Thursday, June 14, 2012

Step - 2 Accomplished!

Ok, so the first step was college degreeS - BA, MEd, +30, Certification. Finally, after all of that am hereby certified to be an Educational Diagnostician. See below:
Geez, all that for the above job. Oddly enough, the St. Mary Parish School Board is voting tonight to advertise for the above job. Therefore, I will begin the process of completing my resume', which is of course, Step 3. I want to be ready the first day the the job application process is opened. They also have a counseling job at Patterson Junior High, but I'm not interested in that. I would be if School Counselors actually counseled the kids, but really they are just administrator assistants.All I have left is those 2 classes to finish my Educational Specialist degree in Special Education. That will get me a raise...Woot! Then, I am done with going to college. My kids are all saying.....get your Doctorate! I'm like .....NOOOOOOOOO! More college work at LSU just so they can call me Dr. DuBois....that don't even sound right..yuck!Nope I'm done!

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