Thursday, June 14, 2012

If I could have my "dream" man, what would I want? Hmmmmmmm.

Okay, I really have been quite busy Three blog post in one freaking day. Everyone must be thinking I have been sitting at home bored....NOT! I hit the floor at 6:30 A.M. and I am ending the day with this post. However, this has been one of those days where everything you do, makes you think! Well, my oldest daughter is a Manager of 2 hotels in Leesville near an Army base - Fort Polk. This little ole "po dunk" town sees a lot of visitors from all over the world because of  Fort Polk. I think that is why she loves this job so much. Anyway, her and I had lunch together and she wants me to meet one of her semi-permanent hotel guest. He teaches classes on the Arabic language to our troops at Fort Polk. I have never been one to like being "set up" with a guy, especially by my I immediately said "No!" As usual, she doesn't take "no" for an answer. She comes back at me with "But Mommmmmm, he makes a lot of money - $8,000 a month!" My response...."So, not interested, especially if he is wealthy." She looked at me dumbfounded. "Mom, he makes more than double what I make." So anyway, we went back and forth, as usual. First, I have a friend who does pretty much what he is doing....and I highly doubt that he makes that much. Sounds like he may be "inflating" that salary to impress, but anyway, after I left her for lunch, of course I thought about our conversation. If I could "build" my dream man, what would I want? Well, most of my friends look to the "money issue" first. Their theory is simply this....You can love a rich man as well as a poor man. True. You could, I suppose, but that is not the first thing that catches my attention. Here's why......First, my dream man would have to have an awesome personality. You could be the "hottest" guy in the world, but a dull, dry, boring personality is a total turn off to me. I like someone who can make me laugh; and enjoy serious, and intelligent,  as well as, goofy conversations with no subject  off limits. I like a good debate from time to time, and he needs to be able to laugh at himself too. Honesty is right up at the top of my dream list...HA! I can handle anything you throw at me, but lie to me, and I'm gone. I can't handle a liar. My ex and sister were  habitual liars. Took me years to find out just how much they lied to me....that will not happen again.Needless to say, neither are part of my life anymore. My dream guy will also have the highest of  integrity. I have morals. I don't expect my dream guy to have exactly the same morals as I do, but I definately don't want a "chump" either. Honesty, of course, is part of  integrity. My dream guy will also be respectful to me, others, and himself. If you do not have respect for yourself, you can't respect others. He will also be caring and be a "feeling" person. Caring about others...the poor, elderly, children, those less fortunate. A man who can care for others less fortunate than himself is in my book, amazing. He needs be "driven." What I mean by that is, if you want something (not necessarily materialistic), then go out and do it/get it. Like, I always wanted to an Educational Diagnostician. Well, I had a lot of work to do to be an Educational Diagnostician. Sitting on my "fat ass" would not make me an Educational Diagnostician....I had to work for it. He must also be a problem solver. I don't wait for problems to find me, I find them first and eliminate them before they upset me. That is just how I am. I cannot stand someone who sits and whines about their misable life, but does not take one step to make it better. Everyone becomes overwhelmed from time to time....I do too. Makes you wanna crawl in a hole somewhere, but that does absolutely no good. I can't live like that. I'm a "go getter" and my dream guy has to be also. We have to be a team of "go getters"  - always there for the other and to lift each other up when we are feeling down - being supportive and basically, "my bestest friend in the world." (As my grandson would say...LOL) My dream guy would love me God loves us ....with all of our faults, disappointments, and flaws. I could trust him completely, with my heart,  my life, my children, grandchildren, etc., etc., etc. I would never have to wonder with my dream guy. He also must take care of himself. I don't exspect abs of steel, but have enough dignity that he wants to grow old with Not croak over before I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but look over my dream guy. I said nothing about making tons of money. Oh, he needs to have a job. I'm not supporting any man. He needs to be happy in his job and support himeself. I do not need his money, I have my own. Will we have "hard times?" Yes, I know we will, but my dream guy will be my partner and he will not give up on us....even when it looks hopeless. Now, looking back at my dream man, other than having a job, money is not mentioned anywhere. Money cannot buy what I want in a man.,.... good personality, honesty, respect, trust, caring, supportive, driven, go getter, a problem solver, etc.  That is why a big ole salary does not impress me at all. So, my daughter comes home again tonight trying to convince me to me her friend. I told her I already met him...remember, him and a friend was at the pool grilling when I took the boys swimming. He opened the gate for there, we met. She just laughed and said, "Ok, mom."

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