Thursday, June 21, 2012


Ok, so nothing much going on. Finish up the cover letter and  resume' for the new job I'm gonna get....notice, I'm staying positive. I think I will drive on over to Franklin to tomorrow to hand deliver the prize winning resume' and application to the boss man. I also posted my resume' to since I did that, this recuiter with the state department has been "blowing up" my email account with job offers; however, dumbass needs to read my resume'. I clearly said I wanted a job as an EDUCATIONAL DIAGNOSTICIAN! She took one look at that Special Education certification and went "hog wild." Then she never bothered to look at the fact that I clearly stated that I would be willing to relocate to surrounding parishes in SOUTHEAST LA. Ugh! She is sending job opening information for Caldwell and Sabine Parish (in North LA). I even listed all of the parishes to be sure they knew which ones I would be willing to relocate too. I am definately not relocating for a teaching position....that would be stupid! After next year, I may be willing to expand my options to Guidance Counselor, Supervisor of SPED, or Ed. Diag., but not this year. If I do not land the job here and nothing comes open in the surrounding parishes for Ed. Diag., then I know I will be ready to get out of the classroom by the end of next year. I want more money and darnit, I have earned it! But, I know I'ma get that job. My youngest daughter has decided to buy her a new mobile home. She doesn't want to pay  rent, and a house is out of the question at this point since her job is not secure. At least if she has to relocate, then she can take her home with her....that is the only thing good about a mobile home. It's portable! Actually, I called my landlord and she has decided to evict a mobile home right down the road from me so that my daughter can put her brand new mobile home in the neighborhood.....she will be 4 lots down from me....LOL! She hasn't decided for sure, but I think she will have no choice. There isn't much else out there. I told "Teddy" (my grandpuppy who sits on the porch with every morning to drink coffee) that Grammy would get her own key, and when I wake up, I would walk down to his house, unlock the door, and he could come have coffee with me every morning! He started jumping up and down and licking me......I was freaking out cause he acted just like he knew what I was saying....LOL! Actually, I think he did.....he is quite smart if I say so myself! HA! I think I am beginning to get "stir crazy." I slept til 12....didn't do much around the house, walked the garbage to the front, visited my neighbor, went eat with my son, played on the computer, took a I'm sitting here staring at the ceiling (which by the way....needs Give me another week, and my days and nights will be completely flipped around. HA! I guess I could go back to Leesville. My babies would like that. The little one called me today and said "Grammy I come much farther?" I'ma have to go back so that I can play and take them swimming everyday at the Hampton. They love Grammy to be the "shark" in the pool...I start...."Do do.....(and the little one starts screaming) do do do do....and they both are trying to swim away from me and splash at me at the same time. Halarious! Then we have to race, and see who can hold their breath the longest under water. They think Grammy has the coolest games in the pool, but actually I'm teaching them to swim. The oldest can now swim the width of the pool completely underwater. The little one has started going under water quite a bit too. Last year, I hard a hard time getting him to let go of the choke hold he had around my neck. Now he jumps off the side of the pool and goes completely under the They are both learning to use their arms and feet to "swim" away from the "shark". We still have to work on floating. They both sink like boulders without thier "floaties" on...LOL. After 3 hours in the pool, they eat you out of house and home and are asleep with no is Grammy. I love them kids! I have clothes to hang, I guess I can get my "fat ass" up and do that....Na, it can wait til tomorrow....LOL.

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