Sunday, June 10, 2012


Why do people insist I am trying to "initiate" an argument? I hate to argue.....always have. I try to avoid it at all cost; however, I come to realize that others cannot handle my disappointment; therefore, they try to blame me for provoking an argument. Oh, I will argue....everyone knows I will argue if I feel very passionate about something; however, day to day difficulties........puhlease! I usually say how I feel, and that is the end of it. If they don't like what I say, and come back at me......who is freaking arguing? Not me. You said how you feel/what you will do,etc., then I said how I felt/what I plan to do..... That is not a fking argument. I'm not gonna hold my disappointment in.....I'm gonna say how I feel, then drop it. No one is going to dismiss me like a dog.....then, expect me to take it and walk away like a whipped puppy. Those days are long gone. I don't hold things in/hold things back. I say what I feel at the moment. If, after I think about what I said, I will be the first to "woman up" and apologize. I am a person, with feelings, and if you are my family, friend, acquaintance, etc., then care about my feelings or begone with you selfish ass......I don't want you in my life. I have cut all ties with my only sibling.....don't think for one moment I won't cut others out my life. I'm not gonna play these fking an adult and deal with your own issues. Don't try to make me the reason your fking life is so miserable.

                     OKAY, NOW I FEEL BETTER!

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