Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pro-Lifers, Read Up!

With the upcoming election, the "religious right" is at it as usual. Using those "hot button" social issues to sway others to vote for the GOP (typically). Gay rights, marriage, prayer in schools.....and of course, the abortion issue + many more. They jump on these "hot button" issues not really understanding what they are doing. For the record, I am PRO-CHOICE. No I'm not in the "feminist movement." I am person who actually came face to face with the realization of abortion. Over 24 years ago, I was pregnant with my fourth child. My husband (at the time) and I were living in Dallas, Texas. My plans were to start Texas State University in the fall to finish up a BA in Education; however, my unexpected pregnancy changed all of the that. I was devastated. I cried for two weeks. I already had 3 small babies all under the age of 4. I wanted to go back to college and finish my degree, but God had other plans. At 4 months gestation, my doctor ran a protein test. The test came back indicating something was wrong with the baby. He was incredibly gentle in telling me this; however, you all know I about questioned him to death. He wanted me to go to a specialist to have a high powered ultrasound and an amniocentesis. This would let him and the group of doctors know exactly what they were dealing with. Of course, I wanted to know what would happen, if indeed, the baby was malformed or had a disability. And he simply said that I might want to consider abortion. Huh? Abortion? What? OMG, was all I could think to say. Ultrasounds at that time was not all that great, and although everything looked fine, the blood test had confirmed something was wrong. After answering all my questions, I walked out of the doctors office in shock. I told the doctor I need a few days to absorb all that he had told me + I wanted to discuss this with my husband. All I could think about was how I was crying and carrying on because I did not want to be pregnant, and God just may give me my wish. I cried all the way home because of my selfishness. I had a sweet baby girl living and growing inside of me, and now I may lose her, or something be terribly wrong with her.  I talked to my husband, told him about the appointment, and he basically said to do as I wished. The decision was ultimately mine. Suddenly, an unwanted pregnancy became very much wanted. During the weekend, I prayed constantly. I begged God for forgiveness, and promised to take care of His precious gift at all cost. I even dreamed that I was to name her Katie Sue.....after my mother-in-law and my aunt (who had raised me and was like a mom to me). After the weekend, I went in to see the doctor. I asked him only one more question. "These test you want me to take, will they be 100 % accurate?" He said "no, they are about 99% accurate." So I said, "I could go through these test and there is a 1% chance they could be wrong." And his answer was "yes". I wanted to know this because finding out would give me time to prepare; however, the termination of pregnancy was not even  up for discussion at this point.  Furthermore,  when I found out that both test increased a risk of spontaneous abortion, and add in  the fact that there was even a 1% chance they could be wrong, there was no way I was going any further with these. I had promised God I would take care of his gift and in no way was I going to chance losing her now. Therefore, not only did I refuse to take the test, I was definitely not going to have an abortion. I walked out of the doctors office feeling very confident that everything would be okay. However, before I left, the doctor had me sign all kinds of papers because I was "going against his best medical advice." I signed them. This is not the only scare with this pregnancy. At month 6, the doctor couldn't find a heart beat. He rushed me over to the hospital for an ultrasound. Everything was fine....the little rascal was turned funny in my belly, so the fetal monitor couldn't pick up her heart beat; however, we could clearly see it beating away. To make a very long story short, Katie Sue was born on April 22, 1988 in Dallas, Texas to a welcoming family and about 5 pediatric specialist and pediatric nurses. She was perfect. Not a thing wrong with her. Now you may be wondering why I'm telling this story if I am Pro Choice....sounds like a story for Pro Lifers. Well listen up Pro Lifers......IT WAS MY CHOICE. Yes, people. In case you forgot, we live in America. The land where we are allowed to make our own personal decisions without the interference of our government. Why in the world am I writing this? Well, like I do everyday....I read the news via CNN and MSNBC. I saw this article:
This article brought me back in time when I read it to the trauma of being faced with abortion. Although I never considered it, I understand first hand how tough it is to accept this diagnosis. I also know the work involved with disable children. I was raised with my "quasi sister" who had Downs Syndrome. I watched and still watching the work involved with caring for her. I cried as I read this article. I have known for years that China has a one child policy, but to read of the trauma of this young mother and her 7 month fetus made me just burst out in tears. So to all you Pro Lifers out there.....quit trying to overthrow Roe vs. Wade. If we let our government interfere in personal decisions now, what is to say what will happen later down the road when some "crackpot" legislature feels like America is overpopulated. THESE ARE PERSONAL DECISIONS! Had I been in China, I would not have been given the decision to save my babies life. Although, I would never have had an abortion, I rally for the Pro Choice movement because I feel like this is a personal choice. Most people who rally for Pro Choice are not "baby killers" like the religious right would have you believe. We are people who believe that the government has no business in the personal decisions of individuals. Yes, provide the literature, counseling, adoption information, etc., but leave the decision to the mother.She will have to live with and answer to God for any decision she makes. Let God work on people. Pro Lifers......get out there and tell people about God, and leave them to make their own personal decisions. I get so tired of hearing the "religious right" and their sole agenda of overturning Roe vs Wade. You people have no freaking idea what in the hell you are asking for.

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