Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nothing much happening in paradise.

Didn't do much. Boys wanted to hang out and watch TV all day....so that is what we did.

Thrifty Girl is driving me nuts with all her $30 bargins. She bought a sofa for $30, a love seat for $30, a podium for her classroom for $30, and today.....a desk with a hutch for $30. AND, all of it is either in my living room or my van. That is why I call her Thrifty Girl!

Time for bed. I have a head ache. Blah

Monday, July 30, 2012

Busy, but Somber Day

Got the boys up early to go help Thrifty Girl at school, and forgot I had ATT coming to install U-Verse Internet...I don't know, something they talked me into..HA. So after I got rid of ATT, I took off for Centerville School. When I got there, I walked in her closet ....um, I mean classroom.....and all I could say was OMG. I don't know if "closet" accurately describes it....I'm thinking dungeon...yea, small, cramped, no windows, smell of raw meat and spices. She is right by the Ag Department where they have a meat processing center....yummmeh. She not complaining though...the Ag teacher already gave her some free sausage...and spices...HA. Not to mention, they delivered all of the retired teachers stuff to her class and just pretty much dumped it in the middle of the floor. And we have 8 days until the students show up. We won't be able to do anything on Friday, Monday, or Tuesday, so 8-3=5 ...yep on 5 days to get this all done. Oh and wait....she can't put anything on the wall.....someone is coming to paint. When that will happen...who knows? I can feel a few midnighters coming...HA.

The Dungeon
On a good note, my class is pretty much done...HA. After that, the boys and I came home, ate a snack and took off for a dip in the pool at my friends house.

On a somber note, the cat has been let out of the bag somewhat about the "happenings" at our school. I think the media has been pressuring our superintendent to make a statement. I think it was adequate; however, he left out the details. I think that is smart since the "investigation" is not complete. Rather than telling you what was said, see for yourself

I really wish this would have all been over with before school starts, but it will not. I'm really not looking forward to this at all. Sad, just really sad. Ok, blog world.....I'm out!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yipeeeee! No Rain!

I feel so bad saying "Yipeeee! No Rain!" cuz I know 3/4 of the US is begging for rain, but we are water logged here. Evertime I let the dogs run and play outside, they come back full of mud. Since it didn't rain, the boys and I went to the park. I walked and the boys rode their bikes.

Good boys! You always stop and look both ways at the cross roads. :)

Almost there!
 Since it has been raining so much, we were all out of shape. All 3 of us were sweating profusely and out of breath..ugh! We couldn't wait to get to the water fountain. After we caught our breath, the boys had a good time. The even made a friend.

Howdy Partner! Our new friend must be from Texas?!

After our ride over here, I'm too tired to climb the steps to have fun!


Grammy, there's no snake!

Our walk home was traumatizing. We were exhausted and all needed a bath badly. Happy Handsome Helper tells me he doesn't like going to the park anymore cuz it is boring. HA!

And the other big news of the day is.....!!!!!!!!........ Gaming Geek got a promotion at work. He has been promoted to Support Manager at Wally World....yipeeeeee again!!!!! He gets a raise, and next step is Asst. Manager!!! And he is registered to go back to school in August!!! Does this mean.........maybe one day........I will really have my house to myself. Okay, I'm trying to calm down cuz I usually jinx myself, but it surely looks good.

Also, Thrifty Girl and Card Shark will be moving out at the end of August. That is when they will get their new mobile home. Yep, looking good, looking good! Ok, blog world......I'm out....nite!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

My New Friend

I got up kinda early this morning. I went out to have my morning coffe on the porch. I'm going to miss be able to have my coffee on the porch with my grand puppies, the birds, and the squirrels..ha, but anyway, this morning I had a visitor. See below:
My new friend was starving :( so I fed him!

Now he is all content ...ready for a nap, on top of the babecue pit far from the grand puppies who are barking!

As for the rest of the day....it rained AGAIN; however, I took the boys swimming at my friends house again. We get to relax and visit on her veranda while the boys have a good time in her pool. She says they are the only ones who has swam in her pool all summer. If it was mine, I would be in it everyday...ha. Oh well, so much for another day in paradise....(yea right).

Friday, July 27, 2012

A Pajama Day

We literally did not get out of our "jammies" today. Mid-morning it started raining. God I wish I could send some of this rain to Texas, but we are used to dealing with it I guess. By 1PM, everthing was soaked or floating in water. Blah. Who wants to leave the house on a day like this?  All you want to do is stay in bed, so that is what we did. The boys played their games, played with their toys, and spent a couple hours watching Gaming Geek play his computer games. Poor babies have not been to the park one time since they have been here. It is too wet.  Grammy played on the puter, washed clothes, loaded the dishwasher two times, and  took a nap. Hopefully, I can get them to go to sleep tonite..HA.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Very Low Key Day

Very stress free day. Was at school by 8:30. The boys stayed with their Nanny. We didn't have as many registrations today....thank goodness. It was so slow, I left at 11AM. I came home, cooked the boys brunch, then laid down. I wasn't feeling good. I took a nice nap while the boys played their games. Then we went over to my friends house so the kids could swim. They swam for 3 hours. When they started fighting, I knew it was time to come home. I don't think they got enough sleep last night. I fixed them a big supper, now they are watching a movie. Ahhhhhh, the life. I will fix them a dessert later. Nothing exciting to report today...thank God!

Cheesy Super Hero - "Look Grammy, no floaties!"

Cheesy Super Hearo - "I can get the dive stick. I have no floaties on!"

Happy Handsome Helper - "Watch I can touch the bottom!"

Happy Handsome Helper - "Gogles help me see the bottom better!"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Total Chaos!

Ok, woke up this morning. My babies were so sleepy from having a night of fun with Mario and Luigi, that I decided to leave them with Gaming Geek. I knew we had registration at school and it would be mad chaos.....and I was right. The phone was ringing off the hook, we had at least 50 new registrations, some that spoke no English. Plus we had our Cheif Financial Officer from our Central Office there to train our new secretary. More than half of our faculty was there trying to get their rooms ready for the first day, and of course they were coming in with questions. I told Gaming Geek to text when the boys woke up, or he was ready to go to sleep. Never got a text, so I had to come see wut was going on at noon. Gaming Geek said that he never heard them...... they must still be sleeping. Well, the youngest was still snoozing, but the oldest says, "Hey Grammy, where you been?" I'm like, "How long have you been up?" He says, "I don't know, but I ate pop tarts. The box is empty." I said, "Baby, why didn't you go tell Gaming Geek to call Grammy." He says, "Gaming Geek is here." I felt so bad! That baby thought he was by himself! He was just sitting in his recliner chillaxing, eating pop tarts, and drinking Ginger Ale for breakfast...waiting on Grammy to get back. How grown up is that! I told him that I would NEVER leave him by himself, but the little rascal didn't want to come with Grammy. When he figured out Gaming Geek was home, he wanted to go chill with him. I went back to school, helped out in the office some more, helped Thrifty Girl fill out paper work for the Central Office, then came home and cooked my babies a huge lunch. They ate it up, then I brought them ova to a friends house with Thrifty Girl and they enjoy an afternoon in the pool. They came home starving, but the Grams had them a huge supper all ready. Now they are set up for another night of fun with Mario and Luigi. I'm fixing to go and make them a "Brownie Ala Mode" for a nighttime treat. They are some special. I just love these kids!
Chilling on the porch with the Grams. That my little man!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back to School

Okay, so I started back to school today. No I do NOT get paid for this day; however, we have a lot to do before the kids show up on August 8th. With basically a new administration "thrown" in place, we have a lot of unknowns to deal with. Today, I spent the whole morning in the gym sorting school supplies. We literally had school supplies spread all over the gym floor. We had to take each grade level's list, sort supplies into teacher class stacks. Realize that is school supplies for 550 students. Ugh! Crazy I tell you. I also spent a good part of the morning breaking down boxes to put in the dumpster. We finally "hung it up" at 2PM then I went to my classroom to help Thrifty Girl copy lesson plans. We left right when the 3PM bell rang. I will go back tomorrow to work some more. I have a list of things to do....Meet with the Guidance Counselor to set up schedules at BJHS, work on transliterator schedules, order supplies for my classroom from SPED, get with my supervisor over personel matter...we need another transliterator, clean out IEP folders, get attendence charts ready. That is all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there is more. After we left school, the boys and I came home for a little relaxin. I laid in the bed and rested, and the boys played their games. At 5:30 PM, I took the boys over to a friends house to swim. I enjoyed our vist. Another friend walked over and visited also. It was a good time. The boys were entertained and I had some girl time. The boys got out the pool at 8PM, we came home, I cooked them supper, now we are chillaxing again. They really ate well. I will fix them a "special dessert" later. Overall, I think this was a very productive day. I feel good. :)
"I have to potty Grammy!" Um, Cheesy Super Hero needs to be taught how to "tee tee" outside. Grammy will have to teach him!

Yay! Now you got it!

Fun, Fun, Fun!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Long day at Ochsner's.

Phew, what a day. I went to NOLA to bring my Aunt to see a new urologist. She hasn't been feeling her self lately, and I am so glad we went. She was very thorough and supremely informative. Theboys had to come with us, but I am so proud of them....they were so good. My Aunt's appt. was at 2 PM. We didn't get in to see the doctor until 4 PM. We didn't leave NOLA until 6 PM. We are now home and ready for a night of ice cream, games, and the Wii!
Leaving Ochsner's we had to stop by the fountain. What is it about a fountain that kids just love?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Where is your hair?!

Precious Princess went off the deep in for sure. Last week, my babies day care had an infestation of lice. As usual, she freaks out, and to make sure they are lice free, she gave them a buzz cut. Good thing they live in a military town and thank God she had 2 boys. :)
Hairless, but still the two cutest boys in the world.

Cheesy Super Hero's favorite Super Hero is Batman. He spotted the only Batman cupcakes in the bakery. He hugged them, then put them in the basket. I just didn't have the heart to say "no." I'm such a push over.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

I'm sick.

What is wrong with Sue? Sue is not feeling too good. I am in a emotional melt down over the happenings at our school, which I think is causing me to be physically sick. What is happening at school you might be wondering? Well, since this blog is on the web, I do not want to divulge the details, but our principal of 10 years has been "transferred" to our Central Office, our vice principal has been promoted to principal, we have a new secretary, and rumors and gossip (some true) indicate rough times ahead for our faculty and staff. I have had my principal on my mind lately, so I went to see him yesterday morning - just to check on him. That is when I found out the news that he is no longer our principal. I have only had 2 bosses my entire career. I like our new principal, but it is just sad our long time principal is gone. The circumstances surrounding his "transfer" are very unfortunate, but he is okay with it. My phone has been "blowing up" like crazy since the news broke out. I literally havehad to put my phone on silent to get some rest from the "questions" and to screen my calls. I spoke with a really good friend this morning that is aware of the situation. Talking to her has made me feel much better, but I know we have more rough times ahead. All of this has made me sick. Of course I am also questioning God. Why didn't I get that new job? Why do I have to go through all of this God? This school means the world to me. It has been my second home for 20 years. The people who have worked here are like family. Why couldn't I just leave and remember the good times and not be involved in this mess? I really do not know why this is happening, but I guess I will perservere through it.
On the home front, my grandbabies are coming to spend 2 weeks with the Grammy. They will take all the worries off of my mind. I'm sure I will be posting lots of pics to share with everyone. Everyone, keep me and our faculty and staff at BES in your prayers....we will all need it.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


A friend of mine sent this to me.....I laughed so hard I bout peed on myself!
Ugh! Still raining!

Geez Louise!

I know it is hard to tell in this pic, but the lightning is popping, thunder rumbling, the wind is blowing causing branches to fall on my mobile home from the two big trees overhead, and I am suddenly thinking that maybe I should have bought a house boat to live in.
 I read the other day that 3/4 of the US is in a severe drought. Well people, here in South LA we are NOT in a drought. Thank goodness my little grass cutting boy came yesterday to cut the grass, because it was the only day in the last 2 weeks that my yard did not have standing water AND it did not rain. Shoot! I  had plans for tonite! At this point I cannot even leave the house!!! Ugh! Waaaaaaah!!!!

PS: I shouldn't not taken that pic.....I see my son did not take his tires off of my porch.....Grrrrrrrr!!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm all better now! :)

Yea, I'm over the disappointment of not getting my "dream job." I do like the job I'm in; I do make good money; I have an awesome group of ladies to help; student's who give me 100% most of the time -ha;  and let's face it, I need to be thankful I even have a job. So, I picked up my "hanging lip", and started preparing myself for another year in the trenches (i.e. public school system). "Thrifty Girl", who finally got a teaching position in St. Mary, went to see her classroom for the first time. Her exact words were, "It's a closet mom. Somehow, I am supposed to fit 25 students in the closet (classroom)." I just reminded her that if she made it through last year, she can teach anyone, anywhere. She was in the "real trenches" last year. She is going clear out her classroom in the "real trenches" tomorrow. She still hasn't decided on what to do about a place to live. She is still hanging out over here. I guess that will fall into place somehow. I will start going to school for a half a day starting next week. And, I need to interject here. To all those lovely people who think teachers are over paid, I will NOT be getting paid to go to school. My actual first paid day back at school is August 6, 2012. Just saying!

On the home front, "Precious Princess" called and the day care "Happy Handsome Helper" and "Cheesy Super Hero" attends is infested with LICE! eeeeeeeeeeek!!!! She called me in a mad panic today! She has decided not to send them back this week, so she will be taking them to work with her. Geez! She shaved off their hair :(. I was so sad! I had them scheduled to get hair cuts down here before school starts. I guess "Happy Handsome Helper" will have to "wow" the girls with his "military cut" instead of his swanky "Justin Bieber cut."

OK, I have played with this blog enough today. The things you do when you are bored...HA! I'm out. Getting out of this house for a while! Nite !

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Enough is Enough.

Ok, I have had enough of this sitting around moping cuz I didn't get the job. I have spent this entire weekend "thinking," searching, seeking God's will. I do not know why, but for some reason he wants me at BES another year. This will be my 20th year. I just cannot see me seeking a new job 3 weeks before school starts; therefore, I will tough it out one more year in Hearing Impaired, finish my degree, and take up my cause to seek out my dreams next year. As my youngest would say, "Way to go Sue!" Time to put it behind me and go out and enjoy what I have left of my first summer vacation in 11 years.....:)!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Now What?

Ok, I'm still pouting, but I'm trying very hard not to. I've been thinking about what I should do. I'm not a "sit around and wait" kinda girl, but maybe I should just sit tight some more. Keep waiting on God to show me the way. Keep my eyes out for opportunity. Ugh! I'm getting impatient! I know I'm not suppose to wait on God to drop it in my lap. I know I need to put some effort into it, so I checked on the TeachLouisiana.net site again. Low and behold their are two positions open that I would be interested in. One is another Ed Diagnostician position in St. John the Baptist Parish, which is near New Orleans. I would love to live in New Orleans. The salary is $70K...about 11- 12K more than what I am making now. It is a 10 month position, working 7.5 hours a day. The other is an IDEA Specialist with the Orleans Parish School Board. The job description is quite intersting. Looks like you are pretty much in charge of dealing with making sure that the Federal Programs for SPED students are in place and running as expected. Nice salary...$88K....about 29-30K more than I'm making now. What is nice about both of them is that it is one job. I won't have to work a part time job to make my money. My teaching salary here in St. Mary is 53K, then I add another 6K for After School Care, but I have to work until 5:30 everyday. It would be nice to get off early and get a nice salary to boot. The kicker is the cost of living. My morgage is almost paid off. I live 2 minutes from school. If I would take either of those jobs at this point, I would have to rent a place and move or drive an hour and a half to work everyday. At first I would have to drive, so my gas bill would be astronomical $20 a day = $100 a week = $400 a month minimum = $4,000 a year .....still would be worth it, but 3 hour drive everyday...that would be hard. I also looked into an extended day hotel. I could prolly get a room for 4 days a week at $40 a day = $160 a week (come home on weekends) = $540 a month. This option would save on gas, wear and tear on my vehicle, and time traveling. This would also not obligate me to a lease (just in case I do not like the job). However, if I quit St. Mary now (3 weeks before school), not only would they take a chunk outta my check for breaking my contract right before school starts, I could not return here to work, so I better like the new job...HA. However, traveling back and forth for a year would give me an opportunity to find a nice place to live. My other option, is just to stay in St. Mary one more year, make my 20 years in this parish, finish up my Specialist Degree, and plan for a move next year. Starting a new job and trying to finish that degree would be difficult. One or both would suffer.  Ugh! So frustrating! I'm so ready for a change, but God has slammed the door. Should I apply for those 2 jobs? Gosh.....I don't know. I need to decide by tomorrow. The job in Orleans Parish application deadline in July 17th and the one in St. John application deadline is July 26th. I'll think on it some more, but I think I know what God wants me to do. I said I THINK.

Friday, July 13, 2012

I know I'm wining, BUT.................

I read somewhere that it is a good thing to write where you want your life to be in 5 years, then place it in a bottle and place a cork on it. Open the bottle in 5 years to see if your dreams have come true. Well, at this point, I have no clue where the hell I may be. I know where I would like to be, but it seems so far fetched I feel stupid writing it down. Not that I am one to want an unrelistic life, but it just seems so impossible for some reason. I've lived my whole life dreaming, but for some reason me and God do not see eye to eye on my life. Not that his direction has been bad for me, it has been all good. God has had to fix my mess many times. Maybe his direction was not fun at the moment he slammed the door in my face that I thought I wanted, but eventually I see why he shut the door. However, just once, I would like to be on the same page as God. It is definately not that I do not seek his guidance....I do, but for some reason, it seems like he always says "No!" Then I'm like the rebellious teen who stomps their foot, has a "hissy fit", then eventually calms down and says, ok...... your right. Why do I always seem to dream big? Why do I over-analyze my life? I aggravate myself sometime. Why can't I just take things as they come, and  accept them as they are? Why do I always seem to try to read between the lines? Maybe God wants me to do this. Maybe God wants me to do that. Maybe God brought this person into my life for this reason. Maybe! Maybe! Maybe! Why is it always Maybe! Grrrrrrr! Why can't I know for sure this is where I should be, what I should be doing, etc, etc, etc. Why is life so damn complicated? I know I sound like a big baby, but seriously people, I'm tired. For once I would like to dream, and my dream be in God's plan, and it come to pass. Just once. Poo! I don't feel like writing my message for the bottle.........I'm really in the mood to just say to ("beep")  with it....live day to day, don't think about tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Suspense Over...............

Well, I didn't get the job. I'm not going to discuss why I think I didn't get the job, but lets just say that it is politics in the school system as usual. Que, Sera, Sera.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

But I'm just loving you Grammy!

Ok, going home tomorrow. My body needs healing from my little one. He uses me as a pillow. See below. Here we are laying in the bed watching TV. Notice the knees in the second pic. I have bruises all over my back. When I scream because he is hurting me, he says, "But I'm just loving you Grammy!" Now how in the hell do you fuss after that statement! I know these photos are not the most glamorous of me (I look like a beached whale), but I had to post this. I just love these boys!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Rain, Rain, Went Away! Yay!

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

OMG! It has rained the last 3 days in a row! Not a good thing when you have 2 small boys in the house. The 5 years old loves to wrestle. He is constantly jumping on everybodies back. He just can't help it, but he knees and elbows me to death. When I scream in pain, he hugs me and says, "I'm just loving you Grammy!" Now how in the world can you fuss with that logic. Anyway, we are trying to outwait the rain today. I need to take them swimming to burn off this energy.

Three more days until I find out if I got the job I applied for. My friend tried to find out some scoop, but she said they are being very "hush, hushed" about it. I have gone back and forth on my feelings. One day I'm thinking...there is no way I didn't get the job....I have the most education, the most experience, the most varied experience, supervisory experience. The interview went well, my write up was excellent....they can't possibly over look all of that. Then I think about all the gossip....how they have to hire a certain race....hmph! Then I think, goodness.....I will be the highest paid because of all my education. With budget cuts everywhere, maybe my education hurts me more than helps me. I had a friend move to Georgia. She could not get a job in the public school system....seems they couldn't afford her. For what they would have paid for her expertise, they could have hired two brand new teachers. So much for bettering yourself. I'ma go home Wednesday I guess.

OMG I'm going stir crazy!!!!! Go away rain!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012