Friday, July 13, 2012

I know I'm wining, BUT.................

I read somewhere that it is a good thing to write where you want your life to be in 5 years, then place it in a bottle and place a cork on it. Open the bottle in 5 years to see if your dreams have come true. Well, at this point, I have no clue where the hell I may be. I know where I would like to be, but it seems so far fetched I feel stupid writing it down. Not that I am one to want an unrelistic life, but it just seems so impossible for some reason. I've lived my whole life dreaming, but for some reason me and God do not see eye to eye on my life. Not that his direction has been bad for me, it has been all good. God has had to fix my mess many times. Maybe his direction was not fun at the moment he slammed the door in my face that I thought I wanted, but eventually I see why he shut the door. However, just once, I would like to be on the same page as God. It is definately not that I do not seek his guidance....I do, but for some reason, it seems like he always says "No!" Then I'm like the rebellious teen who stomps their foot, has a "hissy fit", then eventually calms down and says, ok...... your right. Why do I always seem to dream big? Why do I over-analyze my life? I aggravate myself sometime. Why can't I just take things as they come, and  accept them as they are? Why do I always seem to try to read between the lines? Maybe God wants me to do this. Maybe God wants me to do that. Maybe God brought this person into my life for this reason. Maybe! Maybe! Maybe! Why is it always Maybe! Grrrrrrr! Why can't I know for sure this is where I should be, what I should be doing, etc, etc, etc. Why is life so damn complicated? I know I sound like a big baby, but seriously people, I'm tired. For once I would like to dream, and my dream be in God's plan, and it come to pass. Just once. Poo! I don't feel like writing my message for the bottle.........I'm really in the mood to just say to ("beep")  with day to day, don't think about tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.  

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