. Most people who rally for Pro Choice are not "baby killers" like the religious right would have you believe. We are people who believe that the government has no business in the personal decisions of individuals. Yes, provide the literature, counseling, adoption information, etc., but leave the decision to the mother.She will have to live with and answer to God for any decision she makes. Let God work on people. Pro Lifers......get out there and tell people about God, and leave them to make their own personal decisions. I get so tired of hearing the "religious right" and their sole agenda of overturning Roe vs Wade. You people have no freaking idea what in the hell you are asking for.

Step - 2 Accomplished!

Ok, so the first step was college degreeS - BA, MEd, +30, Certification. Finally, after all of that am hereby certified to be an Educational Diagnostician. See below:
Geez, all that for the above job. Oddly enough, the St. Mary Parish School Board is voting tonight to advertise for the above job. Therefore, I will begin the process of completing my resume', which is of course, Step 3. I want to be ready the first day the the job application process is opened. They also have a counseling job at Patterson Junior High, but I'm not interested in that. I would be if School Counselors actually counseled the kids, but really they are just administrator assistants.All I have left is those 2 classes to finish my Educational Specialist degree in Special Education. That will get me a raise...Woot! Then, I am done with going to college. My kids are all saying.....get your Doctorate! I'm like .....NOOOOOOOOO! More college work at LSU just so they can call me Dr. DuBois....that don't even sound right..yuck!Nope I'm done!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Maybe a job as a professional organizer?

I think I have found my retirement job. Could it be that God is speaking to me? Hmmmmm, since my summer vacation began 2 1/2 weeks ago, I have been helping someone clean and get organized. It is overwhelming when I first walk in....the chaos and disorganized mess is unimaginable; however, I am so excited once I begin to see progress, and I feel so accomplished when I am done. Just thinking, and writing it down for further exploration.

The other thing I'm thinking about it a daycare. Have you seen what it cost for daycare? OMG! My oldest daughter is paying $185 a week for my 2 grandsons. It is even more than that down home. They look to have about 75 kids in this daycare, so let's do the math. For simplicity, let's just say I had 100 kids at $100 per week per kid = 10,000 a week  x 4 weeks per month = $40,000  x 12 months = $480,000 per year. Holy shit Batman! Now that wouldn't be all profit - of course. I will have to pay workers to help, rental/mortgage, lunches and snacks, liability insurance, etc., but that is a hunk of money. And if I would expand it to nighttime, for those parents who work nights....whoooaaaa!

I need to stop thinking.....I may retire sooner than expected!

Monday, June 11, 2012

I'ma Glutton for Punishment

Yea, well..........I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. I let my oldest daughter coax me back up to Leesville. Don't quite know how long it will last, but my sweet babies were so glad to see the Grammy. I'm already having heart failure......I can't figure out how to work this fancy ass coffee pot I bought her for Christmas. Even with the directions, I can't figure it would think someone with 3 college degrees could work a coffee pot, but, well....NOT! When I told my youngest daughter I was going to Leesville, she laughed at me. She also has her themostat set on 70. You could hang meat in this apartment. That should be an easy fix, eh? No, I can't figure out how to raise the thermostat. Oh dear God, why do I put myself in these situations?

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Why do people insist I am trying to "initiate" an argument? I hate to argue.....always have. I try to avoid it at all cost; however, I come to realize that others cannot handle my disappointment; therefore, they try to blame me for provoking an argument. Oh, I will argue....everyone knows I will argue if I feel very passionate about something; however, day to day difficulties........puhlease! I usually say how I feel, and that is the end of it. If they don't like what I say, and come back at me......who is freaking arguing? Not me. You said how you feel/what you will do,etc., then I said how I felt/what I plan to do..... That is not a fking argument. I'm not gonna hold my disappointment in.....I'm gonna say how I feel, then drop it. No one is going to dismiss me like a dog.....then, expect me to take it and walk away like a whipped puppy. Those days are long gone. I don't hold things in/hold things back. I say what I feel at the moment. If, after I think about what I said, I will be the first to "woman up" and apologize. I am a person, with feelings, and if you are my family, friend, acquaintance, etc., then care about my feelings or begone with you selfish ass......I don't want you in my life. I have cut all ties with my only sibling.....don't think for one moment I won't cut others out my life. I'm not gonna play these fking an adult and deal with your own issues. Don't try to make me the reason your fking life is so miserable.

                     OKAY, NOW I FEEL BETTER!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

MY Religous Views. Sitting in the Hot Seat...again!

In two days, I have to defend MY religious views to two different people. I don't have a problem defending my views, but ya know, it's MY NOT tell me I'm wrong. I DO like to discuss religious views......that is how we all learn. Ignorance of other's religions and beliefs is the major cause of division in this world today.  The first one happened yesterday with my "friend." He is a Muslim, and of course his religion is Islam. He is the first person I have known on a personal basis that is Muslim. We have talked quite extensively about their beliefs and Islam. Prior to him, I knew only what was reported in the media circles. I had not bothered to check any of it out (because the media is never wrong....right?).  And much like the Japanese Americans (WWII) and American Vietnamese (Vietnam War), American Muslims are paying a heavy price for 911 and our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.... none of which they deserve. First, I have to admit......I absolutely love our talks. On several occasions, I have heard things in the media and asked him about it and he explained everything too me. I've found out through our talks that Islam is a very peaceful religion, but like any religion you have your extremist. I've found out that Islam is very similar to Christianity and they do believe in the Bible and Jesus. However, the major division between Muslims and Christians is that Christians believe Jesus to be the "Son of God" and Muslims believe him to have just been a prophet, like their Muhammad. Any way, I had showed him the pictures I had posted in a previous post (See: Busy, Busy, Busy) of my youngest daughter and my soon to be son-in-law. My youngest daughter has two tattoos, both of which are in honor of her son who passed away shortly before birth on May 30, 2011. He wanted to know what does the 3:16 mean on her wrist. I explained it was a bible verse....John 3:16. I've had that verse memorized for some time, so I told him the verse along with a short explanation of the meaning. After I told him, we sat quietly on our way to NOLA for several miles, then he started..........he just cannot understand how we believe Jesus to be the "Son" of God. I listened to all he had to say (I love it when he gets on his "high horse" lol). Anyway, I simply stated that if I believed my bible to be the word of God, then if it said "son" of God, why shouldn't I believe that he actually was. However, as I was listening to his very lengthy explanation, it dawned on me that one word was the major division between our religions. One measly word.....Son/Prophet. I had to tell him, this was not a big deal to me......if it offended him that I called Jesus the Son of God, I would call him prophet. How can THAT be a major divisive issue between two religions who have more similarities than differences? Anyway, we got to our destination in NOLA and the conversation just died, which I'm sure will be picked up at a later date.

Fast forward to yesterday........My oldest daughter works in the hotel business in Leesville, LA. Leesville is your very typical military town. Fort Polk is the home to a training facility where they train soldiers, among other things,  in the different cultures they may encounter on their tours of duty. Of course, everyone knows we are still in Afghanistan fighting the war on terror; therefore, Leesville is home to many men from Afghanistan who are instructing our soldiers in the "do and don'ts" of their culture. These men do not live on base, they are housed in hotels off base. Over time, because she is the manager to two hotels in town, she has become friends with many of these men. Being a individual that has always been intrigued with other cultures, she began to study the many different cultures of the Middle East, and of course that included Islam, which we all know they are very passionate about. She has become close to a couple of these men, and has done a lot of reading to make them "feel at home" in her hotels. As a boss, she has had to have thick skin. She is in charge of hiring/firing, training, sales, etc. She does pretty much everything her boss ask her to do, which by the way, he is from India. Well she sent me the following picture of a note that an employee left her before she quit:

I can't figure how to turn it.....Sorry! Turn the computer so you can read it.....LOL!
Needless to say, she was upset, and I became furious! In my opinion, this is "hate mail". This is only the second page. First of all, do NOT threaten my children. I don't care that they are grown, I would protect them at all cost.....that is just the way I am. Secondly, these men are here to help our country. Yes, some may have other motives, but most are here to make money to provide for their families and live the American dream. Of course she is going to cater to their every wants and needs......she is running a business.....and these men bring in big bucks to the hotel in the form of government contracts and major $$$$. Anyway, this  conversation led into our discussion of Islam and Christianity. She bought a Quaran that had been translated into English so that she could better understand Islam. Of course we discussed the major division between our religions....the whole Son of God/Prophet thing....and since I had just discussed this with my friend the day before, I told her how I felt. Son of God/Prophet......what is the big deal. OOHHH Lord, that led into my thoughts on the Bible, which sent her into "savior mode". My thoughts on the Bible is this.....the Bible was written first in Greek, then translated into Hebrew, then translated into hundreds of other languages. Not to mention, the books written by the prophets (mainly speaking about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) were written one to two hundred years after their revelation from God, AND had been passed down, by word of mouth, then written down by others and put together into what we know today as the Bible. Many Christian religions even have extra chapters others do, who is too say there are mistakes in translation. Before all my friends and family flip out, listen.....I completely believe the Bible is the word of God. I am a Christian who has no intention of leaving Christianity or changing my religion; however, this book was written by men who, like ourselves is not perfect. Could their have been the possibility that there were inadvertent mistakes in translations? I believe there could have been. However, I do believe that the main ideas are God given, so you see.....Son of God/ not a deal breaker for me. I've seen people take one Bible verse and interpret it completely different from what I interpreted it to be. Some Christian religions take one verse and base their entire religion on that one verse. I read the Bible in full context, and I totally believe that God uses the Bible to speak to his people. I do not take the Bible and focus in on one verse. I have also taken the Bible, read a passage, interpreted it one way,only to read it months or years later and found something else to add to my understanding. So, in some instances, I do not take the Bible literally. The Bible has many analogies and symbolism in it that I think God uses to speak to us personally. Just for the sake of comparison.....Muslims believe in the Bible; however, they also believe that their could be mistakes or misinterpretations. However, they do not believe the Quaran has any mistakes....and their reasoning is that they still have the original Quaran written or translated by Muhammad. However, in the last couple of years, they have found pieces of what appears to be a draft of the Quaran which dates back older than their "original" Quaran. So, sorry.....the Quaran is not, in my opinion, the perfect word of God. Like the Bible, I would not take it literally, and yes, I believe it could have "mistakes" because Muhammad was human....he was not perfect. So needless to say, it is amazing how people can get all worked up over religious views. I don't. I am very comfortable with what I believe. Can my views change,....sure, as we read, grow in our faith, I believe God reveals the truth when we are ready to understand that view. I am Christian by birth. Raised Catholic. Changed to Southern Baptist at age 18, and have no desire at this point to change my religion. I am more of a spiritual person; however, I realized after my children were born that they would need God in their lives. I picked Southern Baptist because they align the most with my thoughts on God, Jesus, and the Bible. I do not agree with all the "rules" of Southern Baptist, and I do not get all involved in any religious controversies involving Southern Baptist. So much for a couple of days "on the hot seat."

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Already working on that summer agenda!

Well, yesterday was another pretty low key day. Pretty much cooked and cleaned all day. Someone gave me about 4 pounds of catfish, which I baked yesterday. I burnt my finger twice putting them in the oven. You can tell I haven't had anyone to cook for in a long My youngest daughter is officially moved in for the summer months....until school starts up again. The interesting thing is the principal a Centerville High called and offered her a job. She would be teaching 2 classes of 6th grade Math, 2 classes of 7 th grade Math, 1 Enrichment class, and 1 High School Algebra class. It would get her in St. Mary, but that will be a hard job.....4 preps. It would be less money, less benefits, but she would have her foot finally in St. Mary, which is where she wants to be. Her good friend said she has decided to go back to Oaklawn. They are now trying to bribe my daughter into staying at Oaklawn. If she stays they will give her her prep time right before lunch, which is the most coveted prep time because you can actually have lunch! She also has only 1 prep (7th grade Math) at Oaklawn, but it is in Terrebonne.....with a drive of 1 and a half hours one way. She would have to stay living in Terrebonne. Her boyfriend has also applied at the Amelia Belle to get closer to Berwick, so I don't have any idea how this will all work out. It really boils down to them being cannot buy you happiness, so hopefully she will keep that in mind as she tries to decide.

Well, I started reading 50 Shades of Grey. Yep, everybody is is "mommy porn." Anyone who knows me, knows I hate reading fiction novels......especially romance novels with scene after scene of explicit sex. It is halarious to read this shit, but I do have to say, this author has got a talent for writing this shit. I had to put it down several times and walk away.....LOL! 

By the afternoon, we were all sitting around being bored. My "son in law" to be said, "Let's go to the Belle!" So I text my friend to see where he was, and low and behold, he was at the Belle. We met up with him and enjoyed an evening of fun. He has invited me to go to Treasure Chest tonight, but that will all depend on the shape my daughter is in from her surgery. She is having a kind of lasik done on both eyes today, so  I will just have to assess her when the time comes to leave for NOLA. I think, I'm fixing to go lay down and go back to sleep.....didn't get too much sleep last night. Let's see how this day turns out!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Agenda

Well, we all get them in our emails......astrologist who want to tell us what our future holds based on the alignment of the planets. I have to admit, some truly intrigue me from time to time. Last week, I couldn't help but open one that was "urgent" said a lot of BS, but I had to laugh at one statement. I needed to "get better organized in and around my base of operations." I'm like.....huh? Well, I assume she meant and around my home, but who knows....that is how I took it anyways. No ground shaking revelation there.....who doesn't need to get better organized. Well, I've had a very low key day. These kind of days lets you think too much. So I was thinking about many things, but mostly about "getting better organized in and around my base of operations." HA! So, I've decided to write down all I plan to accomplish this summer, then at the end of the summer, see just how much more organized I am "in and around my base of operations." Here goes the list.....................In no particular order.

  1. Fill out FASFA
  2. Register for the fall semester at NSU
  3. Develop and actually implement a routine exercise program that will accommodate both my summer and work schedules.
  4. Visit Nick and Alison in Virginia
  5. Take the boys on a few "mini vacation" trips
  6. Clean out all my old files, reorganize my filing system
  7. Check my credit report for any mistakes
  8. Fix the roof on Katies camper (tired of waiting on a man)
  9. Shop for new school clothes
  10. Hang all my painting (with the help of Aunt Sue)
  11. Spend lots of time with Aunt Sue and Jackie
  12. Find some interesting books to read (I'ma gonna need to read Fifty Shades of Gray...LOL)
  13. Watch some movies.
  14. Get caught up on the political issues of the day
  15. Go to Bourg, Montegut, Pointecheins, and Grand Isle
  16. Enjoy the outdoors
  17. Relax, Sleep, and have fun
  18. Finish hooking up sinks and showers in both bathrooms
  19. Finish moldings around the house
  20. Cancel Direct TV (cable)
  21. Disconnect my house phone (since I never use it)
  22. Change Internet service providers from ATT to Allens Cable Internet
  23. Try to find the time to play around with some of the hobbies I have neglected over the my ceramics, sketching, photography, etc.
  24. Make scrapbooks for my childrens of their child hood
  25. Make a scrapbook of my childhood
  26. Organize my keepsakes
  27. complete graduate transfer credit to NSU 
  28. (Left blank on purpose to add items later. )

  29. Well, that is it......let's see how much more organized I can get this summer.

Busy, Busy, Busy!

My first summer vacation in 11 years has begun with a vengeance! Even before it started, I got my two little grandsons for a visit, which is always pleasant surprise. Anytime I have them, I am in constant motion...HA! Not only do I spend all day attending to their needs (cooking, cleaning) I'm also entertainment supervisor....HA! As usual, nothing that is planned with my oldest daughter goes as planned, which is a trait she has inherited from her father.....ugh! Drives me up a wall! I am the planning queen, and she is the "fly by your seat queen." After keeping my grandsons for several days, I had planned to spend the next 3 weeks on vacation in Galveston/Houston with her and the boys and help out the next 3 weeks in Leesville. At first, I was told I couldn't have them at all during June, then she said she needed me to come and help out up there, so I said help out, but as usual, she got an attitude within the first 24 hours of my arrival, we got in an argument, I came home, and I cancelled all  plans made with her. I left here an optimist that this time would be different. My youngest daughter had planned to spend some time with us on vacation with us, but cancelled her plans with us because as she said " she was not in the mood to deal with her sister's demanding personality and my inability deal with it....HA." I returned home.....not even 24 hours later,  a pessimist, admitting defeat once again, and had to admit to my youngest daughter she was right.....again. She had to  laugh, " I told ya....if it is not her way mom, your time with her will be miserable!" She was was dead on.....again. I have a hard head, which is a trait my oldest has inherited from me, so poor baby will never win with me as her I cannot accept her inherited traits from her father, and we clash when she exhibits my "hard headed" traits. We just have to accept that we will not be able to do things together for an extended amount of time; however, after we separated and we calmed down....things are pretty much back to normal.....we do tend to get along on the we will just keep it like that simple and sweet....that is.....till the next time.  HA! Hopefully, I will get my babies back again this summer. They were upset Grammy was leaving.

After returning home, I needed some serious "casino therapy." I have only one friend who I can stand to gamble with, otherwise I go alone. I really needed some "alone time" after the "episode" with my oldest daughter; however, I did miss my friend, so I went to the Treasure Chest in Kenner Friday night by myself for my alone time. This is the first time I have gone by myself in quite some time. Most of our casino buddies (people we gamble with on a regular basis) have just assumed that my friend is my husband, others think we are "dating" because once we open our mouths, they can clearly hear our cultural differences ( he has a strong Middle Eastern accent and I have a strong Cajun accent). At first, I would explain we are neither. I didn't want my friend to "freak out" that people were thinking we were married/dating,  but it was usually a long explanation, so I have just opted to let them think what they want.....too much "splaining." It has never bothered me, and now that I know him a little better,  I don't think it bothers him either.....we just want to gamble and have a good time. If he is bothered by it, let him do the explaining...HA. I really could care less what these people think. That is why I call it "casino therapy".....I can just be who I am and to hell with what others think. We have also started going to casinos in NOLA, which I completely like, because no one knows me on a personal basis there. When I go to the Amelia Belle and Cypress Bayou (which are very close to where we live) I run into all my friends, parents of current/past students, past students, coworkers, etc. When this happens, they want to visit, have a conference, reminisce about our past experiences, etc. which aggravates me. I like no one knowing me, knowing I'm a teacher, knowing I have advanced degrees in education, etc. I just wanna be just a plain ole person having fun losing my money! HA! A few weeks back, I gambled with a NOLA criminal court judge. After several hours of gambling together, somehow our occupations were brought up in the discussion. It was funny because we both enjoyed coming to the casino for the same one knew what we did for a living. We could "dress down" and we were just like every one else. When people find out what you do for a living, they tend to want to talk about their experiences with your line of work, and those of us who tend to live under a microscope in our communities, go to the casino to get away from our work and be like everyone else. The very last thing I want to do is bring up work related issues. I promised to not ask him about "the NOLA criminals he has thrown in jail if he promised not to ask me to diagnose a learning disability with his children." We both had to laugh, but we were serious, and shook hands on it....LOL! I really enjoyed my night by myself at Treasure Chest. The regulars wanted to know "where was my husband." HA.....I just said, "he is at Harrahs with his guy friends" and left it at that. I had one regular take the opportunity of my time there alone to "strike up a conversation" with me for the first time. I had seen him there quite often, but his persona was that of an "arrogant know it all." He is incredibly good looking with a "knock out body"....that is for a mid 40's guy...HA. You can't help but notice him, but I had never talked to him. We chit chatted while gambling about our grown kids, cards, etc., then all of sudden he started paying my commission. At first I wasn't paying attention, but then I noticed my little commission slot was empty and I told the dealer he had made a mistake....and the guy says, no I paid it. So I thanked him, and thought to myself.....God I hope he doesn't want anything in return....HA, or expect me to return the favor at some point, but he didn't make any forward advances or ask for anything in return. So I just thanked him when he left. About an hour later, another guy sits down next too me. I had never seen him at Treasure Chest before, but he had one of those super personalities, funny as shit, very talkative. not incredibly good looking, but not "fugly" either.....which for those of you who know me, I am more attracted to a guys personality than I am his looks. Doesn't hurt being good looking, but a good personality is a deal breaker. He also, out of the blue, started paying my commission. Like the "arrogant guy", I was like....oh shit, hope he doesn't want anything in return. He "poked out" quite a bit on my commission. I was starting to feel uncomfortable when he finally decided to take his money and run. I thanked him, and he shook my hand and said he enjoyed gambling with me and left. I could help but text my friend and tell him maybe I should come without him more often! HA! At about 3:30, I too decided to take my money and run. I had made $400 and was getting tired. My friend was not answering my text, so I decided to just go home and sleep. I went home, slept for a couple of hours, then decided to go to Harrahs since it was my birthday, which I am NOT discussing....HA.  I had text my friend to see if he was still there, but he still wasn't answering. I had figured either he was sleeping, or he was still at Harrahs with a dead phone. When I got there, I went to the tables we gamble at and didn't see him, but I saw an empty spot that had  and a chips  and pack of red Marlboro's and a Murphy's lighter....I had to laugh....I knew that was his spot because of chips and red  box Marlboro's. He likes to go and play the machines when he gets frustrated, but I wasn't willing to walk around looking for him, so I went eat before I sat down. When I got back, sure enough, both him and his friend had been there for over 24 hours. LOL! He introduced me to his friend. I sat down with him and started playing. His friend decided to go play poker, so we were able to sit by each other. He looked very tired, but he was so aggravated with his friend. We were able to gamble together for about 3 hours. When his friend lost his last bit of money, he decided to leave. I wish I would have left with them.....cuz I lost back all that I had won at Treasure Chest + $200....ugh! I was so aggravated. I decided to leave. My night at Harrahs was definitely not as fun as the night before at Treasure Chest. The next day, my friend invited me to go back to Harrahs. He had to take his "work buddies" to the French Quarter, so he was going to be able to go back to Harrahs. I told him I would meet him later. I was helping my Aunt clean up all the mess the AC contractors had made in her house while fixing her AC. After a long, hard day of cleaning, I met my friend at Harrahs. There was no spots available at his table, so I plopped my self at another table and played until 3 A.M. My friend had to bring his "work buddies" home at 11, so I barely got to see him :(. He only has about 2 months left here in LA before his job is done. I'm really gonna miss him when he leaves. Actually, I am very sad about it, but I truly have enjoyed his friendship, and I'm sure we will stay in touch. With him being so busy at work, we are hardly seeing each other. His weekends are also quite busy with "his peeps" now, so I am looking at this as God preparing me for his job ending and his eventual move back to NC. Although I will miss him terribly, he really needs to go back to be near his children. Not only do they need him, but I can tell he misses them.....I would too. Today I just slept, then got up, and went with Katie to Houma to run some errands. I came back, ate a bite, then took a long nap. Now, I am going to help Katie set up her temporary room for the summer. Below is some pics the kids sent me over the last few days. What a beginning to summer, eh? I need to "slow my roll" as my future son in law would say....LOL.

My youngest daughter and boyfriends hands....taken in honor of their son, Jaden Paul,  who past away on May 30, 2011. The tattoo on my daughter wrist is a bible verse....John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that who ever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." Although we grieve his passing, we are grateful that Jaden will have eternal life. We will see him again in Heaven......that is God's promise to all who believe in his son.

More pics in honor of our sweet little angel, Jaden Paul. Top pic...Daddy with all his tats. The tat on his right arm is Jaden in Chines handwriting....LOL. Bottom right photo is Mommy and Daddy. Notice the tat on my daughter shoulder....a tattoo artist transferred Jaden foot print onto her shoulder with "Jaden Paul" written above it. I'm not a fan of tattoos, but I can't help but love can you not love them.

My grandsons at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

My grand puppy, Teddy,  enjoying "the life" on the porch with Grammy as she drinks her morning coffee.