Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

Ok, so turned in the prize winning cover letter, resume', and application on Friday. The last day they will accept applications will be June 29th. As of Friday, I was the second application in. A good friend of mine told me she knew of 2 others that planned to put their name in the "pot." Those 2 I do not think I have any competition with. I think it is betwen me and this other lady from the west end. Since our teaching certificates are public records, I looked hers up. I have more experience, more certification areas, and more education. I don't know if that will make a difference, but it should. As I always do, I put this in God's hands. Whatever happens, I want it to be God's will for me. If I do not get the job, I know I have given it my best shot, and I will choose to believe that God has something better for me. I will just wait until he reveals this to me in his time.

On the home front, things have been quite low key. Since my vacation began, my son has decided that he doesn't need to do anything around the house....since mom is not working. When he wakes up today, he will be in for a shock....I cannot stand a filthy house. I picked up his crap one more time, but this is it. If I come home and he has left dirty dishes on the cabinet, his stuff scattered around the house, I'm taking it all and piling it in the middle of his bed. Then, I'm going to clean his bathroom one more time, tape the toliet shut, and put a lock on the door. How bout that! I'm done. He might catch the hint then.....and I emphasize "might." He works my very last nerve. My youngest daughter has sold her little camper, and moved all of her stuff in here. She did manage to get it all in to the front room, stacked nice and neatly....good girl! Thus far, she has not found any other lot, so it is looking like she will be down the road from mom.  :) Looks like we have our first tropical system to contend with out in the Gulf. Joy. Here we go. We have lucked out these last 3 years so hopefully it will one more year.

Ok, enough of this.....I have clothes to wash.....Ready, Set, Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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